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Li keqiang in Romania parliamentary speech

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Li keqiang in Romania parliamentary speech(李克强在罗马尼亚议会演讲)

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Li keqiang in Romania parliamentary speech (full text) | Li keqiang | Romania | Parliament _ news

Xinhuanet, Bucharest, November 27-Premier Li keqiang 27th in Romania the Parliament delivered a speech of the Sino-Romanian friendship and cooperation continued to sail. Speech reads as follows:

  Sino-Romanian friendship and cooperation continued to sail

  --Romania parliamentary speeches

People's Republic of China Premier Li keqiang

(November 27, 2013, Bucharest)

Dear kelin·andongneisiku Madam speaker,

His Excellency the Honourable walieliu·zigeneiya speaker,

His Excellency the Honourable Premier Punta,

Honourable Members,

Ladies, gentlemen, friends:

This is my first visit to Eastern European countries after China's Prime Minister, first select Romania. Step on your beautiful land, have been immersed in the Romania people's friendly feelings for the Chinese people. Today, very glad to be invited to come to Romania the Parliament Palace to make a speech. This is said to be the world's largest Parliament building, there it was really magnificent. Friend of many members in this Chamber, long-term commitment to the Sino-Romanian friendship, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to express my sincere thanks to you, to the great Romania people to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes!

More than 20 years ago, I led a Chinese delegation to visit your country. I had come to revisit today, your great changes and the new face was amazing. Especially in recent years Romania cope with international financial crisis and the impact of the debt problems in Europe, steady economic growth, social and political stability, people live and work, has become an important emerging markets in Europe, rise in the impact area and has won the "European Tiger" in the world. We are very pleased, believe Romania people will create a brighter future.

Romania has a long history, have difficult to even count the cultural heritage and monuments. Sino-Romanian relations have deep historical roots. In 17th century, the traveller sipadalu with his own experiences in your country wrote the famous book the China Manji, as earlier introduction to Chinese to the West European Messenger. 30-40 of the last century, your doctor Iancou and Ke Lieran couple travels to join in China's struggle against fascism, they save lives, isn't the heroic being gained a reputation. In 1949, Romania became one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with new China, wide Sino-Romanian friendship is rooted in the hearts of the two peoples. Entering the 21st century, bilateral relations have entered a new stage of development, and continuously enhance political mutual trust, economic and trade cooperation continue to expand, cultural exchanges and colorful. Sino-Romanian relationship is like a big ship, coming from the past, subjected to many tests, is confidently toward the future. Ship can hold to go far, relied on accurate "rudder", drums filled the "sail", and "anchor".

--Fit the strategy was led by the "rudder". China and Romania insist on mutual respect, treating each other as equals, to give firm support to each other's core interests, and give full respect to independent choice of development path. China is the largest developing country in the world, Romania's population and area are second highest in the CEE countries. Romania to the East to seek cooperation, and expanding opening up to the West of China, Luo, and common interests between the two countries has expanded.

--In-depth practical cooperation is driven by "sail". Romania has the potential of emerging economies, cooperation is vast. Romania is rich in resources, labor quality, solid industrial basis. China has a large market, there are also more advanced equipment manufacturing industry, strong infrastructure and adequate funding. Sino-Romanian economic advantages complement each other. China has become Romania's largest trading partner in Asia, Romania is the fulcrum of China and Eastern Europe, the importance of European cooperation. Has the huge potential of cooperation between Romania and China would work with Romania continue to deepen pragmatic cooperation, results and benefits to the two peoples.

--A strong tradition of friendship is stable "anchor". Sino-Romanian diplomatic ties for more than 60 years, always in harmony sharing weal. The 50 's of the last century, Romania and other Eastern European countries give aid freely, but play an important role for the early industrialization in new China. In 1970, Romania suffered devastating floods, the Chinese people overcome difficulties, put up the money to support the Romanian relief reconstruction. Sino-Romanian cultural bang, the waves of the Danube River, Romania film has been for Chinese people relish, soap operas, such as romance of the three kingdoms in China is Romania people's favourite. Romania there is a saying that "water gone, stone forever." Sino-Romanian friendship stand the test of time, deep and timeless. Friendship between the two peoples across time and space, and laid solid foundations for sustained development of Sino-Romanian relations.

Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen!

At present, the international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, world peace and development, accelerating economic globalization, integration of interests among the States continues to expand. Developed economies beginning to see some positive signs of recovery, but some emerging economies facing downward pressure. Deal with the crisis, recovery, ensure and improve people's livelihood, is still the primary task facing the States. Expand Sino-Romanian cooperation, will promote the economic development in Eastern and Central Europe. China is ready to work together with Romania, hand in hand, determined to move forward, and common development. To this end, I made the following recommendations:

First, enhance political mutual trust. Romania is a strategic country, as the focus of its foreign cooperation with each other. Increasing need to proceed from the long-term interests of the two countries to respect each other, take care of each other major concerns and expand converging interests. We should further promote exchanges between the two countries at all levels, including members of Parliament, AC, which is the basis for the development of our cooperation. This joint declaration was published by another important document in the development of Sino-Romanian relations, promoting bilateral relations in the new situation has developed a comprehensive plan to accelerate the implementation. Is Sino-Romanian diplomatic ties next year 65 years, we should take this as an opportunity to create a new situation of bilateral relations.

Second, develop pragmatic cooperation potential. Bilateral cooperation will of an upswing, we should seize the opportunity, expand the scale of bilateral trade, improve industrial cooperation. China is ready to work in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefit to the Romanian trade, willingness to import more Romania products, reduce the two countries ' trade imbalance. The inspection and quarantine departments of the two countries signed two protocols, offers protection for Ronon livestock product imports. Next year, China will import nearly 5,000 head of cattle from Romania, imports in the next 10 years will be gradually expanded. Also in agriculture, energy, telecommunications networks, PV, aviation, finance and other areas to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, joint construction of Sino-Romanian economic and technological parks. Romanian Government this year to facilitate Chinese entrepreneurs to Romania visa regime and the authorities of the two countries signed the memorandum of understanding on promoting mutual investment, will create favorable conditions for expansion of mutual investment.

Third, to create large project highlights. Large cooperation projects often play a lead in pragmatic cooperation between the two countries and role model. Romania has much of the infrastructure needed rehabilitation and construction, strength of Chinese infrastructure companies, experienced, advanced technical equipment, high performance, made in China can say that swept around the world. He worked in a number of areas, China has mastered advanced equipment manufacturing capacity. China to the world, with Romania and other countries cooperate to meet the needs of Romanian infrastructure, both sides can achieve a win-win-win situation. The two sides also agreed to set up a working group on nuclear power, high-speed rail and other projects, and has started work. Chinese Government supports Chinese enterprises with Romania infrastructure construction cooperation, encouraging domestic financial institutions for financing cooperation projects, ready to work with Romania to promote big projects cooperation to make substantial progress as soon as possible.

IV, erecting cultural and civil exchanges and bridge. Romanian although separated by thousands of miles, but the two peoples know each other on a blind date, transactions in every direction. Put up a spiritual bridge for cultural exchanges and exchanges opened the road of friendship. We need to put Sino-Romanian cultural, educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation in the field of bigger, to be true, exchanged the seeds of civilization in the hearts of the people of the two countries to grow. China will continue to do our best at "Chinese cultural festival", "Happy Spring Festival" brands such as activity, also welcomed the Romanian National Radio Symphony Orchestra to perform in China again. China will increase input Luo Kongzi Institute, meet the needs of Romanian people learning Chinese. Both sides should actively implement the agreement both cultural centre and cultural cooperation plan between the two countries. China will expand as the Romanian Government scholarships to international students, welcomed Romanian students participate actively in cooperation under the framework of China-Central and Eastern Europe countries "5,000 scholarship program" for Sino-Romanian friendship will be carried forward, with successive generations.

Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen!

China's economy this year with a number of other emerging market countries, greater downward pressure. We maintain stable policies, maintaining power, which did not increase the deficit, nor to issue tickets, but through decentralization, stimulating market vitality, mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment and consumption, China's economy this year to well after 3 quarters of steady, continued to move on now. China is fully confident about achieving annual economic growth of 7.5%, which are the major target. 18 the third plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party, held not long ago, major deployment to a comprehensive reform, we will further deepen the reform and continue to expand opening and let the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the role of Government, promoting the sustained and healthy development of China's economy. It would also for Sino-Romanian cooperation-Central and Eastern Europe countries as well as China brings new opportunities.

EU leaders last week in Beijing at the China 2020 strategic plan was adopted by the meeting of the Central European cooperation, Sino-EU all-round cooperation is about to embark on a new journey. Yesterday, I attended together with Punta Prime Minister met leaders of China-Central and Eastern European countries, the parties issued a joint platform for China-Central and East European countries Bucharest. I believe that Sino-Romanian cooperation can become a banner of China-Central and Eastern European countries, China and the Central and Eastern European cooperation will add new impetus to development of China-EU relations.

Ladies are not only Romania is also the Governments of the insight and the industry elite, history of Sino-Romanian relations flourish is our common mission. Voyage need larger ships cannot be divorced from the East. We need to scale greater heights, down-to-Earth efforts through China-EU relations and the development of China's relations with Europe and the Middle East East, Sino-Romanian cooperation in this great ship is going ahead and sail!

Thank you very much.

(Edit: SN064)November 28, 2013 The website(李克强在罗马尼亚议会演讲(全文)|李克强|罗马尼亚|议会_新闻资讯

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  中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强

























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