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Guangdong Maoming black reviewed old cases, principal commutation 8 million fine

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Guangdong Maoming black reviewed old cases, principal commutation 8 million fine

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Guangdong Maoming black reviewed old cases the principal commutation 8 million fines | Li Zhengang | black boss-free _ news

Guangzhou intermediate people's Court found that usury is not crime of illegal business operations, cancel some $ 100 million fine

New bulletin reporter Guo Haiyan intern Shi Liting

Maoming sensation "black leader" Li Zhengang triad-related cases, review of judgements that the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court yesterday. Li Zhengang charge from seven to four, from the original 20-year sentence to 12 years, also canceled more than 100 million yuan in fines. In a verdict, including Li Zhengang, the lover and his wife made over more than 20 defendants, including small, most secure a sharp reduction of sentence, two others being a judgment of acquittal. So far, only 3 people need to continue to serve their sentences, the remaining defendant does attempt to regain their freedom. However, the new express judgment, reporters have found, although the sentence had changed, but Li Zhengang guilt through road and white, the Court basically overturned, but the charges were again adjusted and combed.

  Imprisonment of 12 years 20 years remain "black"

Loan sharking, police for his debt collection; men convicted, police helped him off; take away property, the courts help him forged documents, Li Zhengang had energy, can practically "Rainmakers" to describe it. From a simple teacher, become "deputies", and eventually become "mafia boss" and the ups and downs of life.

In 2009, the prime of Li Zhengang mafia have been arrested. Two years later, his gang was accused of premeditated murder, illegal detention, extortion, falsification of evidence and other 17 deadly sins, I was guilty of nine, has identified seven crimes in the first instance. Among them, a most responsible for illegal business, brings 12-year jail term, Guangzhou intermediate people's Court of the first instance decision and sentenced him to 20 years of imprisonment, and fined 100.3 million Yuan. Li Zhengang appealed, by the Guangdong provincial high people's Court remanded the case.

Yesterday, the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court on the case the judgment, overturned the crime of illegal business operations, the crime of false investment and commit the crime of extortion charges, only recognized organizations, leading underworld crime and unlawful detention crimes, interfering with testimony and bribery four. Combined punishment for several crimes, Court sentenced him to 12 years ' imprisonment, and confiscation of all ill-gotten gains.

In this regard, Li Zhengang said it was considering an appeal.

  Made their money through loan-sharking

Monthly interest of up to 30%

Yesterday, reporters learned from more than 300 pages of judgement, Li Zhengang leaves because of the usury illegal business, the Court considered usurious lending practices are illegal, but according to the law, not identified as the crime of illegal business operations. Considered to be the illegal facts are triad-related activities, more appropriate and therefore revoked the trial charges, thus greatly reducing the penalty. About fraudulent investment and second crime of extortion, the Court held that denounce lack of evidence, not in accordance with law.

However, the decision shows, the Court largely re-antibody determination of the charges, and most of the facts have not changed. Despite Li Zhengang repeatedly denied himself involved black, in the homes two times trial are finds, from 2002 to 2009, Li Zhengang rallying point for recidivism Wang Riqiang, and Feng Rijin, eight people for backbone members, to Li Zhengang funded established Maoming Hisense chemical limited, and Guangzhou City Austrian industry investment limited, and Maoming sea Cheng plastic chemical plant limited, company for guise, relies on police, and Court, public personnel for umbrella, repeatedly for illegal crime activities, gradually formed to Li Zhengang for organization, and leader of triad nature organization.

Main in Maoming, Guangzhou area loan shark Li Zhengang, monthly interest of up to 30%, compound interest prioritised victims unable to repay its huge debts.


Police courts "escort" pervert the judgment misappropriated personal property

Express News is different from other triad-related cases, Li Zhengang used the criminal police, the court system to cover the extent of people striking. Li Zhengang illegal lending, Dun and other acts of violence, instead of being punished, has repeatedly been sheltered. Li Zhengang Court collusion between a number of illegal "usury" turned into private lending relationships by perverted means, taking large amounts of real estate, companies, equity of the borrower.

Trials identified, Li Zhengang acts as umbrella for 7 people, maogang district is the former President of the Court, respectively former director Yan De, maogang public security Yang Qiang, Maoming Public Security Bureau police detachment of the original Captain Cheng Bin, Maoming PSB Brigade Brigade the original team leader Huang Yonghua, Maoming Public Security Bureau police detachment of the Third Brigade, former Vice Captain Li Yongcai, maogang District Court two former Presidents He Mingjie, maogang district court clerk of the former Liang bin. Among them, the first 4 people involved in other crimes, in addition to trial after 3 people as accomplices in the case, also accept the verdict yesterday also won the judgment.


Sentence: five-year sentence of 3.5 years

Maogang District President of the second Chamber of the Court the original He Mingjie

Finds charges: bribery, civil law-bending judgment crime

He Mingjie Li Zhengang times involving a great deal of litigation, the implementation of judgments, even false material. Business owner Lee Lai had to loansharks 16.5 million Yuan to return insolvent after 6 million Yuan. Li Zhengang wanted to commandeer a Lai in Guangzhou 26.57 million Yuan worth of land. He Mingjie to help Li Zhengang 5 false promissory note produced depends on a borrowing and civil complaint, falsification of court records, civil mediation full court transcripts, and other legal instruments, in accordance with fake instruments, and land use enforcement to Li Zhengang gang name on the company.

Court of first instance found that He Mingjie guilty of shielding mafia crime, bribery, civil law-bending judgment crime, decided to sentenced to five years. Review believes that He Mingjie collusion with Li Zhengang fact that despite all the problems, but civil judgments should be found guilty of, allegations of shielding mafia-style crime also belongs to repeat convictions. Finally, the Court found that bribery and civil law-bending judgment crime, a determinate sentence of 3.5 years.


Get a reduced sentence: five years commuted six months one year six months

Maoming Public Security Bureau police detachment of the Third Brigade, former Vice Captain Li Yongcai

Identified offences: abuse

Li Zhengang himself or affiliated with trouble, by Li Yongcai concealing cases could not be prosecuted. In 2001, Li Zhengang mafia investigation, Li Yongcai deliberately concealed the extortion, intentional injuries, Li Zhengang gang abducted three main facts of the crime and the evidence could not be prosecuted. Take this and Li Zhengang Li Yongcai establish friendship and economic ties, to cover up acts of Lee 's, in the case of surrender, have not dealt with Lee.

Court of first instance found that Li Yongcai guilty of shielding mafia crime, abuse, illegal business, the decision to be sentenced to five years and six months. Courts believe that Celia Lee has just set up a triad of time was in 2002, the harbor crime occurred before this, so Li Yongcai shielding Mafia crimes and committed the charge of illegal business can not be identified, and only finds a abuse, to a one-year sentence for six months.


Sentence: four years commuted to three years and six months

Maogang district court clerk of the former Liang bin

Identified offences: civil law-bending judgment crime, the crime of huge property with unidentified sources

Liang bin disrupts the implementation of procedures of forced debt collection and repeated abuse of judicial power, civil lawsuit of repeatedly making false documents, the victims and the name of the third person's property to Li Zhengang. There are more than 400,000 yuan of its property, himself was unable to explain the sources of legitimacy. Liang bin trial was found guilty of shielding mafia-style crime, civil law-bending judgment crime, the crime of huge unidentified property. Retrial convicted sentence by leaving out triad-related crimes, also were relieved, the original four-year sentence to three years and six months.


Only 3 people have not been commuted his wife jailed for one year and ten months

Express News, in addition to Li Zhengang, and three public officers, the case also had 20 defendants. Both Li Zhengang's first wife, lover, also has small friend and former subordinate. Li Zhengang they suffer, in permitted to Guangzhou intermediate people's Court sentenced yesterday. However, the case rather convoluted lasting, some commit crimes lesser defendants have finished serving their sentences, dressed in plain clothes came to the scene to listen to outsourcing.

17 defendants received penalties light. Wang Riqiang, Feng Ri into Li Zhengang Favorites, from 19-year sentences respectively, 11 years into the Decade, six years. They, along with Li Zhengang, the three men was still unable to get free. Do not consider a reduced sentence, Li Zhengang sentence until 2021.

Just three of the sentence itself is short of personnel without revision, including Li Zhengang's wife Liang MOU. Liang MOU earlier confessions, she knows is that her husband is a businessman, did not have too many cases. Court believed her story, not that she related. But she was involved in money-laundering Li Zhengang, the Court held that offended by the crime shall be deemed to have committed to cover up, conceal, ordered her jail sentence of one year and ten months.


Small a judgment of acquittal is bowed and thanked members of the Tribunal

Strongly denies mafia, now says it will apply for State compensation

Express News, yesterday's case ruled that most defendants calmly. Only small Zhang Mouwei and Li, was a judgment of acquittal after conceal his joy. Sentencing voice a falling, Zhang Mouwei judges bowing: "thank you, judge. "Subsequently, he shook hands with other people happy and said:" I am innocent! I'm innocent! ”

Zhang Mouwei was arrested for usury for Li Zhengang matchmaking, making referral fees, was sentenced to 4.5 years in the first instance. He actively defended in court for her innocence, he is Li Zhengang small, had had several contacts with Li Zhengang, but he steadfastly denies mafia involved in Li Zhengang, didn't do more mediation services mediation and court believed his story.

To do this, he told reporters: "my family all have serious work, lifetime didn't do sorry people! Brothers and sisters are not red face! How could it become triad? ”

However, Zhang Mouwei talks about this experience is still a heavy heart. He said that three years in captivity, he lost dozens of pounds. In connection with the man's wife to sell their assets to leave, but his wife never abandon his run, who never gave up fighting for over the years. He said then he would apply to the State for compensation.

(Edit: SN146)
04:36 on September 20, 2014
Golden Goat Web-Express

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