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America’s maritime claims report published in the South China Sea, Foreign Ministry of

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America’s maritime claims report published in the South China Sea, Foreign Ministry of

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Of America published in the South China sea maritime claims reports Foreign Ministry response | dispute _ news

  Q: United States State Department recently published entitled "maritime boundary-and China's maritime claims in the South China Sea." China had any comment on the report?

Answer: the claims related to China's sovereignty in the South China Sea and is formed gradually in the long course of history, and for the history of the Chinese Government's long-term adherence. China has always been committed to working with the parties concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law, through direct negotiations and friendly consultations, and sort out some parts of the Nansha Islands reefs South China Sea territorial disputes and maritime interests overlapping claims problem. United States report ignores the basic facts and international law, contrary to its position in the South China Sea issue should not, without choosing sides commitment, does nothing to solve the dispute of South China Sea and the South China Sea regional peace and stability. China urges the US side to honor its commitments, discreet, objective and fair way and deal with the related issues.

Asked by a reporter after the meeting:

  Asked: it was reported that South Africa's President Jacob Zuma said on 7th, China will help the African Union to establish a rapid reaction force to improve crisis response capacity. Please confirm.

A: China has always been a constructive participant in peace and security in Africa. In recent years, said the AU's peacekeeping operations in Somalia, Mali and other countries offers the best possible support and assistance. Setting up crisis response the rapid reaction force and a standing army of Africa, Africa African solutions to African problems, another attempt, firm support of China. In October, the framework of the China-au strategic dialogue held first round of peace dialogue on security grouping, China supports the construction of Africa's rapid reaction forces and other peace and security cooperation were discussed. China is ready to continue to support the AU and African subregional organizations and the African States to preserve their peace and security efforts.

  Asked: it was reported that on 8th, meeting in Lima, United Nations climate change conference organized by the European Research Institute climate analysis jointly developed a report suggesting that recently, China and the United States, the EU commitments on limiting greenhouse gas emissions will help to slow the pace of global warming this century, but further efforts are still needed. China have any comment on that?

Answer: responding to the challenge of climate change requires prolonged and concerted efforts by the international community. States should be under the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, in accordance with "common but differentiated responsibility" principle, the principle of fairness and the principle of respective capabilities, best, and make its due contribution. Current action is the key to the full realization by 2020 goal and further strengthened by 2020 emissions cuts, laying the Foundation for the 2015 deadline to reach a new agreement.

As a responsible big developing country, China carried out a lot of adaptation and mitigation. In 2013, China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP from 2005 28.5%, equivalent to about 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. According to a World Bank study, 1990-2010, China's cumulative energy-saving global 58%. These achievements, the international community have witnessed. By 2020, China will strive to achieve carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP from 2005 goal of reducing 40% to 45%. China will strive to achieve said recently that after 2020 goal, in order to make greater contribution to addressing climate change.

(Original title: December 9, 2014, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei held a regular press conference)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

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