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Exposure before the Beijing Zoo Deputy Director was arrested in the seizure of 6 million cash

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/8/21 9:01:23 Browse times: 172 Comment times: 0

Exposure before the Beijing Zoo Deputy Director was arrested in the seizure of 6 million cash

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Exposure before the Beijing Zoo Deputy Director was arrested in the seizure of 6 million cash | | corruption _ corruption news

Legal evening news (reporters Wang Xiaofei Hong Xue) this morning, former Vice Director of the Beijing Zoo xiaoshaoxiang on suspicion of embezzlement, bribery and three counts of the crime of huge unidentified property in the city intermediate people's Court for trial.

Among them, only a Shaw was charged with corruption in connection with the more than 14 million Yuan.

Prior to the incident, Shaw has more than 8 million yuan of the money cannot be specific legitimate sources. Today, xiaoshaoxiang refused to plead guilty. It is reported that the case was expected to be 2 days.

  Denied the allegations

Does not recognize his own company

9:30, xiaoshaoxiang was brought into the courtroom dressed in Brown, t-shirts, not unlike the public figure is a great contrast, Shaw's hair was almost white. He walked into a courtroom, one Flash at the same time play, Shaw was clearly unprepared, paused slightly, then bowed his head.

In the morning session, xiaoshaoxiang denies all the allegations. For case details, such as how to pay the money, he said he could not remember clearly.

"Tin dragon doesn't matter to me. "Says Shaw, the legal entity operating the Department is high, and his relations with Gao's work.

"Just a working relationship, and why they will be according to your instructions to open bank account? "In this regard, Shaw argued that because he knew a bank clerk, by the way is introduced.

"Who let the Zoo project funds transferred to the accounts? "The prosecutor asked, Shaw was silent for a long time, do not respond.

"You said nothing to do with Dragon, why does searching, Tian long BA BU business license in your Office? "" As Minsheng bank check payments, I would come to the Tian long BA BU company information to help reconciliation. "Xiaoshaoxiang answer the question louder. Prosecutors reminded the Tribunal that at this time, Shaw said were inconsistent with the testimony of other witnesses.

Reporters in Beijing enterprise credit information publicity system inquiry found that xiaoshaoxiang personal control of Beijing Tian Fei Yu carving art Department is still showing "open" status.

  Disown 10.05 million Yuan into the individual pockets

Prosecutors allege the 10.05 million Yuan project for inclusion in the actual control of Beijing Tian Fei Yu carved artwork Business Department account, be embezzled, Xiao also denied it.

He said although the Zoo's Deputy Director, head of infrastructure work, but all the construction projects through public tendering procedures and bidding units to organize other construction units for construction.

"After winning general contractor, and then transferred to other construction team construct is legal, is also permitted. "Shaw said the 10.05 million dollar project are advanced to the company, because Gao has also worked in the transformation of the Zoo, didn't have the money.

  Site highlights poor example is when people sit in the hearing

Today, Shaw's Gallery of 400 of the Court of first instance, in addition to the more than more than 20 media, there are organized to perform anti-corruption education.

"Now all units were in anti-corruption education, today we are organized to sit in, since we are an education, corruption and more than 14 million, Deputy Director of the Zoo, was so brazen. "One of the observers said. It is reported that whenever there is a similar corruption cases, discipline inspection and supervision departments will organize all in-house staff to attend.

As of press time, trial continues.

  Reporters after visiting

Zoo senior staff: guess he institution

Yesterday afternoon, this reporter went to the Beijing Zoo visit found, bear mountain is still at the top of the wall in the garden under construction. Xiaoshaoxiang former Deputy Director on trial for corruption charges, many employees haven't expressed surprise.

"In fact, it has long been thought that so much construction team doing the project, successful, in that the two companies, there is definitely something back. "A work in the park for nearly 30 years old employee pointed to the polar bear Museum near the leads," this is the xiaoshaoxiang take charge of engineering ".

For project quality, the employees said that they did not in fact affected, but sigh, "now works not as alterations of the 80 's and 90 's. "According to this, when the leads are genuine stones, rocks and other materials, such as, if an earthquake occurs, the animals will be very safe. And now, bear mountain, lion Tiger Mountain, all formed by mixing materials such as reinforced concrete water is not strong.

 The Prosecutor: "minor official corruption" years that no one questioned

According to the case the Prosecutor introduced, xiaoshaoxiang case is a typical "minor official corruption".

Xiaoshaoxiang zoo construction engineering for many years, engineers numerous construction units to take far longer than the successful bidder units, including infrastructure and finance sections in the Zoo, we know that Shaw's fishy, but nobody questioned his behavior.

Prosecutors said "if infrastructure and finance sections to earlier reports or questions on the matter, the Zoo does not have so much to lose. ”

  Being arrested home $ 6 million in cash

59 years old xiaoshaoxiang from Beijing, University culture, former Deputy Director of the Beijing Zoo, Beijing taoran Park Service Director. Also retired for one year, he, like many corrupt officials, on the eve of retirement.

Shaw was caught very dramatic. Investigation Department according to the clues discovered Shaw had a small property in Fangshan district in the city, investigators found to search room stocked with more than 6 million yuan in cash, two books and a number of paintings, fossils, etc.

Thus, on March 3, 2013 when it was detained by Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, allegedly was found guilty of the crime of huge unidentified property.

On March 15, xiaoshaoxiang was arrested on corruption charges, after the city found a branch decides to arrest. XI Cheng, the case Prosecutor's Office investigation, and ultimately by the city seized the second branch of the prosecution.

For cases of major, complex, and the case was twice extended the review period for half a month, returned to the Investigation Department for supplementary investigation at a time.

(Apart from the sign outside)/reporter Hong Xue

 Interpretation of charges

In the indictment, prosecutors had used two "a huge amount".

Prosecutors allege, xiaoshaoxiang charges 3: crimes of embezzlement, taking bribes and the crime of huge unidentified property. Corruption only a total 7 pen, amounting to more than 14 million Yuan, the amount involved is especially huge.

The second count charged bribes, is from 2007 to 2008, taking honesty You Jianjun SsangYong installation company 100,000 yuan in Beijing.

Alleged third counts of crime of huge property with unidentified sources, prosecutors found that before the incident, Shaw personal property, spending significantly more than his lawful income, the amount involved is especially huge, I cannot explain part of legitimate sources, totaling more than 8 million Yuan.

At present, the illicit money has been recovered.


Accused of a total of 7 fact amount to more than 14 million

Introduced inspection branch of the second case, according to the city prosecutor, 2006-2008 reconstruction of the Zoo, including enclosure of the renovation project, Panda House remodeling projects, each project has a number of small projects. 6 large projects, winning only 2 companies, namely, dry construction company won the bid on 5 and appropriate landscape companies bid on 1.

"These two companies get through the normal bidding process works. "The Prosecutor introduced, Gan was built after the company won the bid, the Zoo put money into the company accounts, company Treasury invoices via xiaoshaoxiang to the Zoo again.

6 works contracts of more than 30 million Yuan, 2 bid winner according to Shaw's request to return more than 21 million Yuan, Shaw back 10.05 million Yuan, will left money to the actual construction of the unit.

Shaw argued that although taking more than 10 million, but the Zoo didn't lose, "project was completed on time and the quality and quantity."

According to investigations by the prosecution, 6 engineering 7 million yuan in the bid price and the settlement price by post, together with Shaw took more than 10 million Yuan, the Zoo themselves to fill the hole in the more than 17 million Yuan.

  Other allegations of corruption

Falsely claimed compensation of 220,000: in May 2005, the 110,000-volt power transmission and transformation in the Zoo occupies demolition, Shaw called subordinate asks demolition companies for workers ' dormitory toilets and compensation of the small courtyard, finally compensated 220,000 yuan. Zhihou, Shaw will be the sum of money in the account under the, and will book away. Eventually the passbook was in the small property of Shaw is located in Fangshan seizures

Cheat 2 million compensation for the demolition: end of 2007-beginning of 2008 in power transmission removal, storing forage grass breeding library of the Zoo faces demolition, Shaw asked the demolition company to produce a certificate of entrustment, compensation funds placed under his operational control of 3 business in Tian Fei Yu-Business Department, Shaw got 2.1 million Yuan relocation section. Later he will be 100,000 yuan to buy the Zoo fodder trucks

False invoices of greed 130,000 taoranting Park: 2009 11 December, Xiao ren taoranting Park Service Director duties in order to buy landscaping stones brought on behalf of the 480,000-dollar cheque, when actual cost 350,000 yuan, he was to own the remaining 130,000

Take taoran Pavilion Park rebuilt 1.37 million cable: Jade HongQiao at taoranting park renovation project, Xiaoyi requirements construction unit return the project will more than pay for the Park way, 1.373 million dollars into the project he Tian Fei Yu account

December 2011: resting in the Park Gallery project, will pay 282292.65 Yuan for the construction of the Park to the Tian Fei Yu-Business Department account

June 2012: Kite Festival bonus balance 12850 glom


Olympic Panda alterations collection "old acquaintance" of 100,000 yuan

"Because of the xiaoshaoxiang often make decision without authorization to specify construction units, the construction unit integrity SsangYong's companies in order to thank, is hoping 2008 Olympics Panda project in the engineering contract, was in 2008, when xiaoshaoxiang a passbook. "The Prosecutor introduced, the passbook is the name to bribe people to open an account and password in it. Then You Jianjun at the Panda House during the construction of the Olympic Games, and sure enough agents to a part of the project.

  Huge amount of property with unidentified sources

More than 8 million Yuan could not explain the source

Allegations of a huge amount of property with unidentified Shaw with more than 8 million Yuan, hosting the Prosecutor explained that "If you can't State, then this property is illicit assets should be seized, if it reaches more than 300,000 yuan, would constitute a crime. ”

In this case, found in a small property of Shaw's possessions totaling 14 million Yuan, minus the amount of corruption has been identified and their lawful property such as wages, are still unable to explain the sources of more than 8 million Yuan.

Text/reporter Wang Xiaofei

(Original title: Zoo giant corruption trial refused to plead guilty)

14:07 on August 20, 2014
Legal evening news

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