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Fudan poisoning three big questions answered

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Fudan poisoning three big questions answered(复旦投毒案三大疑问得到解答)

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Fudan poisoning three big questions to be answered: Opera | Fudan | poisoning drugs stolen from hospital | questions _ news

Xinhuanet, Shanghai, November 27 (reporter Huang Anqi)-27th, a matter of considerable concern "Fudan graduate poisoning" at the second intermediate people's Court of Shanghai public hearing, defendant Lin Senhao was suspected of poisoning intentional killings are prosecuted. Lin Senhao confessed in court to the indictment alleged poisoning methods used by Huang Yang of the fact of death. Why Lin Senhao poisoning "classmate, roommate?" In connection with the highly toxic chemicals where they came from? Lin Senhao after poisoning attempt to escape punishment? Trial details in response to public interest in the case of the main question.

  Is "April Fool's joke" or "voluntary manslaughter"?

Court trial, the second branch of Shanghai people's Procuratorate accused, Huang Yang and Lin Senhao are students at Fudan University, lived in the same dormitory. Feud with Huang Yang Lin Senhao trifles, gradually grudge against Huang. The end of March 2013, Lin Senhao is determined to take poison to kill Huang Yang.

The trial, Lin Senhao of motive, purpose and criminal intention to justify. He said he and Huang Yang no serious conflict, just a funny coincidence that April Fools ' day. "On April Fool's day is coming, Huang Yang patting my classmate's shoulder and said he wanted to Boogie, while I play with the computer, thinking that I have to screw with you about it. I just wanted to give him a hard time about it, just thought it was a pathological process, didn't expect to die. "Lin Senhao said.

"In the past most of the mice didn't die when doing the experiment, make it better, and the more Vietnam back to ' life '. "Lin Senhao added.

Number of Huang Yang and Lin Senhao classmates testimonials show that Huang Yang and Lin Senhao between "things" caused contradiction: "Huang Yang extroverted, opinionated, and clean, strong, and Lin Senhao introverted, and hold a grudge and taking care. Name of Huang Yang had the guise of Lin Senhao criticized another roommate, Ivy throwing something, knew by Lin Senhao was very pissed off. Another time Lin Senhao won scholarships, booing everyone let him treat, but he refused, Huang Yang expressed dissatisfaction, hated him for being stingy. In addition, Huang Yang had also initiated a graduation trip to Southeast Asia, and have some fun, maybe hurt financially Lin Senhao. ”

In response, Lin Senhao said: "everyone agree with me, it's their opinion, and I had no comment. "Lin Senhao, he and Huang Yang," is not good, he thinks I'm not living ambience, I think he's self-righteous. Our Outlook on life, values are not very close, but he's very intelligent, eager to learn, is excellent. ”

The public prosecution service believes that Lin Senhao of criminal acts with a clear motive for the crime, will be injected at least 30 ml dimethyl nitrosamine water dispenser, ultra kill dose 10 times to more than double from the penalty.

Prosecutors also testify, studying for a master's degree during Lin Senhao raised entry with the internship Department tutor doctoral students ' aspirations, but was declined by the mentor. Lin Senhao contacted one other hospital after tutor, the tutor also promised Lin Senhao studying for his PhD, but Lin Senhao considering he is the multi-disciplinary examination, there are all kinds of difficulties, and the family's economic situation and other factors, ultimately decided to abandon the test blog employment agreements with a field hospital.

In contrast with this is, mid-March this year, huangyangkaobo preliminary test scores revealed, Huang Yang among the students have to congratulate Huang Yang. But Lin Senhao March again because something has been publicly criticized by doctoral internship units. "All the bad, frustration, more introverted personality, and you always think very high of Lin Senhao was a blow. ' April Fool's joke, ' this is just designed to disguise their excuse and pretext for intentional homicide motives. "The Prosecutor said.

  In connection with the highly toxic chemicals where they came from, how to get it?

As the case, known as "dimethyl nitrosamine" of chemicals into the public eye. First suspected poisoning by Huang Yang, noting that people of such toxic chemicals, is Huang Yang and Lin Senhao roommate, Ivy, his phone call and text message notifications, but it was too late.

According to the public prosecution service's testimony showed that dimethyl nitrosamine liquid is in connection with Fudan University Shanghai Medical College, interventional radiology and nuclear medicine to pH, so lv in 2011 from Tianjin chemical reagents Research Institute purchases. After the end of the experiment, the remaining laboratory reagents placed at Zhongshan hospital, because of his frequent experiments with, Lu and Lin Senhao are well aware that the liquid away.

The lawsuit, on March 31, Lin Senhao to pick up supplies from others in the name of the experiment after obtaining the keys to enter the practice of Fudan University Zhongshan hospital image medical laboratories, while no one in the room, remove the dimethyl nitrosamine containing highly toxic chemical reagent bottles and syringes and loaded into a yellow clinical waste bag and carry away. Due to the afternoon had an appointment with Zhongshan hospital, some sections of a teacher, Lin Senhao put the bag containing highly toxic chemicals in a staircase around the corner. Subsequently, the forests, and one of my classmates went to the hospital at mess, because of the bag color is too prominent, Lin Senhao "against all risk of being found" bags remain in the area, taken off and returned back to the dorm after a meal, and while no chemicals will be injected into the bedroom bedroom water dispenser. "The thought of Huang Yang drink Cup, but because the cups are white, the chemicals are yellow, too obvious. , "Lin said.

  Lin Senhao tries to escape punishment after the poisoning?

"On April Fool's day at 8 in the morning, Huang Yang got up, he as usual to pour a drink of water. I lay in bed, heard he poured water with a spoon, scoop the scoop, then spat out, dry heaving a few times, then he would take out the whole wash buckets and water dispenser. I did not see, hear. "Lin Senhao recalled the day of the incident," then suddenly my phone rang, I get up, go out, did not speak to him. ”

The evidence provided by the public prosecution service, Huang Yang drink water before and after a few days, and Lin Senhao times online in "dimethyl nitrosamine" for keyword search the chemicals, toxicity and detection method. "That's what I glimpsed, confirming the dimethyl nitrosamine for liver damage. "Lin Senhao said.

On April 2, Huang Yang, accompanied by several students attached to the Lin Senhao ultrasound rooms for inspection. "No help Huang Yang said after completing the check my stomach problems, liver has no problem, but to say I knew that much, to the subject of open, is still a little guilty of what she did, Huang Yang did not tell them the cause of the disease. ”

Know if drinking water were sent for identification of bodies in connection with inspection, was "guilty conscience", Lin Senhao did not go to see Huang Yang. On April 3, his connection with the buckets get the toilet to rinse to volatile toxic compounds. On April 4, Lin Senhao watching Huang Yang's father and school water coolers and buckets removed for censorship, but afterwards did not detect poison, Lin Senhao as strange. Buckets were sent back to you, Lin Senhao "Littles" aunt buckets back down to the dormitory. Subsequently, Lin Senhao had 3 visits to the hospital to see Huang Yang, but can't talk to Huang Yang, "mainly want to see Huang Yang improves or not. "Later, Lin Senhao by Huang Yang more than once parents understand the progression of Huang Yang.

And, according to testimony by Huang Yang and Lin Senhao students revealed that Lin Senhao Huang Yang's condition have been relatively cold, I said that "availability of traditional Chinese medicine", "stomach flu what do b-" speech.

Court hearing after the end of the debate, Lin Senhao said in a final statement: "I'm in jail for several months, has been trying to find their root causes of crime, my behavior which my classmate Huang Yang was killed, a huge shock for his family, I'm sorry, the grace of parenting parents for nearly 30 years, will accept any penalty imposed by the Court. ”

(Edit: SN064)November 28, 2013 The website(复旦投毒案三大疑问得到解答:剧毒品窃自医院|复旦|投毒案|疑问_新闻资讯

  新华网上海11月27日电 (记者黄安琪)27日,备受关注的“复旦研究生投毒案”在上海市第二中级人民法院公开开庭审理,被告人林森浩涉嫌以投毒方式故意杀人被提起公诉。林森浩当庭供认了起诉书指控其采用投毒的方法致黄洋死亡的事实。林森浩为何要狠心毒害“同窗室友”?涉案剧毒化学品来自何处?投毒后林森浩是否企图逃脱惩罚?庭审细节回应了公众对此案的主要疑问。




  “以前做实验时大部分老鼠都没死,熬过去就好,而且越到后面越‘生龙活虎’。” 林森浩补充道。


















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