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IPO restart 50 listed companies next month

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/1 20:51:58 Browse times: 256 Comment times: 0

IPO restart 50 listed companies next month(IPO重启50家企业下月上市)

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IPO restart 50 listed companies next month | SFC | IPO| _ to market news

The Beijing News is released after the a-share IPO moratorium more than a year. The afternoon of November 30, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued views on further advancing the reform of new shares. SFC spokesman said Deng Ge, expected to be completed one month after the company related preparatory procedure, until next January, some 50 companies listed one after another.

 Enterprise value and risk by investors and the marketplace,

After November 2012, listed a-share IPO moratorium, followed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in June this year, presented the draft IPO reform, to seek the views of the community.

This final version of the document released yesterday, market-oriented reform concept is reflected.

For the current programme, Deng Ge said that "it is gradually advancing equity issuance approval system to a registration system is an important step in the transition. ”

The China Securities Regulatory Commission said regulators on IPO audits compliance audits, enterprise value and the investor's risk and market independent judgment.

Earlier, the SFC audit is in process of obtaining approvals for the listing of new stocks, corporate sustainability indicators of profitability, earnings risks, related party transactions, which was conducted focus, texture of the SFC to determine which companies can be listed.

But in the a-share market, under such audits, fraud company performance of listed companies, whitewash is not uncommon. Scholar Liu Sheng Jun had previously told the Beijing news that the SFC should not, nor the capacity to review corporations listed and the invisible endorsement.

 Violation of information disclosure will investigate

In the Securities and Futures Commission in the reform of the stock issuance examination and verification will Center on information disclosure, and stock issuance examination Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission issued regulatory authorities in accordance with law on issuance application files and content of information disclosure legal compliance audit, not the issuer's profitability and value judgement. Found illegal files and content of information disclosure exists strictly hold the relevant parties accountable.

As a result, the new shares when to send, how to send, self-restraint and discretion by the market. The SFC believes that offering price will more truly reflect supply and demand.

Deng Ge said after the release of this opinion, the SFC and the SEHK to modify part ways and rules, listed companies but also revision of filing, in accordance with the programme, expected to be about 1 month to complete related procedures. By January 2014, approximately 50 companies to complete the program and listed one after another.

Current a-share have 761 companies wait-listed, the SFC is expected, so many companies to complete the review takes about a year's time.


IPO resumption of impact on the market?

SFC spokesman Deng Ge: since the establishment of the stock market has been 8 times pause 7 times resume issuing of new stock issue. 7 times before recovered on the first trading day after the release, the Shanghai composite index falling 5 times, 2 times higher. From the perspective of reality, resumption of IPOs do not decide long-term trends in the stock market, the stock market run mainly by economic fundamentals and macro policy decisions.

Release rhythm of the market, does not mean that so far through the Commission issued more than 80 companies all at once is complete, these companies still need to implement the various programs, modify the file.

 Measures to protect investors?

SFC spokesman Deng Ge: there are five measures. Is the promotion of issuers to use plain language, true, accurate and complete disclosure, strengthening risk disclosure, investors plainly investment; the second is the promotion of fair and reasonable pricing, limit the issuer's high, which prevents investors from high prices, inhibit mindless hype after listing new shares. For example, linked with the price reduction; third, placing of respect for small investors to purchase new shares will, adjusting the call-back mechanism and the mechanism for placing online, and the enhanced disclosure liability for violations; five are strengthening the supervision of law enforcement, resolutely crack down on illegal activities, the establishment of legal guarantees of investor protection.

  Large gem impact

SFC express IPO restart time in January 2014, arranging company listing, which is expected bad news in the market, was not hit on the main Board and gem impact is large.

Current line up listed companies dominated by small and gem, main Board, rarely, in the secondary market have little money to divert, mainly psychological impact. Since the IPO suspension has for more than a year, may attract a lot of money to get open. New implementation of batch release may inhibit sensation on the first day. IPO approval system has turned to the registration system may be increasing stock supply, cut their offer price, increasing the number of delisting, shares can have far-reaching effects.

--The South, Chief Strategist Yang Delong

  Related news

Preferred stock pilot

Beijing News published yesterday by the State Council on carrying out pilot guidance of preferred stock, which provides that the preferred stock issue number cannot exceed the total number of ordinary shares of 50%, the SFC will develop a preferred stock follow-up to the pilot specific provisions.

Guidance from the State Department noted that the preferred stock financing cannot exceed net worth prior to release of the company 50%, common stock number 50%, preferred shares can be used as a merger of the means of payment.

Preferred stock refers to the agreed face value dividend yield, take precedence over ordinary shareholders distribution of company profits, but in terms of voting rights inferior to shares of common stock.

SFC spokesman said Deng Ge, the current preferred shares carried out pilot will help accelerate the development of direct financing to supplement the corporate capital; in favour of providing diversified investment channels for investors, increase new fixed income products.

Deng Ge also said that investing in preferred shares also have risks. That is doing well does not enjoy more revenue, operating risks of deterioration has likewise failed to receive a dividend, following the bankruptcy liquidation of bonds in line. Investors should be fully assessed risks.

 Differentiation of cash dividends

Beijing News the China Securities Regulatory Commission released yesterday documents require clear dividend policy of listed companies, with conditions, should pay cash dividends cash dividends.

SFC will listed company dividends policy for has must degree of clear, which listed company is growth period, and has major funds expenditures arrangements of, cash dividends in profit distribution in the of proportion not below 20%; mature stage and has major funds expenditures arrangements of, cash dividends accounted for than not below 40%, mature stage no major funds expenditures arrangements of, cash dividends accounted for profit distribution of proportion not below 80%.

From 2010 to 2012, cash dividends of listed companies within the number accounting for respectively, 50%, 68%, cash dividends, 18%, 24%, respectively.

 Gem prohibitions "backdoor" listing

Beijing News the China Securities Regulatory Commission released yesterday clearly, backdoor listing of auditing standards will be strictly consistent with the IPO standards. Also do not allow backdoor listing on the gem.

The SFC said yesterday that backdoor listing conditions equivalent to the standard IPO, curbing market speculation about poor-performance unit, radically reduce the insider's motive, to form an effective delisting regime.

The SFC believes that because the market there is "three-high" issue, if allowed back-door listing on the gem will heighten speculation of secondary market listed companies on the gem, and also easily lead to insider trading, market manipulation and other illegal activities.

This version of writing/Beijing News reporter Wu

(Original title: 50 companies IPO restart next month listings)

December 01, 2013 The Beijing News(IPO重启50家企业下月上市|证监会|IPO|上市_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 A股IPO暂停一年多之后即将开闸。11月30日下午,中国证监会发布《关于进一步推进新股发行体制改革的意见》。证监会新闻发言人邓舸表示,预计一个月之后将有公司完成相关准备程序,到明年1月,约有50家企业能陆续上市。













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  本版采写/新京报记者 吴敏



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