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Original Director of admissions at the University of the people due to receive after a tip

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:38:14 Browse times: 303 Comment times: 0

Original Director of admissions at the University of the people due to receive after a tip-off from flight(人民大学招生处原处长疑因接到通风报信后外逃)

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Original Director of Renmin University admissions due to flight after receiving the tip-off | people | warn | _ the Director of the University news

Cai Rongsheng, enrollment and employment of the former Director of Renmin University, last year won the "national advanced workers for employment" honors. Yet recently has this news, said Cai Rongsheng with forged passports from Shenzhen slipped, to "escape" when he was intercepted by the police.

Last night, the response of Renmin University, Cai Rongsheng being investigating for suspected violations of law and discipline and investigation but gave no reason. At present, the new Director of enrollment and employment have been appointed and carry out the work.

Jinghua times, Zhang Xiaoge Li Xianfeng

"The existing autonomous enrollment was opened a small hole under the planned economic system, but this small cave became a place of discharge, corruption has become the channel. ”

--Chinese Academy of educational sciences researcher Chu Chaohui


Original Director of admissions are checked

Recently, a "people's University Admissions employment Department Director Cai Rongsheng being checked" news coming out of the network, said Cai Rongsheng with forged passports from Shenzhen slipped, wishes to travel to Canada was intercepted, have already spoken on enrollment and other problems involved amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. Once this message is issued, which attracted heated debate, shortly after Twitter was deleted.

Yesterday, the spokesman replied at Renmin University, from departments concerned confirmed that the former Director of enrollment and employment of Cai Rongsheng, arrested for violation of laws or disciplines are under investigation, and the original school at Renmin University, Deputy Director Wang Peng has become the new Director of enrollment and employment, appointed last week and began to take the job.

A person familiar with the sources, national people's Congress over school teachers know about this, its getting caught may be due to independent recruitment for corruption, help students pay into the national people's Congress, and amount of money involved is large.


NET is now a large number of reporting materials

Cai Rongsheng absconded before the news, Professor Institute of urban and regional economics, Renmin University, the Middle regeons blog says administration in colleges and universities under the background of autonomous enrolment is cancer. "Two years ago I decided that, Renmin University independent recruitment can be a problem. ”

Yesterday morning, the Middle regeons said in media interviews, University authorities had told him the people, Cai Rongsheng was "tipped off" and said the relevant departments to investigate the issue.

He said about five or six days ago, Cai Rongsheng to escape abroad in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Customs was arrested. "As far as I know, now the school was investigated by someone else. ”

Yesterday afternoon, told Jinghua times interview, the Middle regeons repeated "someone tipped off" argument.

According to reporter queries, as early as 2010, Cai Rongsheng reported turns up a large number of materials on the Internet that his admissions of corruption, independent recruitment, early admission and other opportunities for bribes.


Was rated "Advanced workers"

Cai Rongsheng, male, was born in April 1965, people in Changchun, Jilin province. 1987 graduated Yu Tsinghua University mechanical engineering department, was workers learn Bachelor degree; 1992 graduated Yu people University trade economic Department, was economics master degree; 2002 graduated Yu people University School, was economics Dr degree; 1987 to 1989 Changchun Faw group work, any Assistant Engineer; 1992 to 2003 CPC Central Committee Taiwan work Office, and State Taiwan Affairs Office work, main is responsible for on both sides of economic exchange and cooperation of organization, and guide, and Management and coordination. Before the Director of enrollment and employment, former student Director, the Party Committee of the armed forces Minister.

People one person told reporters that after the Director of enrollment and employment of the Cai Rongsheng "low profile", who rarely speak to the media. Press search found about Cai Rongsheng and not many.

On July 17, 2012, in employment throughout the country on the recognition of the General Assembly, Cai Rongsheng as Awards is one of the winners of the 5 directly under the Ministry of education came up for recognition, was rated "Advanced workers for employment in the country." Employment of commendation to the national people's Congress gave a high evaluation, called the "Chinese College graduates ' employment rate remains high for years, continually raising the quality of employment, were obtained in the job market ' reliable, easy to ' high praise. ”


Why students prone to corruption

Education experts say that corruption and social corruption in universities is no different in nature, all because of power due to a lack of oversight. In the admissions process, there is a lot of things can corrupt space.


Internal indicators were not released

21st century education Vice President Xiong bingqi think, was admitted to planning systems, maneuvering in high schools all over the places for regulating admission scheme, there is a positive, but many colleges and universities will come in handy on their trade. Outside, except for some, and others to solve the power sectors of the schooling of their children. Now, the University owned motor places is about 1%, but if the open operation, there will be indicators of spending. Annual enrollment season there can take care of the so-called "internal admission indicators" are admissions of corruption.


Institutional lack of supervision

Xiong bingqi says, although the enrolment autonomy is not sufficient, but the country has 90 universities has its own admissions authority, such as school admission concessions to students, reduced number of admissions, schools are institutional, system space without supervision, it's possible corruption in the administration. Although the Education Department asked the University independent recruitment information to publicize, but actually not many public schools.


Walk plus black-box operation

Xiong bingqi says, in essence, this is a Government-led policy that the Government approved some students admission qualification, plus eligible, qualification for admission and extra points after the qualification, are valid for virtually all colleges and universities in the Mainland. Power can manipulate the policy, it is this characteristic, it can be said that as long as they can take care of a Government Department, extra points can take care of sponsor qualification and eligibility, schools and specific enforcement agencies, but implementation of the relevant directives. Walk around quickly emerged in recent years, plus corruption, its basically the same operation a path.


Performed by a professional Admissions Committee

Researcher at the Chinese Academy of education Chu Chaohui said such admissions of corruption, mainly because the present enrolment in the grey space, and says today's College Admissions reform is essential.

Chu Chaohui introduced, admissions of corruption is different from school are very different, permission to local universities is relatively small, greater the more major universities permission, including independent recruitment, indicators recommended, push, put on, there is room for abuse of power. In his view, in the University or college admissions, admissions should be an organizer, should not have the admissions authority, and that such powers should be open and transparent, and accept their supervision.

Chu Chaohui said the admission of the future must end the existing executive-led system, introduction of full independent recruitment, professional admissions admissions, to really solve the problem.

The establishment of modern University System

Xiong bingqi argues that now many university admissions officers trading in influence is very serious mainly because of the failure to establish modern college system, not by a professional admissions admissions, but executive leadership led the school's resources, admissions, school leaders have tremendous power. Frequent admissions of corruption mainly because University is the school leader in charge now, school is not open and transparent.

In his view, the modern University system must be established, restrict school administration, such as the principals cancel the administrative level, from a Government-appointed to publicly elected, establishment of independent admissions committees to set admissions standards, the Administration must be transparent to implement standards, achieve independent, academic autonomy in education, Student Government, and so on.


Inspection group had discovered the independent recruitment issues

June 3 this year, according to the unified arrangements of the central authorities, Central tenth inspection group to Renmin University conducted inspections and interviewed the middle-level cadres of the school. It is understood that the two rounds of inspections of the central inspection group, Renmin University is the only college or University.

On September 26, after the end of the inspection group visits, with the people's University leadership and feedback from serving members of the Council to inspect the situation.

Visits group leader Chen Jiwa in feedback Shi pointed out that, visits in the cadres workers reflect of problem main is: in style clean government and anti-corruption aspects, penal anti-system construction especially financial management, and cadres pay management, and autonomous admissions, aspects exists weaknesses; in Executive Central "eight items provides" and style construction aspects, abroad management not specification, public funds eating, and gift phenomenon still exists; in Executive democratic centralism and cadres singles appointments aspects, a time in party led Xia of principals responsibility follow-up enough in place, Endless specification of cadre appointment and management.

"Inspection group also received reflect the leading cadres leads, has handed over according to regulations of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central Organization Department and the relevant departments. "Chen Jiwa said.

(Original title: the original Director of admissions at the University of the people being investigated)

(Edit: SN064)November 28, 2013 The Beijing times(人民大学招生处原处长疑因接到通风报信后外逃|人民大学|通风报信|处长_新闻资讯



















































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