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State Bureau for letters and calls: avoiding leapfrog depends on timely visit Strip

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:39:43 Browse times: 309 Comment times: 0

State Bureau for letters and calls: avoiding leapfrog depends on timely visit Strip(国家信访局:避免越级访要靠及时就地解决)

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State Bureau for letters and calls: avoiding leapfrog visit depends on site | Bureau for letters and calls in a timely manner | leapfrog | petitioners _ news

Xinhua Beijing November 28 electric in 28th country new do held of press conference Shang, in talked about "leapfrog petitioning" this a problem Shi, country letters and calls Council Deputy Secretary Li Gao response said, now of repeat visit, and leapfrog visit in is big level Shang is because timely in-place solution enough by produced of, so we think timely in-place solution masses of reasonable v seek truth letters and calls work of starting point and focus on points, is solution repeat visit, and leapfrog petitioning of important work based.

[China Radio International] in reality, due to a number of problems can cause skipping and appealing, but the ultimate resolution of the issue is going back to the ground. Petition petition how to avoid skipping or repeating problems? Addressing the legitimate aspirations of the masses in a timely manner, what are the specific institutional arrangements? What measures will be taken to open avenue of complaint letters and visits? While protecting petitioners from legitimate interests?

[Li Gao] you ask this question just now, the Secretary has mentioned, you referred to the work of letters and calls of core issues, local solutions in a timely manner. Now repeat visits, skipping an interview in large part due to timely solve arising out of inadequate, so we think in place in a timely manner to address the reasonable demands of the masses starting point and focus of the work of letters and calls to address the important work of repeat visits, Leapfrog and appealing. In this regard, over the years at all levels of our departments has been moving in this direction, the situation today, put a lot of effort and work. However, in reality does have a situation you mentioned, going up, to visit, then returned to the cure, how do? We think the key is hold four aspects, is the next step to focus on four areas:

First, pay attention to people visiting for the first time and the first letter, as far as possible problems in the handling of local solution for the first time. We know that many of the problems, especially the petition is not open around, not up, sooner or later, to be resolved, earlier is better than later solved solved; don't fix it first became revisited, local settlement became leapfrog interview. This is a critical approach.

Secondly, at the municipal and county levels should be the universal establishment of responsibility departments jointly hosted the masses, reduced mass in ' running round, pointing, buck-passing between different sectors. Sector, one sector of a sector address, two issues settled, coordinating multiple sector and improve efficiency.

Third, controlling with a focus on city and County leading cadres receiving visitors tour, targeting local petition the outstanding problems that exist, and resolving conflicts. "Long-standing, and persistent, boss stepped in it is not difficult to" big brother come forward to solve the chronic problem. To test our in Office and in the process, understand the thoughts of the masses, refining and improving our work, improve the democratic and scientific decision-making, reduce the incidence of the problem from its source.

IV, strengthen supervision. Analytical evaluation around the actual effectiveness of protecting their interests, promote the responsibility to implement and promote problem solving. Specific to the State Bureau for letters and calls, urged the three priorities: first petition issues figure prominently; second, trans-regional and cross-sectoral, cross-petition problem; third, with a degree of universality, needed from the policy level to study and improve the problem. This is our focus, by focusing on the promotion of local accountability, reducing visits visit to the masses, and finally "from where to where to" problem solved.

(Edit: SN028)November 28, 2013 The website(国家信访局:避免越级访要靠及时就地解决|信访局|越级|上访_新闻资讯

   新华网北京11月28日电 在28日国新办举行的新闻发布会上,在谈到“越级上访”这一问题时,国家信访局副局长李皋回应称,现在的重复访、越级访在很大程度上是因为及时就地解决不够所产生的,所以我们觉得及时就地解决群众的合理诉求是信访工作的出发点和着力点,也是解决重复访、越级上访的重要工作基础。








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