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The SASAC: enterprises such as concealed removed by the head of the accident investigation

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/30 9:39:51 Browse times: 312 Comment times: 0

The SASAC: enterprises such as concealed removed by the head of the accident investigation(国资委:央企如瞒报事故一把手撤职查办)

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The SASAC: safe production in enterprises such as concealed removed by the head of the accident investigation | | | SASAC enterprises _ news

Authorities wide nets, Beijing, November 29 (reporter Guo m), according to voice of the national news coverage, SASAC deployment of safe production in enterprises today, Huang Shu and State Council, SASAC Deputy Director stressed that the safety regulations are not stepped on, and are not allowed to touch the "red lines", central enterprise if not reporting an accident, head must be dismissed and prosecuted.

Huang Shu and held on the 29th of a central working Conference on enterprise safety and emergency management said so far this year, the central enterprise much larger social impact of major accidents that occurred in some areas and parts of production the accident-prone, has still not been effectively curbed the momentum of frequent, Central Enterprise do well under the new situation of work safety must be sober awareness of the challenges faced.

Huang Shu and: these situations arise, exposed the problem of central enterprise safety in production management, these problems most trite problems, without addressing long-term, has become a central enterprise safety production of "disease".

Huang Shuhe said prohibitions in national legal provisions regarding safety and the SASAC the central safety bans were enacted in the basic requirements of work safety, is cannot be stepped on, is not allowed to touch the "red line", the Central enterprises must observe, not allowed to cross.

Huang Shu and: as long as there is a central enterprise security incidents were concealed, headquarters review downgrades, this ambiguous, like tends to fall, expelled from the central business force, should not allow him to enter the central business force.

(Original title: SASAC deployment of Central enterprises safety: concealed head removed from the investigation of the accident)

(Edit: SN077)November 29, 2013 China broadcast network(国资委:央企如瞒报事故一把手撤职查办|安全生产|国资委|央企_新闻资讯








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