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Soviet Union had wanted to use atomic bombs blow up the Moon

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Soviet Union had wanted to use atomic bombs blow up the Moon(美苏曾想用原子弹炸月球)

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The Soviet Union had wanted to use the atomic bomb blast Atomic | | | detector to the Moon _ Lunar news

 "The Moon" review

Men on the Moon for scientific exploration and research began in the 1950 of the 20th century. In 1958, the United States and the Soviet Union began to launch a lunar probe. On July 20, 1969, the United States Astronaut Neil Armstrong's ride "Apollo 11th" spacecraft landed on the Moon, was careful to set foot on the Moon's surface, "one small step for man one giant leap for" quickly spread throughout the Earth.

Moon exploration is a very complex project with a high risk, according to the statistics, since 1958, the lunar exploration activities conducted a total of 129 times in the world, but the success rate is only 51%.

 1 peak (1958)

US-Soviet competition mass emission detector

From 1958 to 1976 during the cold war, United States and the Soviet Union had conducted a centered on lunar exploration in space science and technology race, United States launch pioneer 7 series in total 54 lunar probe, succeeded 35 times, success rates 65%; Soviet launching of 4-series 64-lunar probe, successfully 21 times, success rate of 32.8%.

Jiao weixin, a Professor of Earth and space sciences, Peking University College received Xinhua reporters to sum up, during this lunar exploration has 4 characters: the launch number, but the success rate is low; to achieve 5 methods of detection, namely overflights, landing and a soft landing, surrounded by sample return and manned.

This is the height of the man's first lunar exploration, Moon exploration binge, only positive about full moon the Moon area 5% area 9 location of sample return, the moon on the near side of the Moon patrol surveying the distance is only 37-kilometer, knowledge of the Moon is still quite limited and superficial.

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The Soviet Union ever bombed the Moon

Jiao weixin of the newly published book, the culture of the Moon and lunar exploration mentioned in the human Moon peak, opening subtitle "the Soviet Union wants to use atomic bombs blow up the Moon" look sensational.

Jiao weixin said this proposal does make, and have theoretical basis. United States scholars believe that large craters on the Moon or when a volcanic eruption, the resulting projectiles capable of penetrating the Earth's atmosphere and reach the Earth's surface, it is recommended that a missile hit the Moon, or detonating an atomic bomb on the moon. This proposal was not accepted, because once the launch failures, bombs exploded in the national territory, the consequences would be unthinkable.

In 1955, the Soviet Union began developing a lunar probe. Jiao weixin introduced, presented 4 programme, a programme which is detonated a small atom bomb on the Moon's surface, creating amazing visual effects and steam were exploded by remote sensing instruments of Lunar soil, obtain details of Lunar soil and surface composition of the moon. But solid model has terminated after completion of the programme, due to launch risky, worried about falling on the Earth.

 Some people think that the Moon is a scam

Starting from the early 60 's, the space race "winning standard" first moon landing. Although from the United States first on the Moon more than 40 years have passed, but some people think that the Moon is a scam.

Jiao weixin pointed out that people think the moon landings were hoax is one of the reasons United States astronauts on the lunar surface activity, lunar surface plug the United States flag a photo, display the flag at the "fluttering" and no air or wind on the Moon, so the picture is considered fraud.

"In fact is not the wind started blowing" Jiao weixin said, look, this flag is a bar at the top, this pole flag, flutters like it is not blown, but astronauts when the flag pole swings, precisely because there is no air on the Moon, there is no resistance, so this going on for a long time before they stopped.

Chinese lunar exploration program Chief Scientist Ouyang Ziyuan also think the moon landing was real in a lecture, and made a detailed explanation. He mentioned that 400 million people in more than 40 years the United States Space Agency confirmation about this question, but the United States space agency believes that this issue does not deserve an answer. Ouyang Ziyuan, the debate has generated curiosity and knowledge of the Moon, is an unprecedented popular movement.

 2 period of silence (1977)

Unsuccessful launch of dedicated Lunar satellites

Jiao weixin said that from 1977 to 1993, humans are not successfully launches a satellite specifically designed to explore the Moon, so that the silence of the moon phase for more than 20 years.

This time moon why silence? Jiao weixin believes that one is a result of the Soviet-American competition, the two data analysis takes time, don't come up with a new clear scientific objectives before and, moreover, after the Apollo program, United States interests shifted to development of the space shuttle and Mars, the Soviet Union turned to space station construction. In 1990 Japan launch "flying" without Moon orbiter probe results.

 3 renewal period (early 1994)

More States join "Club lunar exploration"

1994 United States its unmanned lunar probe launch Clementine, the main task is to validate new technologies, drawing monthly tables of three-dimensional topography, measure the Moon's surface chemical abundances and distributions. The following years, Japan, Europe, China and India also become members of the detection Club, Korea and other countries eager to propose Moon exploration program, human lunar exploration enthusiasm began to recover.

Second round of lunar exploration activities a total of 11 times, 1 of them failed, 1 partial success, they are all successful, success is greatly improved, showed Lunar technology great leaps and bounds.

Dang Clementine bistatic radar system carried by electromagnetic waves launched into the South Pole station when receiving a reflected echo from the Earth, Earth receives electromagnetic wave characteristics of water, human beings there may be evidence of water on the Moon for the first time, brings unexpected surprises to Lunar scientists.

 4 revival (2007-present)

Recent studies confirm that the moon has an atmosphere

Jiao weixin of 2007 as a watershed in the new era of lunar exploration, arguing that the period is mainly characterized by widespread adoption of new technologies, including launch vehicle technology, navigation and communication technology and detection technology.

"Moon Goddess robbed" Jiao weixin introduction, Japan in 2007, launched its first lunar exploration satellite "Moon Goddess", open since the United States Apollo program most technologically complex, the largest in the world after the Moon exploration plan and cost us $ 478 million.

On September 7 this year, United States launch "Lunar atmosphere and dust environment detector" (LADEE), Mesosphere to explore the Moon's atmosphere and dust around, carrying dust detectors, spectrometers, ultraviolet and visible light spectrometers, and laser communication technology proficiency testing.

"For a long time people have the idea that the moon has no atmosphere, but recent studies have confirmed that the moon has an atmosphere", Jiao weixin introduction, compared with that of the Earth, the Moon's atmosphere is very thin, and composed of neutral gas from unusual. Jiao weixin pointed out that most primary sources and formation processes in the Moon's atmosphere is not clear. Jinghua times, Shangxi

(Original title: the Soviet Union had wanted to use atomic bombs blow up the Moon)

December 02, 2013 The Beijing times(美苏曾想用原子弹炸月球|原子弹|月球|探测器_新闻资讯




  1 高峰期(1958年至1976年)















  2 寂静期(1977年至1993年)




  3 恢复期(1994年至21世纪初)





  4 新热潮(2007年至今)








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