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3 years has spent nearly 300 million Yuan to promote South-South cooperation on climate change

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3 years has spent nearly 300 million Yuan to promote South-South cooperation on climate change

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3 years has spent nearly 300 million Yuan to promote South-South cooperation on climate change climate change | _ news

Xinhuanet, Lima, December 8 (reporters Zhao Yan and Chen Weihua)-head of the delegation of China at the Lima Conference on climate change, Xie Zhenhua, Deputy Director of the national development and Reform Commission said on 8th, and climate change pose severe challenges to human survival and development requires the international community to strengthen cooperation to deal with. In the framework of South-South cooperation, China, together with other developing countries improve the capacity to respond to climate change, and promoting South-South cooperation to address climate change.

Xie Zhenhua attended the "seminar on South-South cooperation to address climate change", introduced China's achievements in recent years in the fight against climate change. He said that China, as the largest developing country in the world per capita resource poor, complex climatic conditions, a fragile ecological environment. Face should climate changes of severe situation, we strengthened low carbon development of top layer design, adjustment economic and industry structure, optimization energy structure, vigorously promoted energy consumption products, carried out variety form of low carbon pilot demonstration, established carbon emissions right trading market, developed national adapted climate changes strategy, will development economic, and improved livelihood and should climate changes, and protection environment organic combines, 2013 China units domestic production total carbon dioxide emissions than 2005 cumulative declined 28.56%, 24% of the world's installed capacity for renewable energy generators, save the plantation area ranks first in the world.

In addition, since 2014, China has promulgated and implemented the national plan to address climate change (2014-2020), which defined the major tasks and policy measures. In November, China announced after 2020 climate change targets, and plans to reach carbon dioxide emissions peak around 2030 and early, and by 2030 rising share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20%. Xie Zhenhua said: "we are promoting green, low-carbon and sustainable development some harvest, have accumulated some experience. We will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with all parties to promote progress in the work on climate change, and make its due contributions to global efforts to combat climate change. ”

He also said China has vigorously promoted South-South cooperation to address climate change. 2011, the Chinese Government today for 270 million Yuan (about 44 million US dollars) for the implementation of South-South cooperation to address climate change, by giving away the way of energy saving and low-carbon products and training for capacity-building, provide whatever assistance and support to developing countries.

Xie Zhenhua said that China is an active advocate of South-South cooperation and a faithful practitioner of, has actively supported and participated in various areas of South-South cooperation. XI Jinping at the G20 Summit and other multilateral diplomacy has repeatedly said that China is willing to strengthen cooperation with different countries, work together to promote and actively respond to climate change. The UN climate summit in September of this year, Zhang gaoli, Deputy Prime Minister announced that from next year onwards, on the basis of the existing double annual funding support, establishment of South-South cooperation fund on climate change.

Xie said in the future, China will work actively to fulfil these commitments. China will combine the needs of the States concerned, continue to provide in-kind support to developing countries; training exchanges, strengthen the building of human resources; establishment of South-South cooperation fund on climate change; building "on climate change to promote South-South cooperation platforms".

Helen Clark, the administrator of the United Nations development programme, the United Nations Environment Programme Executive Director Achim Steiner, the Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on climate change, kelisidina·feigeleisi and other senior officials of the United Nations agencies, as well as some developing countries ' Ministers to attend the opening ceremony of the seminar and ministerial dialogue.

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