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Hubei Vice Governor Guo Youming said that anti

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:30:33 Browse times: 373 Comment times: 0

Hubei Vice Governor Guo Youming said that anti-corruption is a matter development situation(湖北副省长郭有明曾称反腐事关发展大局)

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Development of Hubei Vice Governor Guo Youming said anti-corruption is a matter the overall investigation _ | |, Hubei Vice Governor Guo Youming | news

The Central discipline Inspection Commission yesterday came news of Guo Youming, Deputy Governor of Hubei province suspected of violating the law, currently under investigation.

This morning, the login network of Hubei provincial people's Government, the leadership of the Government, Deputy Governor Guo Youming names and details have been taken down quietly, 7 Vice Governors (Vice Governor) resumes only 6 digits.

Yesterday evening, login network of Hubei provincial people's Government, the leadership of the Government, Vice Governor position also retains the name Guo Youming. Normal click "Guo Youming" page, you can browse the details of his.

Statistics show that 57 year old Guo Youming, was born in suizhou, Hubei Province, graduated from the Wuhan Institute of irrigation and water conservancy of hydraulic and electric engineering, title of senior engineer.

Later last night, then click on "Guo Youming" option, the page cannot be displayed properly.

Public event called the matter of anti-corruption and overall situation of Hubei's development

Legal evening under reporter retrieved to, February 2008 end of, according to TGP commercial reported under reported, Shi any Yichang municipal Secretary of Guo Youming in the city discipline four session three times all (expanded) Conference Shang stressed, to full awareness anti-corruption construction of extreme importance, to deep grasp new era strengthened anti-corruption construction of overall deployment, to accurate judgment current I city style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of overall posture.

Three Gorges journal reports published on December 16, 2010, Yichang Party Secretary Guo Youming come to Zhijiang check for implementation of a clean and honest administration, stressed that clean government is an important guarantee for promoting scientific development and leaping development.

Guo Youming also stressed that to implement a clean and honest administration as the starting point, working to promote clean government and combat corruption, promoting economic social good and fast development of Yichang.

On December 29 last year, according to Xianning television "Xianning news" column reported that the province Vice Governor Guo Youming rate assessment group to Xianning inspection requirements, advancing the economic society and the simultaneous development of anti-corruption and.

On the day of the inspection, Guo Youming said anti-corruption work concerning overall situation of Hubei's development.

He requires, levels, and the sector to seriously follow-up 18 big spirit, seriously implementation style clean government accountability, further enhanced levels leadership and the cadres tube party treatment party of political consciousness and political responsibility, insisted "hands caught, hands are to hard", investing advance punish and prevention corruption system construction, investing settlement masses reflect strongly of highlight problem, promotion economic social and anti-corruption synchronization development, to anti-corruption of actual effectiveness promoting economic social and good and fast development, let Hubei economic more prosperity, Greater social stability, the people happier.

Working experience before I took office, the review shows that they are familiar with economic work

The legal evening news reporter noted, from Yichang, Hubei Province Party Secretary Guo Youming is in August 2011, the municipal people's Congress Standing Committee, Party Secretary positions directly to the Vice Governor of Hubei provincial government and party.

In accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws, July 11, 2011, the Hubei provincial people's Congress representative personnel appointment and removal of the Election Committee part of the Organization's legal knowledge examination before any proposed personnel.

On July 18 of that year, the Committee met, the Hubei provincial people's Government, the comrade Guo Youming worked as a motion for review, the Committee found that, Comrade Guo Youming nomination as Vice Governor of Hubei Province party suggested candidate is based on, because the work needed.

Review result, Comrade Guo Youming political talent, and familiar with economic work, focusing on macro-planning, promote greater leadership more experience, harnessing global abilities than strong man responsible, hardworking, pragmatic, dare dare be caught tube; United gay, mature, fair and honest, and more stringent demands on themselves.

Representation of Comrade Guo Youming nominated in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, agreed to bring the Bill to the attention of the Committee session of the 25th meeting of the NPC Standing Committee for its consideration.

Guo Youming resumes

Guo Youming, male, born in December 1956, Han, suizhou, Hubei Province who joined the Communist Party of China in August 1985, went to work in January 1982, Wuhan Institute of water conservancy and electric power water conservancy engineering graduate university degree, Bachelor degree, engineer.

▲ Guo Youming profile picture

After taking office in charge of land and resources and the three gorges project follow-up

This morning, the login network of Hubei provincial people's Government, the leadership of the Government, Deputy Governor Guo Youming names and details have been taken down quietly, 7 Vice Governors (Vice Governor) resumes only 6 digits. But journalist yesterday learned from the information on this Web site, Guo Youming previously responsible for land resources, agricultural, rural, irrigation, flood control, fisheries, poverty alleviation and development, North, migration, project follow-up, work in agriculture, science and education and manpower.

He was in charge of provincial land and resources department, the Department of water resources, the provincial Agricultural Department, the Provincial Forestry Department, the provincial Office of poverty alleviation, the provincial Office of the three gorges (organised), saving the South-North water transfer, immigration, provincial Bureau of geology and mineral resources, the provincial land reclamation Bureau, the provincial Academy.

In addition, he also supervised by the provincial Meteorological Bureau and oils, links the Yangtze River water resources Committee, as well as other work assigned by the Governor.

The legal evening news reporter learned that, after media reported that land and frequent cases of corruption of the system of Hubei, in recent years, officials have been investigated, mainly related to rural land consolidation projects.

According to Chu days City reported under reported, 2010 half, Hubei Province Audit Office on the province 2005 to 2009 degrees 108 a land finishing and low Hill downland transformation project construction and the funds management using situation for audit, results found, 20 a County (city, and district) part project exists regulatory not yen, and construction progress slow, and engineering quality not high, and funds management not specification, problem.

Auditors found a number intermediary subcontracting, bribery and other violations, the Hubei provincial Department of land and natural resources has decided to find loan qualification, bid rigging, illegal subcontracting of construction Enterprise supervision units, regulation is not in place is not of high quality and design of related units will be blacklisted, and shall not engage in business related to land within two years.

Central inspection group had received reflected the official issue of clues

Yesterday by the Central Commission for discipline inspection site as soon as we hear a Word, and no other information. Therefore, Guo Youming probed, what is the specific reason is coming from an individual reports or a central inspection group and related to is not clear.

After the Zunyi Liao Shaohua, Secretary of the surveyed, is the clue to the central inspection group feedback. According to central unified plan, June 2 this year, visited the second inspection group of Central Hubei province.

End of September, the second head of the inspection group of Central Hubei Province, du deyin feedback visit, pointed out that, visited cadres and the masses in a number of issues, principally in terms of clean, there are individual leading cadres for personal gains, some grass-roots rural cadres and corruption are on the rise.

In terms of implementing democratic centralism and cadre selection and appointment, individual localities and departments violations assault promoted cadres, competitive cadre selection methods need to be further improved. At the same time, inspection group reflect the leading cadres leads also received and approved in accordance with provisions of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Organization Department of the central departments.

On October 22, the provincial Standing Committee meetings held in Hubei Province, study the deployment of Central inspection group feedback on reform implementation. Said the clues and the case of the central inspection group for feedback on specific issues, to quickly ascertain identification, availability of parts, ECHO, to rectification and implementation of practical results, submitted to the CPC Central Committee and the people of the province a satisfactory answer.

Text/reporter Wen Rujun

(Edit: SN017)November 28, 2013 Legal evening news(湖北副省长郭有明曾称反腐事关发展大局|湖北副省长|郭有明|调查_新闻资讯






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