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Party Secretary of Beijing Sun Hexiang original bribes of more than 90 million Yuan

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/9/20 11:07:04 Browse times: 193 Comment times: 0

Party Secretary of Beijing Sun Hexiang original bribes of more than 90 million Yuan

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Beijing Sun Hexiang | former Secretary of taking bribes of more than 90 million Yuan Xiao Guan ju rot | bribes _ news

The city exposed "Xiao Guan ju rot" issues, municipal Commission for discipline inspection said yesterday, is currently 56 crackdown on rural cadres in violation of.

 Ji Haiyi Sun Hexiang, Chaoyang District, the former Party Secretary of taking bribes of more than 90 million

Queen's original Accountant Chen Wanshou village, xibeiwang Zhen, Haidian District, misappropriation of funds of 119 million

JIU Xian Zhen, yanqing County rural economic management Center Director Yuan Xueqin embezzling 24 million


Before August to investigate obvious 364

In July, the feedback after the second inspection group of central Beijing tour, Beijing "Xiao Guan ju rot" problems; the implementation of honest accountability are insufficient; several training centres to become breeding grounds of bad style and so on. It is reported that, in view of these problems, the city discipline inspection and supervisory organs have initiated since 2003 and left a big bottom, big investigation clues, according to "five types" stringent standards for management. City Commission for discipline inspection 9 discipline inspection and supervision and management of construction of government supervision, case rooms, petition, Trial Chamber, the masses feel strongly about issues, and important positions and now the next step may be promoted leading cadres, especially party and Government organs, State enterprises, education, culture, health care, and other departments in rural areas and construction areas were severely punished.

For questions relating to Bureau-level cadres, are checked one by one, seriously investigate and deal with the municipal Bureau of public security traffic management Bureau, the original original Chang Wang Hongzhong, Changping, mentougou district Bureau Song Jianguo, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, the district municipal sports authority former Director Ren Pengju, Daxing District Committee of the Standing Committee of the United Front work Department of Minister Wen Zhen violation problem. In addition, the city discipline inspection and supervision network redesign since it opened, there has been violation of 7 exposures Central eight spirits 27 cases, inform 7 typical 13 cases of violation.


Sun he Xiang is two giant rotting Xiao Guan

This was disclosed by Beijing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection merits xibeiwang Zhen Sun Hexiang and was demolished in Beijing than in larger villages and towns.

Among them, the Sun he Xiang, Chaoyang District, located along the airport southern line speed, total Sun Hecun, Kang Yingcun, a dozen villages within their respective jurisdictions. In 2007, according to the city's overall planning, Sun he Xiang Teng back for urban-rural integration and housing resettlement work has officially begun. By Teng back placing, Sun he Xiang operational land into government land reserve, while also implementing a move upstairs, and improve farmers ' living conditions.

Sun Hexiang Ji Haiyi is not former Party Secretary of the township "Xiao Guan ju rot" first people, 90 million the amount involved is not a maximum.

2012 Sun Hexiang Yuan Kang ying, Chaoyang District, village Committee member Liang Da accused of colluding with Beijing among its 2009 Manager in a real estate appraisal company, Ma Tao, using a false assessment data, obtaining government compensation payments of up to more than 189 million Yuan.

At the trial, Liang Da denied the allegations. He said that in the process of demolition, the village has a coordination group, who, as members of the village Committee, is member of the coordination group, primarily to stop fighting and not let people clashed with demolition company staff. Liang Da denied that he was involved in fraud, saying the demolition procedures without knowing he needed.

(Original title: original party Secretary Sun he bribes of more than 90 million)

(Edit: SN067)
01:20 on September 20, 2014
Beijing times

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