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Wuhan adjustment of housing purchase policy

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:40:45 Browse times: 307 Comment times: 0

Wuhan adjustment of housing purchase policy(武汉调整住房限购政策)

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Adjustment of housing purchase policies of Wuhan: outsiders buying taxable 2-years housing policy _ limited | | |-Wuhan news

People in Wuhan, November 27 (reporter Li Rusheng) following the November 22, Wuhan promulgated the opinions on further strengthening market regulation work when, in order to strengthen market regulation, on November 27, the Wuhan City Housing and the Housing Authority issued a notice on adjusting housing restriction measures-related issues.

On November 27, the housing security and published by the Housing Authority of the city of Wuhan City Housing Authority on adjusting our housing restriction policy notice (hereinafter referred to as "notification"). "Notification" requirement, non-Hukou households in the city to buy housing in the city, pay taxes or social security number from "can provide the purchase date of the city's total payment of more than 1 year" adjustment "can provide purchase date of cumulative paid more than 2 years in the city."

At the same time, units of the notification request the acceptance of newly built commercial housing, the stock of housing contract filing and registration of property rights should be strengthened auditing, to provide proof of payment of taxes and social security do not meet the requirements, not to go through the relevant formalities.

"Notice" also requires that non-Hukou households purchase newly built commercial housing in the city, and for signing the subscription agreement and submit the purchase date for eligibility verification; purchase of housing stock, for submission to the net to check dates of the housing stock of the sale contract.

(Edit: SN028)November 28, 2013 People's daily online(武汉调整住房限购政策:外地人购房需纳税超2年|武汉|住房限购|政策_新闻资讯

  人民网武汉11月27日电 (记者 李如胜)继11月22日,武汉出台《关于进一步加强房地产市场调控工作意见》后,为加强房地产市场调控,11月27日,武汉市住房保障和房屋管理局就调整住房限购措施有关问题发布通知。





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