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Three Chinese scientist foreign academician of academy of sciences of the United States

Writer: delv Article type: Science reports (科技资讯) Time: 2012/5/11 1:57:18 Browse times: 859 Comment times: 0

Three Chinese scientist foreign academician of academy of sciences of the United States(3名华人科学家当选美国科学院外籍院士)

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Xinhua net Washington May 1 report (reporter as) the national academy of sciences announced the new add choose 1, 84 academicians and 21 expatriate academician list, including three Chinese scientists is add choose for foreign academician.The three Chinese scientists are respectively, weeks zhi and 任咏华 zhang jie. ZhangJieXian for member of Shanghai jiaotong university, President, he is mainly engaged in strong field physics, X-ray laser and other areas of research; From Taiwan, China's weeks the United States zhi Alabama, Birmingham university biochemistry and molecular genetic, professor of, she was in the gene areas for the groundbreaking research, "fracture gene" is also based on her research found that the results; Hong Kong's 任咏华 from China is member of Hong Kong university, professor of chemistry, she has been committed to the inorganic chemistry, chemical synthesis based research and fruitful.In addition, there are five American Chinese scientists is add choose for academician, respectively is ZhuangXiaoWei, LuoLiQun, DongXinNian, ZhangYuan and ZhaoHua.This round of add choose, the national academy of sciences of total to 2152, the total to 430 foreign academician.(新华网华盛顿5月1日电(记者任海军)美国国家科学院1日公布了新增选的84名院士和21名外籍院士名单,其中有3名华人科学家被增选为外籍院士。这3名华人科学家分别是张杰、周芷和任咏华。张杰现为中科院院士、上海交通大学校长,他主要从事强场物理、X射线激光等领域的研究;来自中国台湾的周芷现为美国亚拉巴马大学伯明翰分校生物化学与分子遗传系教授,她在基因领域进行了开创性的研究,“断裂基因”的发现也是基于她的研究成果;来自中国香港的任咏华是中科院院士、香港大学化学系教授,她一直致力于无机化学、合成化学基础研究并取得丰硕成果。另外,还有5名美国籍华人科学家被增选为院士,分别是庄小威、骆利群、董欣年、张远和赵华。此轮增选后,美国国家科学院院士总数达到2152名,外籍院士总数达到430名。)

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