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Experts: increase or decrease in total holiday at least through the State Council Executive

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:25:15 Browse times: 288 Comment times: 0

Experts: increase or decrease in total holiday at least through the State Council Executive(专家:增减假日总量至少要通过国务院常务会)

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Expert: holiday volume increases or decreases at least by Holiday Inn Executive | | | holiday scenario _ news

The Beijing News (by staff reporter Guo Chao) yesterday at midnight, the national holiday Office jointly many websites "on statutory holidays schedule research", put forward three holiday patterns for online voting.

As at 22 o'clock yesterday, only Phoenix, Sohu, Sina, more than 1 million Internet users to vote. Each Web site has more than 50% people voted to select the "third" holiday, which means spring, 11 remain closed for seven days, other holidays adjacent weekends, where small scrambled into a three-day holiday. But many netizens tank, "three holiday programme" new bottle, total 11 days holidays for the year unchanged, how voting is playing "fight", which should increase the total amount of holidays.


Cai Jiming: increases of the holiday can be distributed to Chinese new year

Yesterday, according to reporter interview has Tsinghua University political economy Research Center Director, and holiday system reform subject group head Cai Jiming, he think, although currently made of three kind of holiday programme are not expectations, but holiday do this network survey is a progress, and three kind of programme in the first made has met Tuesday, and Thursday only borrow weekend spell fake of way, than yiqian disorder of spell fake more easy was public accept.

 "The programme did not mention the holiday reform many people down"

The Beijing News: holiday paid leave investigations of this holiday issue which one do you prefer?

Cai Jiming: three programmes are not satisfactory, only covers paid leave arrangements, not to mention holiday reform, the public will inevitably be disappointed.

A: at this point, more people support the third way.

Cai Jiming: the third spring festival Golden Week unchanged, 27 days holiday reservations, but still there was a difference with past holiday schedule. Which clearly identifies 11 holiday date as October 1, the date fixed, to borrow a regular weekend, it was relatively easy to accept. In addition, the day of the holiday, made every Tuesday and Thursday for the first time borrow this weekend, this is progress, at least there is a pattern to follow.

The Beijing News: Internet users may be more inclined to this programme because of long holidays?

Cai Jiming: Yes, the public can reasonably expect holidays to increase, this is understandable, but they would still be "difficult".

"The holiday is not entitled to additional holidays in the survey number"

The Beijing News: netizens said, such option is a new package.

Cai Jiming: 11 holiday Office after this year's survey was conducted through the network. One question "what do you think the holiday system", a lot of netizens also expressed hope that the increased holiday. This investigation, three scenarios have not changed throughout the 11-day holiday total, is primarily for "move." Its meaning lies in holiday authorities began paying attention to the mass demand for holiday and moved fake sets have good progress.

A: why don't you just proposed to increase the total number of holidays in the options?

Cai Jiming: none involves, it's understandable. The national holiday Office does not have the permissions to adjust the total number of holidays, Holiday Inn, of course, will not involve an increase in the survey.

China was revised in 2008 of the implementation of the National Memorial Day holiday and Festival procedures, was first enacted in 1949 by the then Cabinet. Now, you want to increase or decrease total holiday, at least through the State Council Standing Committee, this is not a simple process.

  "' Little holiday ' roots in the holidays with difficult to implement"

A: public or put forward many reasons to support the holiday less disadvantages.

Cai Jiming: first you have to understand that our vacation if it's small. Demand for holidays, I believe and always will be, "the more, the better" in the quest.

We did surveys, 104 days like weekends all over the world. My 11 days statutory holidays in all States is ranked in the middle. In 62 countries on average 11.7 days statutory holidays, our 11-day in 33rd place, than the United States. This means thinking, we feel the holiday less exactly where? We paid leave only ranked 60th.

Do you mean we paid holidays did not follow through.

Cai Jiming: so, our holiday was on paid leave shorter, that's civilians up to the holidays. Implementation difficulties now really big, you need to overcome, through this just fine right now. 10-15 day paid vacation, you can gradually upgrade to paid vacation days later.

"Holiday, volume cannot be set in stone"

A: our total holiday really no upside potential?

Cai Jiming: our holiday research group did a study in Tsinghua University, holidays can increase the total for two days. But these days is not to restore the 51 vacation and you want to assign to the Spring Festival.

The Beijing News: Spring Festival is now available 7 days off.

Cai Jiming: the actual Chinese new year holiday is 3 days, borrow holiday weekend put together out of before and after 7 days, at least spell it takes four weekends. Previous surveys and online surveys as you can see, users increased holiday on festival days were generally accepted, 5 days after the holiday, you don't have to borrow that much on weekends, if on Monday, can also make a 9-day holiday, more suitable for Spring Festival folk and public demand.

Newspaper: the research results are presented to the departments concerned?

Cai Jiming: in fact, it is the central authorities find Tsinghua, Tsinghua University study done by our research group. I think, after the previous survey, the authorities also felt that people's voices are so high we had some changes.

The Beijing News: increased holiday is possible?

Cai Jiming: I attended a symposium of the departments concerned, discussed increasing the Holidays Ordinance feasibility, but also is to fine-tune the proposal, an additional one or two days. I believe that the number of holidays and holiday could not be set in stone. Of course, next year is unlikely to increase, it will be too late. Very likely next year's holiday programme will now choose a direct implementation of the three.

This version of writing (other than signature,)/Beijing News reporter Chao Guo intern Wang

(Original title: user vomit trough holiday programme: might as well take a day)

(Edit: SN091)November 28, 2013 The Beijing News(专家:增减假日总量至少要通过国务院常务会|假日|放假|方案_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者郭超) 昨天零时,全国假日办联合多家网站进行了“关于法定节假日放假安排的调查”,提出三种放假方式供网友投票。


  ■ 对话



  “方案未提假日改革 民众难免失望”




























  本版采写(除署名外)/新京报记者 郭超 实习生 王博



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