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Authorities say Qingdao explosion and pipe layout is reasonably related to

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Authorities say Qingdao explosion and pipe layout is reasonably related to(权威人士称青岛爆炸与管道布局不合理有关)

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Authorities say Qingdao Qingdao, explosion and pipe layout is not reasonably related to | | | explosion Sinopec _ news

  Summary: a number of authoritative sources told the 21st century business Herald News, "yellow 11·22 Sinopec East oil pipeline leakage and explosion accidents" is the direct mechanism of pipeline corrosion of pipelines and drainage culverts junction serious, causing oil spills, flows into culverts, air and oil mixed in a confined space. After the oil spill, rescue dispose of illegal operations have triggered the explosion.

 Sinopec East yellow oil pipeline explosion accident investigation

11·22 the cause of the accident show: piping due and reasonable layout, irregular jobs explosion

Accident investigation and direction has been clear. Since then, the "standards for pipeline, running and enterprise, the Government's joint contingency measures would put forward proposals."

"11·22" incident after 7th Street more than 10 kilometers away from the blast site zhaitang Island Hotel, from the State work safety supervision Bureau, the public security departments, oil systems and research institutions over more than 50 experts joined the investigation. Local governments and Sinopec company staff have been involved in the events between hotel, sent drawings and materials.

An attending person remembers, saws officials demanded that "the history, check the archives. "The investigation team requested the parties to provide reports required to write details clearly, stamped with the official seal on it. Chain of evidence has clearly point to the causes of the accidents.

A number of authoritative sources told the 21st century business Herald News, "yellow 11·22 Sinopec East oil pipeline leakage and explosion accidents" is the direct mechanism of pipeline corrosion of pipelines and drainage culverts junction serious, causing oil spills, flows into culverts, air and oil mixed in a confined space. After the oil spill, rescue dispose of illegal operations have triggered the explosion.

Accidents and local piping layouts are also related. Pipeline accident lot layout is reasonable, resulting in serious corrosion of the pipeline, the Jiaozhou Bay tidal movement is likely to be crude from entering the sea intrusion, reverse shift to zhaitang Island neighborhood, causing an explosion occurred in a relatively concentrated area of personnel.

After the accident, accident investigation unit was set up under the State Council. 21st century business Herald reporter was informed that from local governments and Sinopec group company to obtain materials and a preliminary analysis, the investigation unit in the Division of preliminary technical appraisal links into "leak investigation", the "explosion investigations", the "summary of emergency assessment" group and the "municipal survey" group, to be writing relevant content, respectively, form the final report and make relevant recommendations.

Thus, "11·22" direction has been clear. Since then, the "standards for pipeline, running and enterprise, the Government's joint contingency measures would put forward recommendations. "Someone involved in the relevant work, experts say.

However, the closely guarded the accident effect on the pattern of oil and gas transport, preliminary investigations showed the accident, Sinopec group network operating under the framework of contingency liability mismatch exists. 18 the third plenary session of the former official research institutions submitted that "oil and gas pipeline network" split proposal from the oil companies. After the incident in 11·22, management of Sinopec pipeline Sinopec pipeline storage and transportation (branch) website Home transferred to black and white, Sinopec group to this non-independent branch management network model is still widely discussed throughout.

  Through the culvert pipe

Preliminary investigations revealed that yellow pipe corroded East that day caused large oil spill into the drain. Drain culvert forms confined space, oil and gas and air mix to form explosive conditions.

Investigation group of experts considered a preliminary discussion in the contingency operations, corporate misuse of non-explosion-proof electrical equipment, construction environment and probably does not have to be oil and gas index, there is no effective preventive measures. Section of the pipeline near a sewer across both isolation and piping through a drainage culvert, forming a confined space.

Huangdao Planning Bureau, said people in July 1995, the Huangdao commissioned naval engineering planning, land Bureau, culvert design as a whole, the entire culvert length of 1.4 km. Archives show that beneath the bridges and culverts, perpendicular to a pipeline in the direction of bridge and culvert. Subsequent to changes is uncertain.

"Sinopec pipeline of governance problems, was not found in time, especially with such a hole can detect. They want change, but no change. "One expert involved in the investigation said.

A city drainage map displays of the local municipal authorities, drainage system at the scene was "human" shape distributions. Zone, the district has two small, one along the road laid in Zhoushan Island, planted a zhaitang along Island Road, Liugong Island Road junction in zhaitang Island Road, two sewer pipes meet, summarize the zhaitang Island Street in a 7-meter-wide channel of water total. The total channel separate from the landmark water road, Qinhuangdao road intersection, Newton and then through the chemical plants, from South to North into the sea.

Afterwards confirmed that the section of sewer explosions occurred almost two into branch sewers and the water channel fits perfectly. From the explosions ignited near zhaitang North sections of the island are below Canal, damage is most severe, the road fully cracked, breaking glass the building on both sides, floors bow. Farther up the River Road, Zhoushan Island sewer explosions ignited there is about one kilometer, relatively light damage, road arches, but did not crack.

Causes may be related to tides. The day of the incident, at 3 o'clock in the morning to 8 in the period of flux, is 8 points to 10:25 at low tide. At 3 o'clock after the oil spill comes as sea high tide, salt water intrusion. Therefore, leaks of crude oil not only flows downstream, upstream populated sewers upstream on the float. This oil also caused difficulties.

Members of the group said: "so much oil, you would not flush. Rushing out, rushed to Sea oil, is heavily polluted, and second, could not handle a short time: the tide, salt water intrusion, crude oil is back. ”

8-hour measures

From oil spills within 8 hours before two o'clock in the morning in the explosion, Sinopec and Huangdao zone has many contradictions, and between businesses and Government emergency plan need run-in increases.

Qingdao development zone management committee, obtained by this reporter, a report on the accident to the investigation team under the State Council shows, 22nd half at the earliest, a highway maintenance personnel found Qinhuangdao and zhaitang Island Street interchange on the road have crude oil, then alert the local 110 command center.

A Sinopec Huangdao oil depots are responsible for production safety of its staff to the 21st century business Herald reporters, Huangdao oil depot is responsible for the depot is managed internally, Weifang pipeline company pipeline responsible for management, but once the oil spill, both sides were able to monitor the.

2:40 A.M., Weifang, pipe storage and transportation company of Sinopec oil oil spill monitoring equipment showed that outbound yellow double Huangdao pressure falling rapidly. In the case of non-jump pump, this is signs of oil leakage.

According to the instructions of the CMC, and 5 minutes later, Sinopec, 110 command Center received (report does not specify which company is Sinopec) officer on duty calls. Officers on duty on the phone said that Sinopec weakened monitoring of pipeline pressure, speculated may be due to theft of crude oil. Oil spill command center will then report to the regional emergency Office, emergency Office informed related departments rushed to the site for disposal.

3:15, Huangdao oil depot to close oil valve. If informed by CMC, distance at this time discovered oil spill was over 45 minutes, rather than a Sinopec spokesman said oil had spilled 12 minutes. The Huangdao oil employees said, Huangdao oil subsequently launched the emergency plan, patrolman to lock the leakage line position, emergency personnel decontamination pavement.

The staff responsible for the safety in production said, plan to start later, Weifang and Huangdao oil pipeline is a lateral units, Weifang oil Department Huangdao oil depots should be coordinated. Later, Deputy Director of Weifang oil told the media that the survivors, Weifang, Shandong received distribution in the movement control section, phone, phone calls, Qingdao Huangdao oil spills, the relevant departments have rushed to the scene, then rushed to the scene of the oil spill of Qingdao, responding to the support.

Reported at 7 o'clock in the morning, Huangdao safety supervision departments and Huangdao, Weifang oil as the leader of the depot to the scene. Former ask the latter was informed that the leak is crude oil pipeline to Wong Wai Tsak Tong pipeline. But this assertion is denied by Sinopec, Sinopec according to official Micro-Blog: Huang Wei of the oil spill is not a new pipeline, but yellow double line in the East.

"Crude oil via the Qinhuangdao road junction and zhaitang Island Street flooded roads along the zhaitang Island Street, about 150 meters to the South stream, extends benefits and appliances-Simon South, formed about 1000 metres of oil distribution, wide and narrow from North to South. Leaked crude oil has entered the side of the rain pipe. "CMC case reports describe the pavement.

Subsequently, the municipalities along the sewer to see the spill, the Agency began cleaning up the sea, Weifang oil looks for oil spills and oil at nine o'clock in the morning the zhaitang island with a sandy street pavement full coverage, and walls off the oil spill closures and traffic control.

Description says Huangdao emergency 7:40, Deputy Director of the disposition over the phone after the accident and report back to the general duty Office of the municipal government. When so far, Qingdao and Huangdao oil spill in the city and county level Governments were aware of the situation.

  Illegal operation possibilities

However, on that day, at 10:30 A.M., and Qinhuangdao zhaitang Island Street Street exploded, Xinhua News Agency reported that 55 people were killed, 9 missing, 145 people were injured in hospital.

"So long, why would such a large range of explosion? "One expert involved in the investigation said: the emergency properly, must have been an indirect cause. Both business and Government, first of all depends on the plans is unreasonable, if the plan is not reasonable, that is the formulation of the problem. Second, the plan is implemented as plans.

Huangdao previously developed by the emergency plan for accidents of dangerous chemicals called, after the accident, the accident occurred units shall immediately organize emergency rescue teams, and promptly report 119, 110 command center District Public Security Bureau and other departments. Report content not only includes the company name, address, category of hazardous chemical accidents (fire, explosion, leakage, etc), also includes the potential hazards.

In this regard, the Board shall in its report submitted to the State Council investigation team noted that related departments of the CMC was informed is through the 110 command center that the crude oil spill. Before the explosion, CMC departments from the Sinopec pipeline company is aware of the oil spills and disposal of, hazards that may occur include leaking oil, and pipeline enterprises also no hints and instructions (except learned that there is an oil spill).

"Because you do not have more detailed information, CMC to relevant departments according to the actual situation, taken in accordance with general practices for disposing of oil spill emergency response measures. "The report said.

From the description of the Board will be presented to the State Council investigation group, Sinopec, will be blamed for failing to response.

In interviews, more than a Sinopec Huangdao oil depot employee told reporters that enterprises have started an internal emergency plan and reported to the District Government. "But companies have no right to urgently evacuate, only government agencies can afford. "They complain.

However, the predominating in field reports, related company does not successfully detect leak area oil and gas conditions, misuse of non-explosion-proof electrical apparatus has been seen as a more direct reason. (This article source: the 21st century business Herald)

(11·22 the cause of the accident show: pipe layout less rational, or the job caused the explosion)

(Edit: SN028)November 30, 2013 North network(权威人士称青岛爆炸与管道布局不合理有关|青岛|爆炸|中石化_新闻资讯















  黄岛区规划局相关人士介绍, 1995年7月,黄岛区规划土地局委托了海军工程设计局,为整个暗渠做了设计,整个暗渠全长1.4公里。档案资料显示,在桥涵下方,垂直于桥涵方向有一条输油管。后续如何更改尚不确定。

















  说明称,7:40 黄岛区应急办副主任将事故发生经过及处置情况通过电话向市政府总值班室汇报。至此时,青岛及黄岛市县两级政府都知悉了漏油情况。










(11·22事故原因初显: 管道布局欠合理,违规作业引发爆炸)


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