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Ma Zhe, University teacher teaches students how to start dating

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/1 20:53:26 Browse times: 294 Comment times: 0

Ma Zhe, University teacher teaches students how to start dating(大学马哲老师开课教学生如何谈恋爱)

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University of Ma Zhe zhe teacher teaches students how to start a relationship, | | | marriage _ love news

"Let China Normal University of teaching of Marxist philosophy in the age of 57 Hong Yafei did not think the teacher is, he created called" love and marriage "elective course would be so sought after by students, course set 84 the class enrollment close to 500 people. Many students feeling: Rob need to save good "moral" right! However, course content, from the pursuit of the opposite sex to break up rationally, from walking the aisle to master the magic weapon for maintaining marriage, so does not attract talent difficult practical. Today, the teacher hung those parents are embarrassed to open up in the eyes of the boys and girls "well girlfriends," "good brothers" ... ... "

  Marxist philosophy teacher

Teach you how to live love

A teacher who taught Marxism, how about dating, live? Beijing, the China Youth daily reporter contacted Hong Yafei, an associate professor of the Department of social science at NTNU. Hung teacher told reporters that starting motivation stems from the continuous presence on the campus of Shanghai because of love disputes suicide event is raised, he wished to open a course, to guide the students to form a correct attitude toward love and marriage. Let him have the courage to put themselves in order of marriage values passed to those younger than him several rounds of "new new youth", came from his sociology of knowledge.

Career and love, is the most precious thing in life, but most people love in the second place, success is important, but only one focus as constituting success in love. Ranghong teacher to understand is that in the current education system, and there is no formal organization or community to provide a platform for young people after discussion, ask questions and reflection of learning life find a way. In his on the elective courses, students can give him "Note" about his relationship problems, you can also discuss the parents ' marriage, the next class, Hung teacher made a public answer, "because some students afraid to ask, but he would like to know the answer." At school, many students invited him to talk. "He is a teacher, but it's more like a father, and not like a father, because I wouldn't be with the feelings of the parents. "A senior students who attended the course, told reporters.

  "Love and marriage"

In reality, relationships

Reporters from the netizens "little King" finishing class notes to see the couple broke up. First, do not pick fault with each other in order to break up because people had no emotional, but put the blame on each other, for example, would say, "you had no car, no house", it is easy to provoke each other. Secondly, if you really need to break up, honest and speak, please don't say "I break up for you." Finally, break up, be calm, rather than accusing each other, let alone retaliation. "Little King" wrote in a breakup note after a breakup, first of all, both sides need to reflect on, they leave you, because you usually can't find happiness, love, is to grow, to be able to look on. To maintain a normal social, do not lock yourself in a room for three days and three nights, or to give up, nor belittling ourselves. Cry can find friends, love meets remember friends, love and old friends, looking for positive energy. To make appropriate emotional, but maintain their dignity, not to do the things detrimental to the reputation, such as immediately to find a mean to each other and they do not fit the opposite sex. A Netizen named "little gold" writes in his notes, "love and marriage" is returns the maximum number of classes this semester, and no one around to a lot of guys just broke up, hope we all get out of here!

Hung teacher, in "love and marriage" in this course, also for a long distance relationship, cohabitation before marriage topical issues such as providing rational reference. Such as long-distance, popular among students, National Taiwan Normal University in China, exchange student, read the books a while back home, many girls are complaining about lest feelings fade, fear each other change. Hong Yafei suggested that boys ' initiative to care for the woman is very important, should tell their everyday lives for each other, rather than avoid or fight the cold war. Hung teacher, had the boy asked him for help, knowing that many girls had cohabitation and ex-boyfriends in high school it was very painful. After analyzing the boy hung teacher asks: "what do you think of her living pain, are you out of his misery? "After enlighten, Guy admits now that loved each other, do not lose out. Hung said the teacher, in the US and Europe, method of testing whether couples fit together is not love, but cohabitation does not encourage students to live together, but I wish they'd open horizons and flat.

And student exchange process, Hung teacher facing a lot of extreme situations, a girl crush on one married man, the man promised to first wife divorced, but after the girls waiting for their abandonment, then proceeded to give up. Hung teacher helped her analysis, raised the girls can't get married, it is a blessing, because they inherently do not belong to each other. After what had happened, shouldn't run away from, and you should see the guy is honest, "married man and he does not love you, is the most frightening, because you never know what plots he is." Hung said he most wanted to the main content in the classroom, Western philosophers of love whips or obscure into the analysis, combined with his decades of personal experience, brings students to meet the rational way of dealing with feelings, even the most basic principles. "Although there are students has yet to start a relationship, most students had not walked into the aisle, but it would also be useful."

 "Marriage course" final exams for three big questions

Breakup values, maintenance, marriage love

Psychology teachers never taught us about why nearly a tired old man does? Hung told a press conference, Professor of psychology in the school lecture on marriage, but because teachers are female, easy to float on "emotion" on that scale, but from a sociological perspective "love" indispensable money influence on love, sex, geographical location and other elements, which is more close to reality, and will provide more rational answers. Divide he taught students love, found that students easily put "love" when love, "love" comes from outside to attract, while love requires sustained commitment, a lot of people stage when love love, so a lot of confusion. Another popular reason, in his view, East China Normal University female students, hear the male teacher talking about love, women's learning needs are met.

"Love and marriage" are three big questions of the final exam, students can take home questionnaires, on the topic "how to break up rationally treatment", "what are your core values of marriage" and "how to preserve the couple's love." Hung said the teacher, received papers yesterday, nearly one-fourth students talked about his love of experience, a lot of people have left their email address, hoping the teacher with questions.

One girl at the end paper wrote: "hung teacher, I never take the form of written reviews I love experiences, this is the opportunity you gave me, is a kind of comb, as a growth. ”

Text/Trainee journalist Zhang Xiao

(Original title: student sought after "marriage course" Rob need "save character")

December 01, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily(大学马哲老师开课教学生如何谈恋爱|马哲|婚姻|恋爱_新闻资讯

  “让华师大57岁的教马克思主义哲学的老师洪亚非没有想到的是,他开设的名为“婚姻与爱情”的选修课会如此受学生追捧,课程设定84人上课,报名接近500人。不少学生感慨: 抢课需攒好“人品”嘞!然而看看授课内容,从如何追求异性到如何理性分手,从走入婚姻殿堂到掌握维护婚姻的法宝,这么实用的课不吸引人才难。如今,洪老师成了那些跟家长都不好意思打开心扉的少男少女眼中的“好闺蜜”、“好兄弟”……”
















(原标题:学子追捧“婚姻课” 抢课需要“攒人品”)


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