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Lunar Rover will always be the Moon, Chief Engineer, afraid to steal the secret

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/2 10:03:26 Browse times: 322 Comment times: 0

Lunar Rover will always be the Moon, Chief Engineer, afraid to steal the secret(月球车将永留月球,总工程师称不怕被窃密)

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Rovers will always be afraid to steal the secret, Chief Engineer | | Moon Goddess of the Moon _ third | engineers news

China Aerospace to date will be completed the most difficult task, needs seven banks

According to Xinhua today, 1:30, long March carrying Chang, third third b rocket fire, successfully launched, as of press time, Chang, third have entered a perigee altitude of 200 km and an apogee of about 380,000 km from earth-moon transfer orbit.

It is understood that the Chinese lunar exploration program by a lunar exploration satellite systems, rocket systems, launch systems, measuring and control system and ground application system composed of five systems.

Launches b Chang, third is the long third, improved rocket. The rocket first dual laser inertial measurement unit with satellite navigation amendments guidance mode, ensuring precise satellite into orbit.

According to the National Defense Science and Industry Council spokesman Ng Chee-kin, introduced to become immortal, the third is by far the most complex in China Aerospace, the most difficult task, key technology, technology to conquer large spans, high risk. Moon exploration is a very complex and highly risky projects, according to the statistics, as of now, not including Chang, third, conducted a total of 129 lunar exploration activities in the world. Among them, the United States 59, 64, the former Soviet Union, Japan and China all 2 times, ESA and India 1, succeed or succeeded 66 times, falling 63 times, the success rate is only 51%.

Chang, third, faces a huge difficulty 7 requires over 7 "banks", including multiple narrow width of a window on-time launch, Lunar soft landing, months away, two players separation operation, lunar surface survival, tracking telemetry command and communication, experimental verification on the ground.

For the most critical "Moon" for this part, faced three major difficulties: the first is a smooth landing, followed by adapt to Lunar Rover on the Moon's surface topography and the third is the Rovers must be able to withstand temperature as high as more than 300 degree Celsius heat in the cold.

Wu Weiren, Chief Designer of China's lunar exploration engineering:

Detector with a flag on the moon will be passed back to the photo

According to Xinhua News Agency yesterday, Wu Weiren, Chief Designer of China's lunar exploration engineering told Xinhua in an exclusive interview, revealed that on both the Rover and Lander had a red flag, but not necessarily be inserted above the moon.

Wu Weiren said that after the probe landed, walking down the Rover, Rover and Lander, respectively the camera would shoot each other. Finally, wants to bring up a red flag (photo) shot back to back.

 Use Moon energy

Short term temporary fail to achieve

Reporter: "Chang-third" in the area of development and utilization of lunar resources what are the tasks? How far are we from Moon's abundant resources?

Wu Weiren: we would like to achieve the project objectives on the one hand, on the one hand is the scientific goals. We configured several scientific payloads, first configure the month based optical telescopes, celestial bodies on the moon. We see celestial bodies on the planet, the research study on the solar system, the universe, or a planet, we had a great influence on the Earth's atmosphere. Because the moon has no atmosphere, so on top of it is a "through train", clarity is very high. Second, the Moon 14 days, 14 nights, a lunar day is equivalent to 28 of our earth day, so it's in the same place for a long time observing a celestial body or region, this awareness of the known solar system, objects of great scientific value. Then there is the Lunar laser radar, allows you to explore the range of 30 meters to 100 meters on the Moon, we have to observe the Moon's composition, these are scientific goals.

As regards energy, according to Americans and our tower "first", "Chang-second" scientific exploration results, do think helium 3 is relatively abundant on the moon. Of course many metals, and chemical elements not found on Earth. But to achieve detection, acquisition, transport, return of the helium-3 is a great deal of scientific problems, is not achievable in the short term.

 Lander Rovers

Back afraid to steal the secret

Reporter: will the tower ", third" after the task is completed, Rover and Lander will always remain on the Moon, netizens are concerned about both "baby" 's whereabouts. There are above belongs to our nation's secrets will be stolen.

Wu Weiren: current design goals are, the lander on the Moon for one year, Lunar Rover on the Moon for three months. Of course, we hope it can achieve this life and hope beyond this life, like the tower "second." "The moon lady, second" design working time is six months, and now has more than three years, and flies to 62 million kilometers to go, if nothing else, around 17 years you can also return to Earth, as it now is the artificial asteroid orbiting the Sun.

High-tech, secret things on the Moon is also okay, and no one is able to detect it or steal it, we don't have such worries, without this necessary. And this situation is unlikely to have, after a long, perhaps a State launches probe, it is at the same location or near, far surely can't go, so you don't have to worry about a leak problem.

Luan enjie, Sun jiadong, Ouyang Ziyuan – goddess of the "iron triangle" on the Moon

  After a number of years the Moon communications will bring convenience

According to Xinhua today, "Chang-girl" fly to the Moon, there are three old men invariably come to see her off. They are China's lunar exploration project, "Chang-first" Director Luan enjie, the China lunar exploration project "change first" Sun jiadong, Chief Designer of Chinese lunar exploration project, "Chang-first" applied sciences Chief Scientist Ouyang Ziyuan. Known as Chang "iron triangle". Let us listen to the three Lunar spirit "watchmen" message.


Not for the people that go too far, we will not leave

Reporter: United States 1969 to achieve a manned moon landing, Moon exploration in China how to make a difference?

Luan enjie: we want international cooperation, technology does not give, can only be based on self-reliance and hard work. Indeed, the United States has put a human on the moon. If we don't go because others go far, that our space, deep space can only be looked at others, the Chinese were not as.

Reporter: spaceflight, lunar exploration such cutting-edge technology to benefit people's livelihood?

Luan enjie: scientific progress and the people's lives, just a matter of time. We now Beidou navigation engineering, GPS in China, is to demand that led technology advances, technology directly linked to people's livelihood. Over a number of years, Moon communications system will bring convenience to human life.


Success can "walk before sunset"

Reporter: 2004 Lunar project when you are 75 years old. In the short space of three years, completed China's first lunar probe, pressure like?

Sun jiadong: the moon as the first step towards deep space exploration is not easy, there was only until United States, (former) Soviet Union and a small number of countries involved. This is a huge project, any one link has the right of veto. A wire, a device, a blueprint, not to mention the error, how many kind of unlikely to cause significant problems. Despite the pressure, but also with confidence. Where is the confidence-building? On confidence-building in China's aerospace team. After decades of training, growth, people for aerospace excellence, tried by all means to bring their products to do well.

Reporter: "Chang, third" probe over 80% new research and technology, "the moon lady, third," what was the biggest technical difficulty?

Sun jiadong: the real difficulty is to be accurate down to the celestial body other than the Earth. Moon has no air, need a variable thrust engine and gradually slows down. During landing, the detector will hover at some point, observe the fall of the Moon's surface. If surface is bad can be amended again, find a flat, this is the hover-avoidance. Detectors are required during hover to see clearly, judge very quickly. After you select a good location, and then fall.

"The moon lady, third" successful not successful is to see "the moon lady" can you "before sunset", "rabbit" could the Moon "walk up" visits survey. "The moon lady, third" new things more natural tackling difficult, more difficult to focus on something new.

Ouyang Ziyuan:

Rainbow Bay because there is a moon landing the space research

Reporter: "Chang-third" preselected landing zone, Rainbow Bay, what is the value of scientific research?

Ouyang Ziyuan: landing zone first of all good communication; the second Sun is better; III the study of scientific problems are four relatively flat; other countries haven't been up v. United States and Soviet lunar exploration to more places are near the Moon's equator, don't have much higher latitudes. Rainbow Bay is the gap in the study of the moon. We would like to know where the knowledge. For example, there are causes of what rocks, what, how.

Reporter: why now many countries to speed up the pace of exploration?

Ouyang Ziyuan: first of all, the moon has an abundance of energy. Such as solar and helium-3. Day one month is equivalent to half a month on Earth, can lay a variety of solar magnetic sheet, after transforming solar energy into electric energy on the moon to the Earth. The resource has more than 1 million tons of helium-3 on the moon. Extremely rich mineral resources of the Moon, such as uranium and thorium ores, rare earths, and Titanium Ore.

In addition, the temperature is great, there is no atmosphere on the moon. Such a special environment for new materials or biological product research and development. Detection of water on the Moon right now, it's a trendy thing.

(Edit: SN091)December 02, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, Express News(月球车将永留月球 总工程师称不怕被窃密|月球|嫦娥三号|工程师_新闻资讯


  据新华社电 今天1时30分,搭载着嫦娥三号的长征三号乙运载火箭点火发射,顺利升空,截至记者发稿时,嫦娥三号已进入近地点高度200公里、远地点高度约38万公里的地月转移轨道。












































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