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Former Vice Director of the Beijing Zoo said black put loan money

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Former Vice Director of the Beijing Zoo said black put loan money

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Former Vice Director of the Beijing Zoo said black put loan money | | anti-corruption _ the Beijing Zoo news

Yesterday, former Deputy Director of the Beijing Zoo, Beijing taoran Park Service Director xiaoshaoxiang, for alleged embezzlement of more than 14 million Yuan and 100,000 yuan of bribery, a huge amount of property with unidentified more than 8 million Yuan, in the Beijing second intermediate people's Court for trial. During the hearing, xiaoshaoxiang denies all the charges.

  -Dozens of people to observe the Court participate in anti-corruption education

9:30 A.M. yesterday, grizzled xiaoshaoxiang wearing a brown shirt, black pants, shoes were bailiffs take Beijing second intermediate people's Court, Gallery sat dozens of participants in anti-corruption education. Perhaps because he was nervous, clutching a green towel xiaoshaoxiang hand, occasionally shaking legs. He has a pair of smiling face, feels like answering questions with a smile. Speaks in a loud voice, again, his voice a little hoarse shortly after the hearing, application and asked for a glass of water.

In court, when prosecutors read out the 5-page indictment, the presiding judge shall ask xiaoshaoxiang: "did you hear? "He replied:" heard clearly. "Keeping up with said something:" but I have a different opinion. ”

According to the complaint, xiaoshaoxiang was arrested for corruption and crime that a total of 7 – alleged facts, 1, as well as allegedly the fact that a huge amount of property with unidentified. Investigative organs in xiaoshaoxiang is located in Fangshan houses in the seizure of more than more than 6.24 million yuan in cash, there are paintings, gold bars, and so on. Xiaoshaoxiang argues is his legitimate income, in addition to salaries and bonuses, he also lend, sell crafts and stone, once day, Deputy Director, early years driving a cab at night live to make money, but he has not provided evidence.

Yesterday, the finished part of proof trial cross-examination, will remain open today.


  Crime of corruption

2006 to 2008 between, xiaoshaoxiang using competent Zoo infrastructure work of positions convenience, in Beijing Zoo beast homes transformation engineering, six a enrollment bid project in the, first to bid units full paid engineering paragraph and requirements other issued invoice recorded, Hou unauthorized specifies other units participation construction, again to to actual construction units paid engineering paragraph for by, requirements bid units returned part engineering paragraph, cumulative embezzled 10.05 million Yuan.

In May 2005, the xiaoshaoxiang Zoo 110,000 volt transmission substation in charge demolition work duties, ordering subordinates to Zoo workers ' dormitory toilets and company ask for compensation for the demolition in the name of the small courtyard, after the demolition company to apply for compensation be embezzling 220,000 yuan.

Between late 2007 and early 2008, xiaoshaoxiang competent Zoo grass demolition work duties, using false power of Attorney issued by way of request demolition will be compensated for relocation compensation of 2.1 million Yuan to the Beijing Zoo to break into their actual personal control of the Tian Fei Yu business accounts, and 2 million Yuan as their own.

  Ren taoranting Park of Beijing during the Management Service Director

2009 11 December xiaoshaoxiang with false invoices in taoranting Park receiving transfer cheques amounting to 480,000 yuan, 130,000 of them as their own.

In December 2009, xiaoshaoxiang jade HongQiao at taoranting park renovation project, through to the construction unit to pay invoice engineering and construction unit accounted for, then requested the construction unit return to the project will more than pay for the parks, appropriating returns 1.373 million Yuan.

Between December 2011 and xiaoshaoxiang in engineering of taoran Pavilion Park break the porch in order to pay the construction company project, and construction company invoicing accounted ways, parks pay more than 282,000 employees of the construction company for themselves.

Between June 2012 and xiaoshaoxiang at taoranting Park Kite Festival paid staff bonuses in cash after 46950, to have used fake invoices to receive amounts equal to the Park 59800 transfer cheques and 12850 pocketed the difference.

More than xiaoshaoxiang to embezzlement, cheating and other illegal means to acquire State properties totaling more than 14 million Yuan.

  Crime of accepting bribes

From 2007 to 2008, and xiaoshaoxiang make use of the Beijing Zoo Deputy Director in charge of the parks infrastructure work duties, integrity SsangYong installation engineering company limited in the contract for the Beijing Zoo to help with infrastructure projects in Beijing, and in January 2008, accepting the bribe of 100,000 yuan from the actual control of the company.

  Crime of huge property with unidentified sources

Xiaoshaoxiang prior to the incident, her personal property, spending significantly more than his lawful income, huge difference, which I cannot explain a legitimate source portion amounts to more than 8 million Yuan.

  -The trial

  Deny embezzlement 10.05 million Yuan project

Allegations: xiaoshaoxiang Yu 2006 to 2008 between, using served as Beijing Zoo Deputy Director and competent Zoo infrastructure work of positions convenience, in Beijing Zoo beast homes transformation engineering, 6 a enrollment bid project in the, first to bid units full paid engineering paragraph and requirements bid units issued invoice recorded, Hou unauthorized specifies other units participation construction, again requirements bid units returned part engineering paragraph, will returned payments cumulative 10.05 million Yuan deposited its personal actual control of Beijing field Dragon fly Yu carved art operating Department account, Be appropriated.

Defense: 6 General xiaoshaoxiang said the subject was more than 32 million, he could not take the 10.05 million.

  Deny control Tian Fei Yu Sales Department

Allegations: investigating taoranting Park in xiaoshaoxiang's Office seized Tian Fei-Yu Department of business licenses, corporate code certificate, seal, seal, bank account statements, cash checks, and so on. Tian Fei-Yu Department Gao testimony of the legal representative, he is only the nominal head of sales department controlled by the xiaoshaoxiang, the funds are xiaoshaoxiang.

Defense: Tian Fei Yu xiaoshaoxiang said business Department controlled by the GAO of the legal representative. 10.05 million deposited there, because the operation of the Department has been involved in construction. Tian Fei-Yu Department within the Office of business licenses and other things is because the Bank requires checking account information, he took the materials to help run check.

  Denies embezzlement and conversion project

Allegations: 2009 11 December xiaoshaoxiang the false invoices from the Park received 480,000 yuan credit for transfer cheque; Yu Hong Qiao in the park renovation project, Will construction units returned of engineering paragraph 1.373 million Yuan embezzled; December 2011 between, xiaoshaoxiang in Park rest veranda engineering in the, to construction units more paid engineering paragraph, and requirements construction units issued invoice recorded, embezzled Park more paid to construction units of more than 280,000 over Yuan transfers checks; June 2012 between, xiaoshaoxiang for Park within workers advance kite section bonus cash 46950 Yuan, Hou with false invoice led money, more led out more than 12,000 over Yuan pocketed.

Defense: xiaoshaoxiang that all money is the Basic project, to consult relevant leaders. But refused to disclose the identity of the leader.

  Denies taking bribes of 100,000 yuan to help

Allegations: from 2007 to 2008, xiaoshaoxiang integrity SsangYong installation engineering company limited in the contract for the Beijing Zoo to help with infrastructure projects in Beijing, and in January 2008, accepting the company's physical control of a person, especially a bribe of 100,000 yuan.

Defense: xiaoshaoxiang said, does give him 100,000 dollars of certificates of deposit, but not bribes. He borrowed three hundred thousand or four hundred thousand dollars from a registered company, the other money at more than 100,000 yuan deposit, that is of interest. In addition, some used his design of a water purification equipment for production, generate some income. Especially after a contract projects, he arranged for Tian Fei Yu Business Department helping with engineering. So 100,000 yuan is the sum of interest, design fees and project costs.

  -The arguments

  Claiming to be black put the loan money

"I am a Beijing bid expert, part-time doing budgets, implementation plan, 1 million part-time income, but specific projects, companies are not sure. ”

"I sold some scientific research, made a profit of 200,000. But to whom could not provide. ”

"I used to buy funds, also from quyang have arts and crafts sale, made a profit of 1.5 million. ”

"From 1991 to 1994, and I do, Deputy Director of the Zoo during the day, go black car pulled alive at night, with income of $ 50,000, earned a total of more than 200,000. ”

"I still miss credit, higher interest rates than banks, I made a profit of 500,000 dollars. Who to lend to remember. ”

"My career in 1975, these bonuses are more than 1.4 million. ”

"Two housing units, for my brother and his wife's parents lived. They have contributed 1 million to me later, around 2009, I bought a house in Fangshan. ”

"Houses a large number of paintings, gold, necklaces, are prepared to buy gifts. ”

  -Suspect files

Xiaoshaoxiang Beijing people, 59 years old, college-educated, former Deputy Director of the Beijing Zoo, Beijing taoran Park Service Director. Suspicion of the crime of huge unidentified property, on March 3, 2013, xiaoshaoxiang by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau detention.

Prosecutors allege, xiaoshaoxiang prior to the incident, her personal property, spending significantly more than his lawful income, huge difference, which I cannot explain a legitimate source portion amounts to more than 8 million Yuan. Xiaoshaoxiang had a property in Fangshan district, in which investigators found 6.247 million cash, deposit receipts, passbooks, share certificates worth more than 460,000 yuan, there are plenty of crafts, fossils, gold, necklaces, cell phones and other items. Taoranting Park in xiaoshaoxiang the Office or seizure of cash more than 64,000 yuan.

Beijing Times reporter Pei Xiaolan

(Original title: Zoo giant denies all charges in court on corruption)

(Edit: SN182)
02:50 August 21, 2014
Beijing times

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