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Yongcheng, Henan highway you drive heavy fines, owners overwhelmed suicide

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/30 9:40:30 Browse times: 349 Comment times: 0

Yongcheng, Henan highway you drive heavy fines, owners overwhelmed suicide(河南永城公路乱开巨额罚款,车主不堪重负自杀)

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Yongcheng, Henan Highway drive huge fine fine owners overwhelmed suicide | | yongcheng | suicide _ news

  Yongcheng, Henan highway you drive heavy fines overwhelmed the owner committed suicide

On November 14, in yongcheng, Henan province a large van, local transport, the Highways Department have been fine. Must produce a monthly ticket (highways, 3,000 yuan per month) and annual tickets (transport 3,000 yuan a year) before release, female owner of the parties repeatedly pleaded in vain, serving highly toxic pesticides suicide on the spot, is still in hospital. Law enforcement, leaving only one sentence: you die, you die has nothing to do with us! Female owner drank pesticide after the family-hurry, seeking relief. Highways, law enforcement officials say, you drink drugs has nothing to do with me, have something you're looking for leadership, and then turn around and ran ... Finance and the economy and a half hours of CCTV reporters uncover in yongcheng, Henan road fines the inside story.

Henan province of Yong Cheng city is located in Henan most East, Henan, and Anhui, and Jiangsu, and Shandong four province junction, area area more than 2000 more square kilometers, is connection four province of traffic arteries, however a time yilai, has been has driver to we reflect said, here is famous of more than three more: law enforcement personnel more, fine amount more, fine pattern more, recently even has freight owners because cannot bear pattern diechu of fine and select has suicide, things what is how back thing does?

On November 20, the press conference of the economy and a half hours just to the yongcheng, truckers reflected to reporters, saying 6 days ago, on November 14, near the Yong Cheng city, da hamaji trucks marked with a stone, for alleged overloading, local transport, highways departments have search vehicle fines. Female owners of the parties in the case repeatedly pleaded to no avail, serving highly toxic pesticides suicide on the spot, are still in hospital for treatment. That question was going to get the big truck, still parked on the street did not drive away.

His name is Guo Wanli, is the driver of the lorry, to reporters about the economy and a half hours, it came to pass. November 14, Guo Wanli, as usual, riding in a pickup truck and car owners with Wen Li make a delivery. When the stone was pulled van when passing near the Yong Cheng city, da strand, a traffic law enforcement identification car suddenly accelerated from the left lane to pull ahead of them, force the van stopped.

Guo Wanli: there is a traffic law enforcement car, stopped me, and shut it down, (law enforcement officer) said (payment of years of punishment), I said, (year), he said show me the tickets, he says (year), I'll let you off the hook.

Guo Wanli said, he mentioned, refers to goods vehicle owners to the yongcheng transport, highways, law enforcement authorities in advance payment of over-limit penalty fee is divided into years pass, monthly pass in two ways. Year tickets are paid to the local transport law enforcement department, paid once a year and pay 3,000 yuan a year per vehicle. After payment you can overload, no longer have to pay the fines within a year; monthly is pay fees to the local highways, law enforcement authorities, and 3,000 yuan a month is also an overload, but is valid for only one month. Guo Wanli said that when he and the owners were thought as usual, as long as the show has had a year, brought law enforcement personnel would be released. But what they didn't expect was this time, transport and law enforcement officials did not release as usual, instead of a telephone, after a series of unexpected things happened.

Guo Wanli: after (transport enforcement officers) called Highway Bureau. To hear him say, an oversize vehicle on the road, but what do you think? About five minutes came out. To one road rule overtaking, mobile treatment for overtaking. There are four or five people, down to open my door, open, forced to drag me down.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporters: How do they say that?

Guo Wanli: they say, come here, were overrun.

Read the local highways, law enforcement officers, Guo Wanli and owners quickly pulled out on October 29 penalty just to local highways departments to pay monthly.

Guo Wanli: pass. October 29 to November 29, this time from going unpunished. They say, but not now. We say we buy a monthly pass, why punish us? They say that whatever you are looking for leadership. I don't know, once heard, is a Deputy Director of the Highway Bureau, surnamed quarter, one they have a captain, named high, there is also a surname Hou.

Guo Wanli and owners confused and monthly after the fine is paid monthly to overload, even in the face of search vehicles, transport governance and highways are also ticket release, now wouldn't it? They also noted that similarly overloaded vehicles on the road has many or deadweight tonnage is much bigger than they are, is equally overloaded, but no one to take charge but they this truck being checked was taken.

Guo Wanli: their staff say, then how do they run, how the hell did you, talk about it. Where your money, you don't spend, we understand, is one such means. Then we (the owner) heard this, she (called) taxi drivers (selling pesticides shops), from the street near her (stop) a taxi to buy.

At the time the deadlock, a highways officer whispered Guo Wanli, they now only 3,000 yuan a month pass tired, still have to spend money on another RBI, highways can only be released by overloaded goods vehicles. Hearing all this, owners Wen Li immediately took a cab and left, seven or eight minutes later, Wen Li came back, holding a bottle of pesticide.

Guo Wanli: pesticides on the body, (the owner) took (pesticide) said, why don't you let me live, I'll die for you. (Highways, law enforcement officials) said, you die, you die has nothing to do with us.

Guo Wanli said heard claims of law enforcement officials, Wen Li do not hesitate to open a bottle, drank pesticide. Hearing the family of the owner quickly grabbed bottles and search and rescue.

Liu Huaizhou: you take my sister to the hospital, my sister ever had medicine, I (highways, law enforcement officials) said, you drink drugs has nothing to do with me, have something you're looking for leadership, when my sister doesn't go well, surnamed ran out of season.

Liu Huaizhou said his sister drank pesticide after the incident, several heads of the Department of Highways was there immediately drove away, law enforcement vehicles were at the scene refused to send people to the hospital. They still play "120" call an ambulance, sister Wen Li sent to hospital for medical treatment. So what happened at the scene it? Journalists of the economy and a half hours to find other parties, local highways authorities for solutions. After repeated communication wing City Highway Bureau of highways, brigade Captain Gao Yongfu eventually interviewed, said Gao Yongfu, however, things are not like that.

Gao Yongfu: reflects the fact with him is not the same thing. Isn't that passes, it is, I didn't. I don't know what monthly concept. Fine, you can overload and will punish you, no. We work with owners over and over again, you illegal overloading of vehicles, have propitiate. Our staff took down a bottle, taken after we put aside the owner.

The economy and a half hours, reporter: when law enforcement officers have sent her to the hospital?

Gao Yongfu: do not know the owner drank. No one knows her medicine.

The economy and a half hours, reporter: people say it.

Gao Yongfu: is that owners say, she said.

Highways enforcement officers, overload penalty is the normal law enforcement at the time they didn't know the owner by taking poison. This is clearly inconsistent with the owners said. At the same time, Guo Wanli they make, not directly released during the law enforcement process and dealt with, but also called highways, law enforcement officers in punishment, Gao Yongfu also do not agree.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: why do you call over it?

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Bureau of highways, brigade Captain Gao Yongfu: we are overloading the main governance, since we test, to impose sanctions. Every time our traffic violation, will have to be monitored, sanctions, diversion, release, this is our program.

The reporter learned of the economy and a half hours, in yongcheng, road transport is managed by multiple departments. Transport, traffic Bureau, main tube passenger and cargo vehicle, the vehicle itself such as whether modifications and so on. Highways, it is governed by the highway authority, main Canal Road transport vehicles are overloaded, pose a security hazard for roads, transport and so on. So, exactly how local highways, transport departments of law enforcement? Overload detection stations they set up, usually overload and how governance is overweight? Journalists decided to go with a lorry driver who knows the area exactly once experienced. Truck drivers told reporters that from yongcheng city, 6 km, a man called gaozhuang overload detection station, was set up by the Transport Department, reflected than drivers. Of the economy and a half hours of the reporters on the scene found after careful observation, some suspected of overloading of trucks passing through this overload detection station or from a testing station next to a rural road detour past, there is no inspection station; or, even into the inspection station, a few minutes later, van opened Benares. Is that these vehicles are not overloaded, or is this the overload test in the other road, then, as a truck driver came to the testing station.

Overload detection station staff: if not more 65 (t), may be given a lighter punishment if over 65 (t) penalties.

Truck driver: does not exceed 65 without unloading (goods) you have to say.

Staff: I have just said, if it is a chemical fuel, could not unload, you can take care of you. (Per vehicle): 200 (USD).

It turns out that only 200 Yuan fines, even if it is overloaded or continue driving on the road. Dealing with the industry for a long time a truck driver said, overrun testing station has been doing. Van activist driver Wang Jinwu yongcheng local Highway Administration conducted several surveys to understand, he said, in fact, similar problems is more prevalent.

Wang Jinwu activist driver: we're from 2006, over-sized until now, managing the over-sized 9 years, I feel the biggest problem right now, is not to say that Van (over-sized decrease), and over-sized cure itself, overload limit itself, large team, as far as I know, some County, overload control team is greater than 100. According to the Ministry's standards, an overrun only 45 people, so it's this huge overload team, its sources of funding by a fine, fine credit. Fine, it can, the Unit well, treated well, is this.

Woman owner and her truck was exactly what happened, because parties in the hospital right now, can only wait for the next relevant sectors of intervention and investigation. But one thing is for sure, highways officials stressed that according to the procedure of law enforcement and investigation to the contrasts to 200 Yuan on the release. Yongcheng highway law enforcement officers how many people fine and what is the relationship between wages?

  Yongcheng, Henan highway law enforcement a shore

Really like those as reflected by the owners, law enforcement officials seriously go beyond the number needed, operating costs relies on the fine? The press conference of the economy and a half hours of yongcheng transport, highways, law enforcement investigation and verification of how much.

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Bureau of Legislative Affairs Office Cao Xuejun, Director, law enforcement officers are 40 (men), the highways, including the (mobile) overload (people).

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: then what is your specific properties?

Cao Xuejun: specific nature we don't know, but we do not have temporary workers, all regular workers, we are law enforcement officers.

Face interviews, yongcheng Highway Council sum after a while, the head of the Legislative Affairs Office, told the press conference of the economy and a half hours, highways enforcement personnel a total of 40 people, but in the Brigade in charge of highways, who became another number.

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Bureau of highways, brigade Captain Gao Yongfu: in accordance with the Government's establishment of 70 people, currently now is 42.

Gao Yongfu said highways officers is 42 now, and Cao Xuejun vary, but the press conference of the economy and a half hours at the local highways, law enforcement detect point hit upon a list of tables, this number has changed, a total of 44 people.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: 44 people?

Staff: 42 people.

Of the economy and a half hours of the press conference: this is not a subject of 44 people?

Staff: ... ...

The face of it, either, 40, 42 or 44, and overall are not great. If this is the whole truth yongcheng highways, and seems to understand. However, one Insider has told reporters that the number of local highways team, at least 1 time more times than these official told reporters.

The Insider: the enforcement agency, nearly 100 (people).

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: nearly 100 people? Why is there such a big gap?

The Insider: this is the same, Henan look alike. Can't let other people know.

In order to further prove himself telling the truth, this person also took out the local road authority contacts, he said, this address book has 48 people above highways enforcement agency.

The Insider: they are now serving, and there are a lot of people don't have to fill out.

Then, transport of personnel on the ground what is the situation?

Yongcheng, Henan province and Deputy Secretary for transportation management, transport the Brigade Captain Liu Xindong: 50 person, really, I said law enforcement officers.

Liu Xindong told reporters of the economy and a half hours, these 50 people, is the memory of what he said, specifically the number of members, looking for accountants, in which case the journalists wanted to see personnel roster, but, until the reporters left, did not see the accountant, never saw a staff roster, local transport administration law enforcement officers how many people, no one can say. So no matter how many people, such as staff salaries, office expenses and what are your sources?

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporters: how to solve (the income) funds?

Liu Xindong: top funds are more than 4 million (USD).

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: how many people can solve (revenue)?

Liu Xindong: so that is a big problem, now how much we really go to penalties, guarantees, guaranteed.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: one year ... ... How much money penalty?

Liu Xindong: this ... ... and I did not participate.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: over-limit charges a year how much?

Cao Xuejun: overrun (penalty), one year is probably received more than 3 million (USD), the money we don't ask.

The Insider: funding, now from all of this, in the course of their law enforcement, these fines, fined 100 bucks back (yet) to (law enforcement officers) 70 bucks wouldn't then (collection), and then decide how, how fine.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: did the related documents?

Source: this document, you have to (go to) the financial sector, is not allowed to just be looking around. A (financial) system management, you don't get this, generally will not let you watch. So they mean this, you can't get to, that's how they.

The press conference of the economy and a half hours of yongcheng highways, transport sector interviews for two days, but in the end, local highways, transport the enforcement agency of the number of people, how much funding each year, the "overload" fine, fine is returned, the two officials did not give a clear answer. But often in these parts run drivers, drivers of goods vehicles, told reporters here, they were forced to transport, highways, a fine year tickets are perennial, monthly tickets for vehicles bought "insurance", but sometimes "insurance" is not insurance. The afternoon of November 14, Guo Wanli witnessed their owners drank pesticide suicide truck drivers told reporters that owners take fateful appearance beats Wen Li, and fines not only for the day, there is an important reason for this is that they were fined last month.

Guo Wanli: we (owners) does not work, because just last month over there, (was) punished for several tens of thousands of (Yuan), the heart to bear.

Guo Wanli said, although they were purchased on time year passes, but just as much as the events of the day, will fine just fine, there is no room for negotiation, so there was a book mentioned at the beginning of the owners to come together in extreme cases. In the course of the economy and a half hours of investigative journalist, received the masses, Highways Department law enforcement of illegal land use problems in the vehicle itself.

The economy and a half hours, reporter: as you can see, he says the car, queries about, by 2009, an offence not handled, that 2013 now, how have you used?

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Transportation Authority head: this situation, I don't know.

Of the economy and a half hours of the press conference: how to understand, just saying this stuff, that law enforcement is a was itself illegal.

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Transportation Authority head: unlawful.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: then why still use of law enforcement cars?

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Transportation Authority head: now don't have a car.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: car cars like this?

Yongcheng, Henan Province Highway Transportation Authority head: three car.

About its branch and financial said it is not clear, and we are not sure which department heads are silly or playing dumb. Across the country, there are also similar to the yongcheng, how is it possible to bid farewell to the highway? Located in Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces and the junction of yongcheng, Henan province, of the economy and a half hours of the reporter ran into a series of strange phenomena, ultra access to receive $ 200 million go without release, managers facing the camera but stressed that their punishment by program; insiders reflects the fine 70% returned, said hook, head of the accounts is not clear, no way to find out. In fact, the problems are not isolated cases of yongcheng.

Difficult to cure for three, Road King governance reasons

Highway "overload" the main reason for why it is difficult to cure? In this industry mud 10 years of van driver Wang Jinwu pointed out that, fundamental causes is existing institutional caused of, involves governance "three mess" of about sector on has a dozen a, including traffic police, and games political, and highways, and Chengguan, and environment, and health, and forestry, and salt, and QC, and business,, due to indistinct, and the sector although are law, but punishment standard, and amount how many and not as, this situation Xia, van driver pressure is big. He combined his experience dedicated to write an article, someone drew a caricature.

Wang Jinwu: each have their own standard, a fine ranging from 2000 to 100,000. Chengguan is below 20,000, transportation management is below 100,000, toll 16 times. Cross management. Such as vehicles, vehicles now, we buy trucks, according to the traffic safety law regulations, our driving license, you can begin to exercise. But that's not the case, according to the road transport regulations, you'll do a business card, no, was fined 100,000 yuan. You follow the road law, violation of traffic safety laws, you respect the traffic safety Act, you don't necessarily have to comply with regulations on road transport, you comply with the regulations on road transport, you do not have to comply with regulations of urban roads, so as long as (multiple departments), Government (Department Manager), truck driver, you are against the law.

Interview in the, do sth. in a fit of pique drink pesticide of Wen Li of brother introduced, they siblings two April 2013, common funded loan buy has this two car van, each car car more than 300,000 yuan, total more than 600,000 yuan, loan down more than 200,000 yuan, monthly needed repayment more than 20,000 more Yuan, was buckle of van is which a car, from April buy car to now, ran transport also on half more of time, but they light fine on equivalent this two car car of down has.

Owners of Wen Li's brother Liu Huaizhou: even the roads and traffic, as of now, has spent nearly 200,000 (USD).

Of the economy and a half hours of the press conference: what are they punished?

Liu Huaizhou: Henan, sometimes punished so tens of thousands of (Yuan).

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: there is some list?

Liu Huaizhou: this is a list.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporters: what about the other lists?

Liu Huaizhou: found none, and this is when returning tickets, others found none. This is the more than 12,000, it is 20,005 (thousand RMB), are not clear. Now punish me, can't run. Loans in October I haven't paid, this November not paying, this two-month loan I never paid.

Wen Li's brother, Wen Li an day, total just over more than 300 bucks in his pocket, or his driver on the road for the meal, was fined fined Wen Li eventually chose not to pay the fines, drank pesticide. While this matter can be seen as a special case, but Highway overload control and highway issues is the development of the logistics industry today can you can't sill. So, how do you effectively solve the overload problem? Road management is also of yongcheng traffic police, as well as drive, from their point of view put forward his own proposal.

Yong Cheng City Public Security Bureau traffic police instructor Nie Shiliang: you include joint overload, this increase, but this is only an indicator, not the causes, but the root, from the source control, where these, these (overload) vehicles, where it came from, and where it comes from, let us get the source. (Production) manufacturers in this area, we should be, is the vehicle (standard), this is it. Second if we suggest the departments concerned, for the rectification of these, especially the modified treatment of large goods vehicles.

Activist driver Wang Jinwu: to from source put this single super limited, and discharge suppression live, and now of management, what sector also tube, results is the has the of standard, if this standard are Executive words, van fundamental survival not down, these law enforcement sector also knows, standard varies, but they the by the of standard, they only themselves of penalty of paragraph just, remaining governance super limited, is do looks of.

Seizing on the side of the truck

On November 26, the press conference of the economy and a half hours when leaving the yongcheng, Wen Li was seized by owners trucks still parked at the scene, had more than 10 days, and two local highways, law enforcement vehicles on the road after a previous, several law enforcement officers responsible for guarding, day and night alternately stand, eat and sleep in the car.

"Half an hour to watch"

Though eventually failed to see detailed accounts checklist, but from years of reported judgments, even if all open in yongcheng, Henan's Highway sector will lead to a really big secret, but is escrow a penalty, a fine return case. These years, we has see had too more similar of phenomenon, from Heilongjiang of Lindian County, Henan province of huaibin, and Shangqiu, Hubei Province of gongan County, all these place of Highway management sector seemed was imposed has also of "collective magic spell", and actually, if we again forward a step, will found, highway management sector suffered of actual is institutional magic spell, 2009 National range within of fuel tax reform Hou, series no perfect of supporting problem in quite degree Shang led to has this all. How to solve three messy? Answer is very clear, in addition to comprehensive implementation of responsibility system of administrative law enforcement and law enforcement funds by the financial security system, the more critical is break down sectoral silos, relying on a paper document or internal regulations can optionally punishment the situation must be changed. 18 plenary session has been clearly identified: integrated law enforcement body, the relative concentration of law enforcement powers, and promoting the integrated law enforcement powers and responsibilities to address crossover and duplicate law enforcement issues, establishing responsibilities were consolidated, authoritative and efficient law enforcement system. We are looking forward to, highway departments can really implement plenary requirements, first try, made significant breakthrough in road management for law enforcement.

(Edit: SN077) November 30, 2013(河南永城公路乱开巨额罚款 车主不堪重负自杀|罚款|永城|自杀_新闻资讯

  河南永城公路乱开巨额罚款 不堪重负车主自杀







  郭万里:之后(运政执法人员)就打电话,让公路局的过来。听到他说,路上有一个超限车辆,你们怎么看? 大约有五分钟左右就过来了。来了一辆公路治超车,流动治超车。也有四五个人,下来之后就把我车门打开,打开、强行把我拽下来了。




























































  郭万里 :我们(车主)气得确实不行,因为上个月刚在那边,(被)罚了好几万(元),这次心里面承受不了。






























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