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Chinese designer: Lunar Rover on the moon will not leak, no one can steal

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/2 9:53:41 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

Chinese designer: Lunar Rover on the moon will not leak, no one can steal(中国设计师:月球车留在月球不会泄密,没人能去窃取)

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Designer: Lunar Rover on the moon will not leak and nobody can steal | | | leaks _ the Moon, Chang-third news

The Beijing News December 2, carrying Chang, third longest launched three-b carrier rocket at the Xichang satellite launch Center. 1:52, arrows separate. Until press time, Chang, third have entered a perigee altitude of 200 km and an apogee of about 380,000 km from earth-moon transfer orbit.

  After about 5 days to reach the Moon

According to China's lunar exploration program Chief Designer Wu Weiren said, "Chang-third" launching major aspect of the task is clear of the brake, orbit, a soft landing and two players separation, which is a soft landing, "Moon" is the most important test. In addition, China was the next step from the Moon of the Lunar sample return, will by 2020 to achieve unmanned sample return to the moon.

Wu Weiren said that after the rocket launch, probe began travelling to the Moon, about 5 days later. After arriving at the moon first braking in recent months, commonly known as the brakes in recent months. Second, "the moon lady, first", "Chang-second" the difference is, the one-time 100kmx100km lunar probe designed as a circular orbit, used to be into elliptical orbit and then into a circular orbit. Run a few days later, detectors at a distance of 15 kilometers from the Moon's surface and began to decline. After landing safely, on the Rover from the lander separated, release, unlock, transferred to the tank, ladder, landing on the lunar surface.

  "Rabbit" view of sky surveys and survey months

The Chang-third carry three scientific task: landing zone with the topography and geological structure of the inspection investigated landing zones and mineral composition of inspection and analysis of the chemical component integrated in place; and monthly tables of earth-moon space environment probe, with the moon as a platform for Earth observation, and space.

"The ' Chang ' e third ' detectors composed of Landers and Rovers, each equipped with 4 types of payloads. Is a terrain camera on the lander, landing, moon base and extreme ultraviolet optical telescope camera. ' Moon ' on the panoramic camera, Lunar laser radar, infrared imaging spectrometer and particle induced x-ray spectrometers, split them after landing. "The Deputy Director of the lunar exploration program, Vice Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences yinhejun said.

Yin and June says, these loads are mostly Chinese scientists first developed for lunar exploration. They will complete the survey, view or check the month and other tasks. Month-based optical telescope is a telescope on the Moon, humans, extreme ultraviolet cameras for the first time observed from the moon to the Earth's plasma layer.


"Moon Moon" the moon does not leak

Reporter: how far are we from Moon's abundant resources?

Wu Weiren (Chief Designer of the lunar exploration program): helium 3 is relatively abundant on the Moon, there are many metals, and chemical elements not found on Earth. But for helium-3, and Tower "first", "Chang-second" 's observation that the moon has 1 million tons to 5 million tons. Some scientists figure it used in nuclear fusion, 1992 worldwide electricity consumption is based, it is thought that as long as 8 tons of helium-3 on Earth's energy problems can be solved. But to achieve detection, acquisition, transport, return of the helium-3 is a great deal of scientific problems, is not achievable in the short term, but did not rule out such a possibility in the long run.

Reporter: "Chang-third" after the task is completed, Rover and Lander will stay on the Moon, with some secrets will be stolen?

Wu Weiren: high-tech, secret things things on largely technical, technical stuff on the Moon is also okay, and no one can reach the top to detect it or steal it, we don't have such worries. And this situation is unlikely to have, after a long, perhaps a State launches probe, it is at the same location or near, far surely can't go, so you don't have to worry about a leak problem. But technology is always in development, several years later, technology did not know how much of this development.

Reporter: did this mission is to plant the flag onto the Moon's surface?

Wu Weiren: both the Rover and Lander had a red flag, but not necessarily be inserted above the moon. After the probe landed, walking down the Rover, Rover and Lander, respectively the camera would shoot each other. Last hope finished photographing the flag back.

Reporter: "Chang-third" after the task is complete, plans and what is envisaged in the area of deep space exploration.

Wu Weiren: the next step should be sample return from the moon. Lunar sample return-related work in progress, and are proceeding smoothly, will achieve unmanned sample return to the Moon by 2020, is currently scheduled to be sampling Lunar soil 2 kg, and finally back to Earth.

 Chang, third moon trip

December 2,

Carrying Chang, third longest launched three-b carrier rocket at the Xichang satellite launch Center.

December 2,

Arrow separates.

December 2-

Mid-course corrections, as appropriate. Mid-course corrections mainly consists of two areas: cumulative deviation is due to orbit and orbit orbit size as a result of the amendment, two are fixed satellite orbit numerical deviation.

December 6

In recent months the brake. So-called brake in recent months, that is in the earth-moon transfer orbit satellite slow speed of high-speed flight, complete "space brake deceleration" establishing normal stance, at a distance of 100 km circular orbit the Moon for Lunar flight.

December 10

15 km down track. From 100 km circular orbit around the moon to apolune 100 kilometers, in recent months, some 15 km elliptic orbit, after 4 days, in close proximity to the lunar surface began landing 15 kilometres.

December 14

Chang, third spacecraft.

On December 15

Lander and visiting players separation.

On December 15

Lander cameras and on inspections on the camera and shoot each other.

December 26

Moonlight sleeping for the first time. Rovers on the Moon is continuously for 14 days, and "sleep" for 14 days and then back to work.

A06-A07 version of the manuscript (apart from signature,), according to Xinhua News Agency

(Original title: embrace rabbit Moon (1)

December 02, 2013 The Beijing News(设计师:月球车留在月球不会泄密 没人能去窃取|嫦娥三号|月球|泄密_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 12月2日1时30分,搭载着嫦娥三号的长三乙运载火箭在西昌卫星发射中心发射升空。1时52分,器箭分离。至截稿时,嫦娥三号已进入近地点高度200公里、远地点高度约38万公里的地月转移轨道。








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(原标题:怀抱月兔 嫦娥奔月(1))


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