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The Moon, day and night, room 27

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The Moon, day and night, room 27(月宫一昼夜,人间27天)

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| Moon Palace one day and night room 27 days | | scientists _ round the clock news

Moon's medical examination


The Moon is an egg-shaped structure, including the shell (Moon shells), egg white (Moon curtain) and egg yolk (month nuclear) in three parts. According to the detection, no global dipole magnetic field of the Moon, in other words, don't use compass points North, South, East on the moon. This description of the Moon is already cured.


The Moon is essentially a sphere, the average diameter of about 3,476-kilometer. Earth's diameter is 3.6 times times that of the Moon, the volume is equivalent to 49 months ball. If you compared the Earth to an orange, the Moon only cherry. 38 million square kilometers of surface area of the Moon, which is about 4 times times the land area of China.


The quality of the moon about 7,490 tonnes, equivalent to the one-eighty first of the Earth, the surface gravity of Earth one-sixth. Hercules can lift 100 kilograms barbell on Earth, on the Moon might not be able to lift 600 kilograms of objects on Earth.


The moon revolves around the Earth, sometimes near, sometimes far, at perigee recently about 360,000-kilometer, apogee the farthest is about 400,000-kilometer, the average distance is about 384,400-kilometer, equivalent to walk around the Earth's equator, 10 laps.


Because of no atmosphere on the Moon pass heat, temperature varies, day where the Sun was at a maximum temperature of up to 123 ° c, and at night, temperatures will fall to around-233. Hotter than Flaming mountains on the Moon toward the surface, the dorsal face of the mountain is much colder than just, can be described as fire and ice are two different worlds.

Life experience

Many Moon mysteries, origin and age are the two biggest mysteries. Scientists believe that the Moon and Earth 4.6 billion years ago from a cosmic dust generated from Ethiopia, scientists thought otherwise, the Moon is the Earth's children, a piece may be separated out from the Pacific, as well as scientists to posit, that accidentally broke into the gravitational field of the Earth to the Moon, only to be locked into their current orbits. In addition, the analysis of rock samples brought back from the Moon, scientists found that 99% age older than the oldest rocks on Earth, is even older than the Earth to the Moon?

The Xinhua News Agency

Revealing the secrets of the Moon

"The moon lady, third" green "Jade Rabbit" Rovers for Lunar soft landing for the first time and moon patrol reconnaissance, surface topography and geological structure survey work and scientific exploration.

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite, by studying the Moon, can understand--that the Earth is the cradle of the formation and evolution of mankind. On the Moon, is rich in mineral resources, energy and environment, can be used as a powerful supplement when depletion of Earth's resources, while the Moon is also human deep space exploration outpost and running.

Why January ball "Lakes"?

Galileo based on illusion and naming months table

There is no air on the Moon, there is no life is a barren desert. It didn't exactly look like the Moon's surface as seen by the eye of the white jade-like stone, but pitted, uneven surfaces. Galileo used of low magnification telescopes when observing the Moon, bright areas and dark areas on the Moon, those bright areas are Highlands and mountains, dark areas who do not see what is what? Galileo thought, those dark areas appears to be quite similar to the oceans on Earth, maybe the Moon and the Earth has both mountains and Plains, both land and sea.

Galileo gave those dark areas like cloud names such as wetland, sea or ocean, small lakes or moor, and some "sea" came up to the land, according to the habits of the Earth called the Bay. Most sea located in front of the Moon, about one half of the face area, Ocean storm is one of the largest one, the equivalent of half of China's land area.

2 Why can't see the side of the Moon?

Synchronize only one direction of rotation of the Earth

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite, running around the Earth to 3,683-kilometer/h, a week orbiting around the Earth is 27.3 Earth Day. The Moon around the Earth, while the rotation cycle is 27.3 Earth Day. Rotates and orbits the same phenomenon known as "synchronous rotation".

The rotation at the same time as the moon revolves around a circle, so we could only see the front of the moon on the Earth, and never see the moon facing away from the other side of the Earth. On Earth is 24 hours a day, and one day on the moon on Earth, about the size of 27 days, 13 and a half days is a sun-drenched day, 13 and a half days are cold night.

3 why is the Moon causes tides?

Gravity forms for water and surface tension

One of the important effects of the moon on Earth is causing the tidal. In ancient China, water fluctuations occurred in daylight and at night are called the "boom" and "changing moods", collectively, the "tide".

Ancient ancestors of the relationship was already aware of the tides and the Moon, Wang Chong in the Eastern Han dynasty famous thinkers on the scale set out in: "Tao has also, along with the vicissitudes of the month", it is made clear that the tides and the Moon for the first time running about.

Gravity of the Moon and the solar gravity makes alternating daily fluctuations in sea level is relatively small, but the moon rose fell only once a day, why on Earth's tidal fluctuations twice? Assumed throughout Earth was seawater cover, away from Moon more near ground Shang of waters by Moon rally maximum, water will towards are on with Moon of that is gathered, and in Earth another side, moon on ground of rally to than on water of rally big, so waters in away from Moon most far of is also formed convex points, such Earth Shang on has tide, and NEAP two a Supreme waters points.

4 what wealth on the Moon?

Resource-rich supplement Earth

Moon retains its original state, research helps to understand the evolutionary history of the Earth to the Moon; Moon is the vacuum world, no atmosphere, the Moon build Astronomical Observatory can greatly enhance capacity; a high vacuum on the surface, actually support the Sun's radiation, and there is no global dipole magnetic field, is the space of physical chemistry experiment and an ideal place for life science experiments.

The moon has a variety of unique resources available for human development, characteristic of mineral resources and energy is important complement to the Earth's resources and reserves, has a profound impact on the sustainable development of human society.

According to scientific investigation proved, known mineral on the moon has more than 100 species, including 5 species on Earth has none. Rock is also rich in aluminum, magnesium, calcium, titanium, chromium, potassium, Silicon, sodium, manganese, scandium, vanadium, zirconium, niobium, oxygen levels in the Lunar soil 40%.

Particularly worth mentioning is that lunar regolith layer also contains rare helium-3 on Earth, this is a very important source of raw materials, helium-3 is a possible future long-term human use of novel fusion of clean, efficient, safe and cheap fuel, has broad prospects for development.

5 How to develop and use of the Moon?

Who first develop and who deli

China's lunar exploration program Chief Scientist Ouyang Ziyuan said that exploration of the Moon is a natural direction of development of science and technology, and will lead to the development of science and technology, wide and Lunar operations, involving defence, economic, political, and military needs, therefore the Moon attracted attention in the entire earth.

The Moon treaty signed by the United Nations, the moon doesn't belong to any country, but allows countries to exploitation. That is to say, the first development, the first profit. Ouyang Ziyuan said that the new century, the United States, Russia, Japan and ESA, such as China and India have made lunar new initiatives. In the intense international competition, China cannot simply remain silent and must be actively involved in, the Moon is a very useful thing, not money that can be measured.

Ouyang Ziyuan believes that, compared with other countries, China's lunar exploration project started late, but high starting point, there are certain advantages, not duplicate the work of others. However, we should also see, manned moon landing along with a lot of technical challenges, such as fuel, return capsule and Lander's butt.

Ouyang Ziyuan said that lunar exploration, moon landings and subsequent scientific studies nor the State can independently, so China is very much in favour of international science and technology cooperation in Moon's action.

Jinghua times, Shangxi Defense Science and Industry Council

(Original title: Moon one-night room 27 days)

December 02, 2013 The Beijing times(月宫一昼夜 人间27天|月宫|昼夜|科学家_新闻资讯


















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(原标题:月宫一昼夜 人间27天)


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