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The Beijing Health Bureau: fight against discrimination starts from medical institutions

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/2 10:08:20 Browse times: 257 Comment times: 0

The Beijing Health Bureau: fight against discrimination starts from medical institutions(北京卫生局:消除艾滋病歧视要从医疗机构做起)

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The Beijing Health Bureau: Elimination of discrimination AIDS to medical institutions from the start | | | Beijing Health Bureau of AIDS _ news

Reporter (reporter Fang fang) is World AIDS Day yesterday, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission recently XI Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party Beijing Municipal Committee on AIDS report issued instructions. Yesterday, the health system in the capital held a forum on studying and implementing General Secretary learned important instructions. Municipal public health Bureau said that starting from medical institutions, fight against social discrimination, and guarantee the rights of AIDS patients for medical care.

Yesterday, Fengtai District puhuangyu community health service centers of the small room is overflowing. A year ago, studied here, General Secretary of visiting AIDS patients, communicating with AIDS prevention volunteers. Yesterday, engaged in AIDS prevention and treatment of AIDS prevention volunteers medical workers, college students and people living with HIV/AIDS from the home of the Red Ribbon volunteer meeting again here, along with municipal health Bureau official, study and carry out the practice, General Secretary of the important instructions, common to eliminate social discrimination to contribute to HIV/AIDS.

Old Yang (a pseudonym), 2000, HIV infection, he now volunteers for the Ditan Hospital in Beijing home of Red Ribbon. "We learned studying General Secretary's instructions, this is very exciting. In 2005, I became a volunteer peer, who spend their free time for new infections. "When it comes to discrimination, old Yang said that discrimination in Beijing has improved over the past decade, but he hopes there is still disparity. "In a number of general hospitals, discrimination still exists, especially surgery. Although the country document requirements are not discriminated against, but still people living with a doctor's excuse for various reasons for the surgery. Eliminating social discrimination have some resistance, requires community efforts. ”

Beijing City University senior Daniel Chan Fang Yi was a college student volunteers, serving as in-school youth Red Ribbon society President. For 4 years, he was with capital of more than more than 40,000 college volunteers, AIDS prevention knowledge to the campus, building sites, communities. "Our advocacy is sometimes met with resistance, and some college teachers don't understand. I heard it has been opening relevant elective courses in colleges and universities, I think it should be in promoting AIDS prevention and treatment in University courses. ”

Puhuangyu community health center doctors, methadone clinic is now part of the Centre for health services, providing drug maintenance treatment for drug addicts. Methadone clinic now has introduced management of traditional Chinese medicine treatment program, an additional therapist, offers free psychological counseling.

City Health chief Fang Laiying said at the Symposium, in terms of AIDS prevention and control, Beijing achieved some measure of success, also supported by the national leadership. Late night studying health systems learn the important instructions of General Secretary, and studies are under way to implement them. XI General Secretary referred to in instructions: to mobilize social forces to participate actively to eliminate social discrimination, to provide timely and effective treatment and support for people living with HIV and patients, make them feel the warmth of the shehuizhuyidajiating. Fang Laiying, on combating social discrimination, medical institutions have to walk in front of society, lead the community to eliminate discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS and the sick.

(Original title: fight against discrimination starts from hospital)

(Edit: SN091)December 02, 2013 Beijing daily(北京卫生局:消除艾滋病歧视要从医疗机构做起|艾滋病|北京|卫生局_新闻资讯

  本报讯(记者 方芳)昨天是世界艾滋病日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日就《中共北京市委关于艾滋病防治工作情况的报告》作出重要指示。昨天,首都卫生系统举行座谈会,学习贯彻习总书记重要指示。市卫生局表示,要从医疗机构做起,消除艾滋病社会歧视,保证艾滋病患者的就医权利。








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