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Carrier base which may contain the entire control range in Sanya in South China Sea

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/30 9:34:45 Browse times: 335 Comment times: 0

Carrier base which may contain the entire control range in Sanya in South China Sea(三亚航母基地控制范围可含整个南海)

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Military expert: carrier scope base which may contain the entire South China Sea, Sanya | | | Sanya South China Sea _ the carrier base news

Yesterday morning, Liaoning ships accompanied by his 4 ships and frigate, after 3 days of sailing, berthing for the first time a naval base in Sanya.

Went to sea to conduct scientific experiments and training in Liaoning, and 26th, set sail from a naval base in Qingdao in the morning after, with the Navy guided missile destroyer Shijiazhuang, Shenyang, ships, ships and missile frigate warship, Weifang, Yantai ship take the form of continuous running high between day and night, the East China Sea, via the Taiwan Strait, arrived in a naval base in Sanya on yesterday morning. A naval base in Sanya is the Navy designed and built a large naval base, with appropriate facilities, meet the needs of major surface ships berthing. Liaoning will ship supplies here after testing and training.

It is understood that the scientific research ship 5th in Liaoning this year at sea trials and training, and in the course of navigation, various scientific experiments and training in an orderly manner on board, a variety of device performance under different hydrometeorological conditions are effectively tested. According to the Chinese Navy's network


 "Carrier scope base which may contain the entire South China Sea, Sanya"

Yesterday, the military Song Zhongping carrier base in Sanya, and 4 aircraft carriers gathered in the South China Sea between China and issues such as an interview with the Beijing News reporter.

 There were two or three aircraft carrier base is normal

A: in addition to carrier base in Qingdao, and why established carrier base in Sanya? China's aircraft carrier plan?

Song Zhongping: definitely more than a future aircraft carrier in China, and it's development trend.

Carrier not only has a base. Like the United States at home has three aircraft carrier bases on the East and West Coast, including San Diego, Norfolk, even overseas Japan Yokosuka base for aircraft carrier.

China has 18,000 km of coastline, there were two or three aircraft carriers base is normal. From the national strategic point of view, do not have only one aircraft carrier bases.

  Base can host all types of ships

The Beijing News: Sanya carrier base will incorporate what functions?

Song Zhongping: is the carrier of the Sanya base, it can in General, special equipment such as weapons and ammunition supplies. Here not only to stop aircraft carriers, dock, station, supplies all ships in a carrier battle group. It is a comprehensive military dockyard, everything that could be the host base for aircraft carrier stationed, also must be able to host all types of warships.

  Near the base of the air force base

Newspaper: what carrier base to the hardware? Why choose Sanya?

Song Zhongping: aircraft carriers require higher levels of Al-Qaida, has chosen very carefully.

First aircraft carrier approximately draughts in the 10-meter, so the average carrier approximately draughts within 20 metres of the base. Second, the best is a haven, so that ships have special sea sea conditions will not be affected. This places on three sides by mountains, base before the breakwater, can stop big wave to ensure carrier base in calm waters.

Docked naval ships leaving only a small number of people, most of the staff to go ashore to rest, so the carrier base to have a large living area.

Carriers generally have air force base next to the base. Aircraft carrier stationed in Hong Kong, and aircraft on the ship was shaking, and sea salt and humidity, maintenance on the aircraft to land on a warship to the airport, when you perform a task, then flew to the carrier.

Carrier base in Sanya meets these requirements.

Guarantee the uninterrupted South China Sea cruise

The Beijing News: Sanya carrier base covered in the control?

Song Zhongping: the entire South China Sea, which is a requirement for it. Most distal to the zengmu shoal of South China Sea from mainland China more than 2000 kilometres, ground-based aircraft could fly, but left blank will not be too long, which made it difficult to effectively maintain the sovereignty and territorial integrity of South China Sea. If the carrier base, you can protect the aircraft carrier to continuous cruising the South China Sea, for the entire South China sea air. So, building a carrier base in Sanya is the maintenance of sovereignty over the South China Sea.

 Formation or command nexus test

A: destination of the carrier on this voyage, Liaoning, training, what are the main training content?

Song Zhongping: now, Liaoning is a cross-site training. Carrier must be used by sailing to test performance. The sea and the South China Sea, sea conditions are more complex, deterioration of the environment, it is necessary to adapt to the environment and identifying issues, provide experience for future upgrades.

Shipboard training is practice makes perfect, so in the South China Sea before the process is repeated in the training content, including hanging bullets, night landing, and so must practice over and over again, can really form edge.

In addition, the Liaoning ship also brought two guided missile destroyers and two frigates, which was a light aircraft carrier training formation. To communicate it and the other four warships matching test, concurrent command training.

In addition, the ships did not have fighting in Liaoning province, Liaoning, 4 warships for escort ships to provide task, if there is detection of others damaged, 4 warships can fight back.

 American interference provided close to actual combat training opportunity

Newspaper: Liaoning this time with us-Japan 3-aircraft carrier aircraft carrier formations "bump into" possible additional training effect?

Song Zhongping: 4 aircraft carrier will "bump into" didn't have to do too much interpreting, their ship will interfere with our training, even make certain subjects and I can't get it, and that idea of the carrier's activities by monitoring.

In this case, reasonable adjustment of training courses, the training plan. It is also close to actual combat training, battle is jamming and anti-jamming capabilities.

 Drill has nothing to do with American and Japanese aircraft carrier operations

Newspaper: Liaoning aircraft carrier formations in sea exercises at this time there is no special intention?

Song Zhongping, Liaoning, exercises should be developed. For example, the carrier now and sea exercises and aircraft carrier bases have been built, can dock, you can also validate carrier base performance. The plans and actions of the American and Japanese aircraft carrier should be OK.

The Beijing News reporter yan Xin Yu

(Original title: aircraft carrier berth for the first time, a naval base in Sanya, Liaoning)

(Edit: SN064)November 30, 2013 The Beijing News(军事专家:三亚航母基地控制范围可含整个南海|航母基地|三亚|南海_新闻资讯



  据了解,这是今年辽宁舰第5次出海进行科研试验和训练,在航渡过程中,各种科研试验和训练有序进行,舰上多种设备的性能在不同气象水文条件下得到有效检验。 据中国海军网

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  新京报记者 闫欣雨



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