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Even the huo highway accident a few wonders

Writer: 操作成功 Article type: Legendary and fun (世事感悟) Time: 2013/3/21 1:30:32 Browse times: 500 Comment times: 0

Even the huo highway accident a few wonders(连霍高速事故几大奇迹)

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1, the cause of the accident is unknown so far, has been said in the survey;2, the death toll is not sure, but open data is less and less;3, traffic accident still not sure, is contradictory;4, now repair technology is more and more high, almost no reinforcement;5, fireworks blast could have exploded under the highway bridge, which is revealing state secrets?6、Suddenly feel,perhaps firecracker is only Don't counterfeiting industry in China;A few wonders of the Hangzhou qiantang river bridge:MAO yisheng qiantang river bridge, formed from 37 years has opened in 75. Design at the beginning of its life for 50 years, has served over age 25 years and is now a day more than 10000 cars in traffic, the train more than 150 columns. Don't put the position is the bridge explosives. In order not to leave the Japanese invaders, has just completed a month, is about to blow up. Nations a engineer battalion stacked explosives alone spent the whole day, eventually will only blow up a bridge pier.(●紫色恋人范炜: 【连霍高速事故几大奇迹】1、事故原因至今不明,一直说在调查;2、死亡人数也不确定,但公开数据是越来越少;3、事故车辆至今不确定,说法不一;4、现在修桥技术越来越高,几乎不用钢筋;5、烟花爆炸竟能把高速大桥炸断了,这算泄露国家机密吗?6、突然感觉,或许鞭炮是中国唯一不造假行业!●虎跑: 【杭州钱塘江大桥】茅以升造的钱塘江大桥,从37年建成通车至今已75年。设计初其寿命定为50年,现已超龄服役25年,现每天通行汽车超过1万辆,火车超过150列。此桥炸药不放对位置都炸不掉。为了不留给日本侵略者,刚建成一个月,就要炸毁。国军一个工兵营光堆放炸药就花了一整天,最终也只炸掉一个桥墩。)

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