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China Youth Daily: strongly condemned the beating journalists brutality

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/8/21 9:01:01 Browse times: 189 Comment times: 0

China Youth Daily: strongly condemned the beating journalists brutality

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China Youth Daily: we strongly condemn acts of beating journalists brutally beaten | reporter | wahaha _ news

Beijing News newsletter (reporter Liu gang), China Youth daily today via its official Twitter 4:19 P.M. Green newspaper reporter was beaten as follows: China Youth daily emergency send representatives to Nanjing, to deal with the matter according to law, and strongly condemned the barbaric acts of the company. According to green top tweets, on August 19, the China Youth daily reporter Li Runwen to Nanjing in Jiangsu wahaha beverage limited interviews to verify whether the company wage arrears for summer job students, but was beaten by guards and other staff, 5 and 6. Hospital examination revealed Li Runwen head injury and Temple lump, multiple soft tissue injuries. China Youth daily emergency send representatives to Nanjing, to deal with the matter according to law, and strongly condemned the barbaric acts of the company.

Beijing Youth daily news network first unveiled this afternoon interview was about the siege of Nanjing. The afternoon of August 19, after the clashes, China Youth newspaper cub reporter on the scene called the police at 110, Lukou police station the police and investigation. Reporters Li Runwen said the parties, Jiangning district Party Committee propaganda Department staff have been visiting the hospital to see that night and an investigation was under way.

This afternoon, the wahaha companies external propaganda staff reporters by telephone, said discrepancies in earlier reports and the fact that much of the media, the police had to initiate an investigation, it is subject to the police findings.

As of press time, police in Nanjing and wahaha company has yet to make a formal response on the matter.

(Original title: China Youth Daily: strongly condemned the beating journalists barbarism)

18:14 on August 20, 2014
Beijing News Network

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