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Fudan poisoning suspect apologized to the family of the victim

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:25:40 Browse times: 313 Comment times: 0

Fudan poisoning suspect apologized to the family of the victim(复旦投毒案嫌犯向死者家人道歉)

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Fudan poisoning suspect apologized to the family members of the deceased | Lin Senhao | Huang Yang | Fudan poisoning _ news

-Our correspondent Meng Weiyang

Watched "Fudan poisoning" at the Shanghai second intermediate people's Court today public hearing, Fudan University medical school graduate student Lin Senhao was suspected of poisoning intentional killings are prosecuted.

Full of journalists attended the trial. The trial, Lin Senhao confessed in court to the indictment alleged poisoning methods used by Huang Yang of the fact of death, the criminal intention and motive, purpose has been justified.

Lin Senhao courtroom for a final statement, said: "I'm in jail a few months try to find root causes crime, listened to prosecutors today some feelings. Huang Yang's death his family against major, I was sinful, and I apologized to his family, willing to accept Court (law), any penalty. ”

Three times to go to the hospital

On April 1, 2013, one glass of water changed the life of Huang Yang.

This morning, Fudan University, will attend the doctoral postgraduate reexamination of Huang Yang got up early, according to the schedule, he should go to the library "the finishing touches" his thesis.

At 8 in the morning, Huang Yang bed open dorm room drinking, drinking a small glass of water due to sense smells, began vomiting and cough. At this moment, Lin Senhao of the same bedroom lying on the bed, he heard Huang Yang with the sound of the spoon clean drinking glasses, although know Huang Yang drink drinking water but did not stop, but continued to lie in bed and later got a call from students left the dormitory to avoid dialogue and Huang Yang.

According to prosecution charges, Lin Senhao was so, because he had poisoned the water cooler – put in a dimethyl nitrosamine.

Since then, Huang Yang admitted to hospital due to ill and eventually died on April 16.

Second branch of Shanghai people's Procuratorate accused, Huang Yang and Lin Senhao are students at Fudan University, lived in the same dormitory. Feud with Huang Yang Lin Senhao trifles, gradually grudge against Huang. The end of March 2013, Lin Senhao is determined to take poison to kill Huang Yang. The afternoon of March 31, Lin Senhao internship from Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University Medical Imaging Laboratory dimethyl nitrosamine containing highly toxic chemicals of reagent bottles and syringes. Around 17:50, Lin Senhao inject highly toxic chemicals all dormitories within the water dispenser.

Certified, Huang Yang met his lifetime by dimethyl nitrosamine poisoning induced liver, kidney and other organ damage and failure characteristics of death.

Lin Senhao said in court, while Huang Yang was in hospital that he had three times on April 5, 6th, 8 days to go to the hospital to visit Huang Yang, for the cause of Huang Yang know, but Huang Yang died, he has not disclosed Huang Yang poisoning information, nor did it provide any treatment options.

Gradually suspected poisoning

According to the evidence produced by the prosecution, after the poisoning, Lin Senhao on 11 occasions, poisoning about dimethyl nitrosamine reaction if they would be found out, by inhalation, ingestion, and ToX methods, treatment options for the query.

Earlier, Lin Senhao as reasons for writing papers, had using dimethyl nitrosamine in rat experiments, to have a preliminary understanding of the toxicity of dimethyl nitrosamine.

"I think very few doses that have been shown, Huang Yang was a course. Secondly, most of the rats in the experiment and no death. "Lin Senhao said on April 1 to know Huang Yang diseases, experiments have a corollary is going get better on their own, but this conclusion has not been substantiated in the experiment.

At the time of Huang Yang's condition deteriorating, roommate found Huang Yang GE platelets are low, feeling like intoxication. Since then, Scott's a pathological information, before you think of Lin Senhao has done similar experiments, so Googling paper found that Lin wrote papers dimethyl nitrosamine cause liver damage. After discovering this information, a Garrett immediately call Sun Shi Xiong, for his investigation. The other end, Sun Shi Xiong asked why. At this point, Lin Lin Senhao back to the dorm room, Scott's brother Sun Shi only texting.

Dimethyl nitrosamine which is first entered people's vision, Huang Yang's classmates and friends began to suspect it was poisoned. So, they began to sample the water dispenser, water buckets, liquid residues and Toxicology tests sent to professional bodies. After determining containing dimethyl nitrosamine substances, Huang Yang's classmates and friends eventually made a report to police on April 11.

In addition, the prosecution produced in court by forensic examination of Shanghai mental health center on Lin Senhao mental state of the forensic psychiatry of the submissions. Expert opinions are: identification of diagnosis, Lin Senhao modus on and there are no mental illness, crime identify and control complete, have full criminal responsibility.

Denying chores kill people

Lin Senhao attitude during the trial of reason calmly, hear the answer when they called him "Hello".

Lin Senhao poisoning process of indictment refers to no objection, but denied allegations of trivia Huang Yang to death.

Lin Senhao admitted that he read the blog, live trivia, not because poison. In the eyes of Lin Senhao, "Huang Yang smart, good, but some self-righteous. Huang Yang and his personality and values are quite different. And not one but two major contradictions, but he couldn't understand. "

Lin Senhao said that poisoning was a coincidence. Huang Yang in the dormitory said that April Fool's day is coming, and he wants to Boogie. "He patted the shoulders of others, elated, I think I'll punish you. Yiqian, ever heard anyone use the poison classmates, did not think this would happen. "Lin Senhao said that he had appeared in the media, after a similar incident," as if in Tsinghua University. It has not been found, so I did it. "

"Just wanted to let him (Huang Yang), and that's it. "Lin Senhao said in court on more than one occasion.

The defence counsel of the accused said Lin Senhao when purchasing two methyl ammonium nitrate in order to do animal research, in the course of the experiment only a rat may die from drug concentration is too high, most rats do not have death and judgment after the mice in the experiment will get better on their own, though this conclusion has not been confirmed in experiments. Huang Yang had little drink drug dose, so Lin Senhao considered not lethal.

18:15 today, closing of the hearing of the case. Shanghai second intermediate people's Court after court investigations, listen to justify prosecution of the accused and the testimony of witnesses and the evidence pertaining to the case, arguing that Lin Senhao intentional killing crime facts, selective sentencing.

Staff writer, Shanghai, November 27-

Case reviews

On April 1, 2013, the Fudan University medical school graduate (2010) Huang Yang, admitted to hospital due to physical discomfort, in critical condition, the patients whom, died on 16th at the Shanghai Zhongshan hospital. Shanghai police said the residual water in the dispenser in the student dormitory was detected a toxic compound ingredients, and lock the same bedroom Lin Senhao suspected poisoning.

On April 11, police detect toxic compounds residues in the water the water cooler, 12th found the same bedroom Lin Senhao major suspects. Police initially identified, Lin Senhao trivial life feud with Huang Yang, a disgruntled and massive "poison".

On April 25, Shanghai Huangpu district people's Procuratorate on suspicion of intentional homicide for Fudan University "4·1" case suspect Lin Senhao approve arrest according to law. On October 30, the Shanghai second intermediate people's Court disclosed, which has entertained of the second branch of Shanghai people's Procuratorate suspects Lin Senhao indictment, the prosecution accused accused Lin Senhao poisoning intentional homicide.

(Original title: the defendant argues that "only wanted to give him a hard time")

(Edit: SN095)November 28, 2013 Legal daily(复旦投毒案嫌犯向死者家人道歉|林森浩|黄洋|复旦投毒案_新闻资讯




































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