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Puyang, Henan Province: family refused demolition officials removed, neither can you be forced to divorce

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:38:38 Browse times: 300 Comment times: 0

Puyang, Henan Province: family refused demolition officials removed, neither can you be forced to divorce(河南濮阳:家人拒拆迁官员免职,被迫离婚也不行)

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Puyang, Henan Province: family refused demolition officials removed from Office was forced to divorce divorce _ no | Puyang County of Henan | demolition | news

Authorities wide nets Puyang, November 28 (reporter Liu Li) according to the voice of the news aspect of the report, in 2013, there are three major tasks in Puyang city, Henan province. In addition to the familiar outside the construction of key projects, attracting investment, there is a "remove promote construction". In a public report, "to remove promote construction" is defined as a is to speed up the process of new towns, enhance the image of the city, but also to improve the well-being of the residents.

But in Puyang city of a burial ground, for example, 1.65 million square meters of the demolition task, as of September 30, only completed 18%, pulled down by less than 300,000 square meters. Majia he comprehensive harnessing project in the County, 4.6 km, along the centerline of 125 metres on each side, down 370,000 square meters. For months, residents on both sides of the river has only one life, splitting! But they said, such a removal method, and they are not happy.

  The tax authorities questioned the motives for removal, Secretary of impure

Burial ground of tax authorities didn't think of over 70 former Party Secretary Chen Cunyi, day work, governance majia he demolished their house.

Chen Cunyi: he enlisted our houses, purpose is not pure. Majia he you to governance issues, is purely a levy later our House, they kick us out, to sell our House.

Chen Cunyi majia he center line 110 meters away, land when the unified allocation, a House is build themselves, can come to the land titles, title deed, it must be removed. Organization Minister, Deputy President of the Court, the demolition command goes to Chen Cunyi, Deputy Minister.

Chen Cunyi: why do you want to impose our local levy we do, this question, don't answer at all, Ray said, is the public interest requires that governance majia he, a 125 metres on either side, you fixed it. Deputy Commander told me about, I asked him five times in a row, you charge me about this place for what purpose, the County didn't file definition, any, Deputy Commander of you should know not to answer this question, saying both sides are building, that's bungalow, what do you mean.

Reluctant remove, reason is confused about land use, the Government did not answer, then relocation relocation, Chen Cunyi think giving people of biscuits.

Chen Cunyi: his relocation, a name that, called natural water area, horoscopes haven't written off.

  Place place is meizheluo is no protection

Burial ground of the local tax Bureau and the original like Chen Cunyi, Deputy Director Wang Xiangting, in his eyes, the houses should add a clause indefinitely.

Wang Xiangting: indefinite houses, houses are for two years, but added that if two years, and he said I will give you increased rental fees, actually underlines two years (place) is not guaranteed.

Majia he project signed an agreement at the staff to explain its policies, two year placement, 800 dollars per month rental fee during the transition period.

Staff: House 1:1 replacement, a prize, 10 days before the 15% of the housing area, later was 12%, later is 8%.

People: down where we live now?

Staff: give you 800 a month rental fee, less than four people of 2000 of removal expenses.

Reporters found in the burial ground of investigation visit, policies that everyone can recite that, but not everyone is willing to dismantle the House. Do not want to remove, because the last two years a burial ground torn region, are not placed well up to now.

Hou Mr: I not agreed demolition, it now is a space, on said that is placed room, I also see not to light, also see not to hopes, he said cover floor, a years two years, even three years, light, and nanguan, and East of big Tun, split half are Sun there has, split has of are didn't placed, so not too willing to.

Mr LEE: burial ground of the Government has no money, looking for investors, and picked our houses here, built into commercial houses sold, but he imposed the land cheap, assessment reports over 84 per square feet, US 93, bought it from 50,001 acres. So-called ' money, everything is white.

A winery in a burial ground, the boss took out all the legal formalities, demolition by the Government, have to find replacement land for factory, six replacement site and there has been no implementation.

Mr Scott: he couldn't find a good place, and no compensation scheme, and no resettlement programme, he didn't put the business on the agenda, said the demolition, communications equipment these days, telephone, Internet, and now no information at all, only the largest Telecom.

  Rather than demolition being labelled family couple forced to divorce

Citizens did not want the demolition, not only because of split, on behalf of the hard, place where meizheluo, but also because of demolition methods make it difficult to accept. In accordance with the provisions of the County, relocation is not one thing. Poor family will lose my job. People say, isn't that what did implicate demolition?

Tian Yuena was a burial ground of CCB family finally moved out of one of several families, with children, $ 600 a month, she rented two rooms. Was taken to write her name on the House, because my husband works in broadcasting and entertainment Bureau, promised before the demolition, broadcasting and entertainment Bureau in charge of lump sum they work for them every day.

Tian Yuena: people know that we are in a good, I never even had a fight, because this House, both of old quarrels. He came home every day for my work, to pressure him, he would work for me, put pressure on me, both of old quarrels, I say we get a divorce. Leader says he can't, he criticized every day in the General Assembly, the Secretary says he has no idea.

In order to keep their House, in late October, Tian Yuena couple had divorced. On November 4, was forced to signed the relocation agreement.

Tian Yuena: I say we are divorced, certificate is my name, force, he finally said, you guys are fake divorce, County leaders said, you neither can two divorced, two months before the divorce is about.

  Marriage didn't keep the House leadership saying that divorce is too late does not endorse

Li Qingfang's situation is similar, but also because of demolition, and divorced her husband in the hospitals. Marriage, did not keep the House. Said Li Qingfang, signed agreements before they couple always work under various names, too much stress, after divorce, the husband is no longer going to work.

Li Qingfang: keep working, even if the work, how many years can you furnish the House, so I told him not to go to work, don't work or not, divorce, divorced, I ruled the House, divorced after failed, he did not recognize. Ripped out the second daughter, second daughter, now 23 years old, senior here, belonging to the comeback, comeback is good, but has previously been fined, said to his dad's salary from a second daughter was born that year, took 23 years salary back.

On October 10, the Puxian Yuki "2013" issue, a burial ground of discipline Inspection Commission and Organization Department, Inspectorate, the Social Council jointly issued, specifying, refused to sign an agreement within the stipulated time, refused to move, does not tie in with the housing is imposed by the party members, cadres and officials, will be suspended or stopped working. Section leaders suspended inspection or removal of middle managers (Director of the unit, station,) dismissed and removed from the original post, General cadre await job assignment, reserve eligibility of reserve cadres to cancel. House officials made difficult in demolition work. Mr Hou's daughter works in the County Prosecutor's Office, home for the elderly to work every day.

When work didn't stop, so you go home and work.

Reporter: so do not let your child caught in the Middle?

Climate: it is. Child is listening to the leadership, he said let me down, I'm 60 years old, down to where I go, now open and have no place to live.

Susan is similar, and finally resistance, however, had to sign the agreement.

Susan: under pressure, landed. According to their heart was not willing to sign the agreement, because the agreement that is unfair to us.

(Original title: Puyang, Henan Province: family refused demolition officials can be dismissed from the couple divorced)

(Edit: SN028)November 28, 2013 China broadcast network(河南濮阳:家人拒拆迁官员免职 被迫离婚也不行|河南濮阳县|拆迁|离婚_新闻资讯

  央广网濮阳11月28日消息(记者刘黎) 据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,2013年,河南省濮阳市有三项重要工作。除了大家熟悉的重点项目建设、招商引资外,还有一个“以拆促建”。在公开的报道中,“以拆促建”被定义为是要加快新型城镇化进程,提升城市形象,也是为了提高居民的幸福指数。









  安置地方被指没着落 时间无保障












  不愿拆迁株连家人 多对夫妻被迫离婚






  婚离了房子没保住 领导称离婚太晚不认可









(原标题:河南濮阳:家人拒拆迁官员可免职 多对夫妻被迫离婚)


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