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JI jianye father-in-law was revealed as a former senior government official of Jiangsu, had asked to take care of their son

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/2 9:59:25 Browse times: 314 Comment times: 0

JI jianye father-in-law was revealed as a former senior government official of Jiangsu, had asked to take care of their son(季建业岳父被曝为江苏前高官,曾要求关照其女婿)

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JI jianye father-in-law was revealed as a former senior government official of Jiangsu had requested to take care of their son-in-law | JI jianye | nose hairs | _ news

Review: on Friday, the Jiangsu provincial people's Congress vote, decided to remove JI jianye NPC representative qualification. In accordance with established practice, the former Mayor of Nanjing for suspected serious disciplinary offences, next will face the judgment of the judiciary.

Available information suggests that JI jianye Lok involving a large number of the local merchant, or to trade power for money-related. From scenery unlimited of a city of long to downfall of prisoner, if can near distance observation JI jianye of officialdom career, the has boasted in late at night marking masses letter, and from not Secretary ghost writer of quarter Mayor, its in any of achievements settlement has many masses of actual problem, also obtained has part people of praise, but long-term not by supervision of heads status undoubtedly for he of personal acting style hit Shang has deep of branded. "Monopoly", "no room for objection" these habits JI jianye's body ever spread like a cancer, eventually made him slide to the right knot, leading the senior provincial official political career to an abrupt end when she was 56.

  Infrastructure for people's livelihood or for the money?

JI jianye last appeared in Beijing in March this year of the national meetings. At that time he had disclosed to the media: "no matter how busy, day, spent more than an hour late at night letters from the masses, often until one o'clock in the evening. "The quarter also said he provided" Mayor-mail "letter reply feedback must be within 5 days, we cannot let the" Mayor's mailbox "become a fool man prancing about. JI jianye was claiming that "every letter I letter from the masses, is reading in person, never the Secretary of a ghost writer. ”

Following years of senior media person Qiu Ning (a pseudonym), recently told the Beijing Youth daily, not all such statements are "ostentatious" and "when in Yangzhou, JI jianye like late at night in his hotel opened letters from the public, he personally opened the reading, not even touch the Secretariat, a habit he maintained to Nanjing. ”

According to Qiu Ning memories, Mayor to reflect the voices of the public, the season's most concerned about the housing problem. "Once a letter from a family poorer pupils, JI jianye photo mountain in Nanjing Metro shortly after addressing the child's affordable housing", it was widely publicized by people around him in the future, also as many people praise a work face to face.

But Qiu Ning also found that JI jianye does not seem to be cared for all livelihood problems can look like this--"precisely, for ' building ' outside issues should not to be too concerned." He disclosed that in Nanjing dismantle the West trunk roads and tunnels, the gateway to the North jiangdong road construction, plus a Yangtze River Bridge, the third bridge, four bridges and Cross-River tunnel to pay, so the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge became citizens in and out of downtown's main thoroughfare, and overcrowded, and blocked every day. View of the bridge, the third bridge, the second bridge is not part of the Government project, it was suggested that the City Government in that particular episode to temporarily free of Yangtze River tunnel (passage 15 Yuan/times), alleviate the congestion of bridge. At that time, the lobe, Deputy Mayor in charge of urban construction and transportation approved the proposal, but in the final decision making by the Mayor when JI jianye whether this programme.

Later it was suggested that free is not feasible, then municipal transport bus, Jiangbei and commuting time to and from the urban area, as a temporary bus reduce car travel. "The result, Vice Mayor of ice sheet once again approve, while JI jianye veto again." "Not just financial money making money this quarter jianye does not do. "Qiu Ning said. Results last year, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge daily explosions kill, became a scene of the local people could not bear to look at.

After JI jianye Lok, he left Nanjing for two "legacy", rain sewage diversion project has been suspended while daishan, square, granite, small village in four affordable housing project led directly to Lok Ma could be the cause. According to media reports, JI jianye build had 338 affordable housing apartment building, solve the housing problems of more than 17,000 households, however, their wives contacts of interest has to do with affordable housing developers.

 Qing culture against corruption is to pull the nails?

And then different in Nanjing, builds on the JI jianye in Yangzhou, has the support of the local population. Said Lynn Yangzhou people, 27, and her grandparents admired JI jianye, arguing that no JI jianye, Yangzhou is not now. Reign in Yangzhou, JI jianye intense sports rehabilitation, mainly in construction, became a national sanitary city in Yangzhou, the national environmental protection model city. North Green interview with a newspaper reporter in Yangzhou, but found that behind these beautiful works may still be dealing with corruption issues. Media reports have, listed companies, the first unit of domestic decorating industry Golden Mantis Fortune associated with JI jianye construction in Yangzhou, at present, Zhu Xingliang actual controller of the company, Jiangsu's richest man had been controlled by police for 4 months.

In addition, the end of 2006, dealt with high profile cases of illegal development of Yangzhou city, led by the former Secretary for planning, Zhang Jie, former Du Baohua, Secretary for housing management, more than 20 people, and Du Fu was later sentenced to 12 years ' imprisonment, 6 years, case has been a party to the dispute. North Green newspaper reporter in Yangzhou came into contact with a department-level officials who had been investigated and dealt with, in the eyes of the officials, quarter of the year, under the leadership of this "anti-corruption" was simply a "pull (eyes) nail."

According to reports, Zhang Jie and Du Baohua as early as in the late 80 's in Yangzhou municipal planning work, seniority is very old. When the Yangzhou city in 2001 by JI jianye after the Administration, the two men began to feel "tough".

One person Yangzhou official evaluation of Jason "distinct personality, work style of bold, daring to be led against". Because of this, on several occasions due to different planning ideas, against JI jianye them on public occasions. Also expressed on several occasions before Jason at Lok Ma Ji jianye irony – "don't understand the small quarter (urban planning)," "Du Baohua was ' create a health city ' campaign challenged city leaders select engineering, and a Deputy Mayor in charge of urban construction work there were contradictions".

Du Baohua family told Northern black newspaper reporter, in 2004, the Yangzhou city Wenchang resettlement of residential housing construction began. Du Pont to call into question some of the construction details: "in the case of construction costs comparable to, why paint whitewash building facades instead of better quality ceramic tile? "Competent Deputy Mayor and quarter to each other is iron, ultimately Wen Chang Court paint. A source close to the foreign trade Bureau, told reporters, the Vice Mayor is actually a surname Zhu coatings suppliers to make good.

Du Pont family, and two du to the city's leaders stand up, finally brought the scourge. In 2006, two men of taking bribes at Lok Ma, was cashiered and sentenced. According to a someone who had seen dossiers description Du Baohua listed above politics for about 15 years, approximately 300,000 yuan in bribes, "the nature of the gifts is to accept the gift of money, 1000 and 2000 Yuan a large sums add up is".

Reports indicate that year, after Zhang, sentenced du, had asked two lessons learned politics seriously in Yangzhou city, clean sober, truly ill-gotten gains nothing, illegal things don't, dirty place not to go.

 Nose hair scissors self-confidence was opinionated?

People close to jianye memories in officialdom, I feel confident, and this confidence comes on. After the Lok, someone once dug out online, "JI jianye's father-in-law is a Standing Committee of the Jiangsu provincial party Committee" rumors. On October 20, people with messages from Nanjing to the North Green newspaper reporter confirmed that JI jianye's father-in-law was former a senior official of Jiangsu Province. "Just, two people was not clear at the official ties. He's never ' give it everything, put her husband on high ' approach. "However, the source recalled a few fragments. The early 90, when JI jianye was when subordinates in Suzhou wuxian, Deputy Secretary, the senior officials made visits to Suzhou, at the time, the city's officials accompanied, senior officials in the crowd called to him and more than 30 JI jianye, patting his shoulder and everyone laughed and said: "this is my son in everyone, take care, lots of criticism! "Such as" Introduction ", more than once.

Kunshan, wuxian, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the JI jianye spent six years from Kunshan, Yangzhou municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary, for five years. Rose also don't seem to be fast. JI jianye bold "hard work", but the disregard for the opinions of other people, which he ruled when Yangzhou common understanding of the people around him.

For confidence in the quarter, Qiu Ning memories of his past. In early 2011, JI jianye in photos and images in newspapers, TV programmes, noses are "dark". Qiu later discovered, this is a lot of trimming nose hair "moustache", Taiwan politician modified instrument inspired, "I bought a nasal Hair scissors for JI jianye. Quarter speak carelessly said, ' I don't need this stuff, ' "but then a few days later, when Qiu Ning found the occasion attended by Mayor and nose clean.

"I wonder, in fact, anyone who dares to reminds him, he'll be noted", "but so many years in the past, so many Secretaries, Entourage around him, no one see? Nobody has ever said that no one dares mention JI jianye, a little bit of bad. ”

After Lok Ma Qiu Ning this detail had been thought, "which embodied the political environment around JI jianye, a silhouette, party and Government leaders are often done with, and even a little nose hairs, no one ever said, not to mention someone to check and balance the powers".

In late November, the Nanjing City Government yard, under a golden Ginkgo tree, the former media people feel close to the JI jianye for years: in previous years, "JI jianye love to walk here and face unward to see the Ginkgo tree, estimates will bear in terms of Ginkgo, but now things are Office closed for more than a month of the season. ”

Text/reporter Xue Lei

Cartographic/Xie Shuang

(Original title: Lok Ma Ji jianye, Mayor of double life)

(Edit: SN091)December 02, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily(季建业岳父被曝为江苏前高官 曾要求关照其女婿|季建业|鼻毛|意见_新闻资讯



  搞基建 为民生还是为赚钱?







  反腐败 清风气还是拔钉子?


  此外, 2006年年末,扬州市高调查处了一起违法开发案件,牵出了原规划局局长张杰、原房管局副局长杜葆华等20多人,张、杜后来分别被判有期徒刑12年、6年,此案也受到了当事一方的质疑。北青报记者在扬州接触到了一位当年被查处的处级官员,在该官员眼中,当年季领导下的这场“反腐败”根本就是一次“拔(眼中)钉子”。






  鼻毛剪 自信还是刚愎自用?











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