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The Justice Department said community correction differs from reeducation

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/30 9:39:34 Browse times: 290 Comment times: 0

The Justice Department said community correction differs from reeducation-through-labor(司法部称社区矫正不同于劳动教养)

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The Justice Department said community correction differs from reeducation-through-labor community correction _ | | RTL | Ministry of justice news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 29 (reporter Cui Qingxin)-Zhao Dacheng, Deputy Minister of Justice of 29th, said at a news conference, community corrections is an integral part of penalty execution, its legal basis and scope of application, application procedures, means of implementation, is different from the system of reeducation through labor.

18 plenary session decided to present: the abolition of the system of reeducation through labor, perfect for correction and correction of illegal acts of law, improve the system of community correction. In this regard, concerns whether detention after the abolition of community corrections, becomes a form of re-education through labour.

New on deepening reform of the administration of Justice, held at a news conference, Zhao Dacheng responded by saying the two systems cannot be confused with, let alone predicted such a situation.

He explained that community correction is in accordance with the law, control, declared after the verdict of probation, parole and temporary execution service of light sentences, short sentences to make committed, on community corrections. Is a subjective mens rea is not that deep, there is not much danger to society, the punishment lighter people, society, returning to its family, accepts a different from the imprisoned transformation of special upgrade form. Community correction reflects the implementation of the criminal policy of temper justice with mercy.

Zhao Dacheng said the detention is an illegal act, but does not constitute a crime to take compulsory education, measures for its centralized management, and community corrections is a difference.

According to reports, China's community corrections pilots beginning in 2003, in 2005 to expand the pilot, 2009 full pilot. Amendments to the Criminal Code (h) and amendment of the criminal law is expressly provided for community correction system, establishing a legal system of community corrections. State Department has included the community correction law-2013 legislative work plan. 12 session of the national people's Congress, the law has been included in the legislative plan.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Justice, by the end of October this year, Trojan prisoners of receiving communities around 1.665 million, Trojan lifted correction of 1.007 million, during crime community sentence correction for 0.2%.

(Edit: SN077)November 29, 2013 The website(司法部称社区矫正不同于劳动教养|劳动教养|司法部|社区矫正_新闻资讯









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