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Guo Youming were accused of dealing with relationships is not perfect

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/30 9:36:07 Browse times: 334 Comment times: 0

Guo Youming were accused of dealing with relationships is not perfect(郭有明被指处理人际关系不完美)

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Guo Youming were accused of dealing with relationships is not perfect: speech time leadership | Guo Youming | real estate companies | report _ news

Guo Youming "Yichang robbery"

Abstract: the Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision website releases: Guo Youming, Deputy Governor of Hubei province suspected of violating the law, currently under investigation.

Reporter Chen Feng in Beijing

A central "Tiger" list stretch.

Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision of site before publishing news: Hubei Province Deputy Governor Guo Youming suspected of violating the law, currently under investigation. Media statistics, Guo is the 12th of 18 surveyed since provincial and ministerial level officials.

For a Hubei official Guo Youming,, is already a major fire in the short term. Just before Guo announced on November 19, former Vice Chairman Chen Baihuai in Hubei Province has been confirmed were under investigation. Lok implicated many of them are business people and officials, the latest message is displayed, and Yichang local real estate companies by Kuo's case was taken to assist in the investigation.

"It seems to an outsider, Guo Youming, Chen Baihuai Lok some unexpected. "Hubei, local officials said in an interview with the China times. In fact, Kuo is only in 2012 to leave Yichang enters provincial employees, deep plowing in Yichang for more than 10 years, and probably also the source of the murder in Yichang.

  Direct reports?

Official curriculum vitae shows, Guo Youming, was born in 1956, Hubei Province, have been serving in 2011, was promoted to Deputy Governor, but had been acting as Secretary of the Yichang, Yichang, until 2012. Calculated from the serving since 2000 to Yichang, Guo on the ground for more than 10 years, serving as Mayor for 4 years, Communist Party Chief for 4 years.

"Because Guo Youming to Wuhan to work for long, had sent a check, should be his trouble at work in Yichang. "Some officials in Hubei Province, told reporters.

Judging from the media coverage, Lok and Kwok "Three Gorges all-pass" event is connected to. "Three Gorges all-pass" was Guo Youming in Yichang as the main leader of the greatest "prestige projects", with a total investment of 20 billion yuan, is the largest investment project and Yichang in Hubei province's second-largest private enterprises, but ended up causing "cut?off tragedy."

Hubei media professionals familiar with events said, "Three Gorges caah" tragedy with the Yichang City Government. The participation of Government-led, enterprises away from the present, crazy loans from banks, operating problems, led to a massive loan cannot be returned, causing huge amount of toxic assets to banks in Yichang, a great influence.

However, the aforementioned media personalities did not believe that "Three Gorges all-pass" event is the cause of Guo Youming eventually Lok Ma direct cause. In his view, this incident might be seen as more decision failure, although the major project decisions should assume responsibility for this failure, but judging from the past history, it is not enough to only a Vice-ministerial-level officials.

Hubei officials to reporters that Lok Ma should be directly linked to Kuo Central Inspection Unit relevant to the work of. According to the central unified plan, June 2 of this year, visits the second inspection group of Central Hubei province. According to the head of the inspection group said du deyin, cadres and the masses reflected the main issues include: individual leading cadres for personal gains, small number of leading cadres ' one-sided view of political achievement, individual localities and departments violations assault promoted cadres, and so on. Inspection group will also have before it reflected the problems of some leading cadres leads according to the rule, passed on to relevant departments of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central Organization Department.

"The most likely is that reported Guo Youming and provided evidence of corruption. "One official asked to remain anonymous said, now more rumors, including selling of bribes and using their power to help relatives profit in real estate development. However, this reporter was not confirmed by authorities.

  "Characteristics of Yichang"

"The fast growth in previous years in Yichang, description Guo Youming is doing solid work. He surveyed it into place, there may be other reasons. "One in Guo, Hubei provincial government officials said.

According to the official, Guo Youming, pragmatic, working, style evident in selecting and appointing cadres, love wanted to be work, dare officials. A case study of yidu city, yidu city leaders, supported by Guo Youming, dared to think, to do so that no county-level city of Fame, several economic indicators hit the province's leader.

"But the character and style of selecting and appointing cadres with the negativity, easy to offend people, sparking rancor. "The foregoing officials said after Guo in the province, may also on the relationship does not.

For example, he said, in a certain sector of the province's Working Conference, Guo Youming simultaneously with another top provincial leaders present, Guo took the Chair. According to the General procedure, after the leaders finished, Guo only briefly summarize, but Guo was long-winded, even more than the previous leadership of talk time.

"That sort of thing was bound to affect relationships with others, Guo Youming did in this regard is far from perfect. "The official said. In the view of some, Guo Youming style, with an obvious "Yichang".

Hubei Yichang because of its "size" larger and has three gorges power hub, very special place. As such, formed the outsiders ' view of "Yichang".

One of the Hubei provincial officials said, as officials in the province, they went to the place to carry out their work, may be subject to more open arrangements, but not in Yichang, "sometimes don't feel welcomed by the Yichang. "As far as he knows, this is not unique to a particular sector.

In some academic or research institution of such adjustments, increased more than Chinese provincial-level administrative divisions in the draft, Yichang has been listed in the Division over more than 10 of the front end of the most likely to be upgraded.

  Bureaucracy or aftershocks

Guo Youming, 57 years old, full-time, Vice Governor of Hubei province before the crime was committed less than 1.5 years. Deputy Governor in Office, he is in charge of land and resources, water resources, agriculture and forestry, Office, North of the three gorges Bureau and other departments.

"Although he is in charge of corruption-prone in the field of land resources, but because the charge was shorter, Lok Kwok is irrelevant. "One of the officials interviewed said.

After being checked in Guo Youming, a video news became popular on the Internet. This press release from radio and TV media for publication of the three gorges, is Guo Youming participate in yidu city implementation of a clean and honest administration briefings and made a speech. Guo said that to fight corruption from its source, and innovation systems to prevent corruption.

When Guo Youming 2011 was elected Vice-Governor, organizationally it judged to be political talent, familiar with economic work, focusing on the macro-planning, to promote its efforts. At the same time, mature, fair and honest, and more stringent demands on themselves.

Illustrating the intriguing.

At present, the Hubei provincial government website includes information on Guo Youming information from provincial government leaders have been removed. Baidu known, Guo Youming most recently at a public function on November 21 this year, which were declared to be interviewed in the previous week, he went to rural integrated research of Wuhan, Wuhan property exchange.

Guo Youming was investigated, and Vice Governor of Hubei Province (including the Deputy provincial Governor), reduced from the original 7-bit and 6-bit number. Perhaps more than that: 8 days ago, Chen Baihuai were reported for suspected serious disciplinary offences offence under investigation.

"Such high intensity movements, showing the Central determination to investigate corruption. As you can imagine, an official Guo Youming won't be falling final. "The officials said. (This article source: Huaxia times)

(Edit: SN064)November 30, 2013 The website(郭有明被指处理人际关系不完美:讲话时间超领导|郭有明|房地产商|举报_新闻资讯


  摘要: 中央纪委监察部网站日前发布消息:湖北省副省长郭有明涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查。

  本报记者 陈锋 北京报道
































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