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Experts said that the revision of the balance of payments statistical reporting methods to help anti

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/28 8:25:11 Browse times: 491 Comment times: 0

Experts said that the revision of the balance of payments statistical reporting methods to help anti-corruption(专家称《国际收支统计申报办法》修订助力反腐)

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Experts said that the revision of the balance of payment statistics reporting approach helps payments statistics | | | asset declaration against corruption _ news

  Experts call for the revision of the balance of payments statistical reporting approach will help against corruption

Staff writer, Beijing, November 27 (reporters Su Mengdi and and Li Lin)-in future, the wealthy and corrupt officials to transfer assets overseas will not be easy.

Newly revised reporting approach measures for balance of payments statistics (hereinafter referred to as the methods--reporters notes) issued on November 22, and will be introduced from January 1, 2014. Compared with the 1995 old rules issued by the people's Bank of China, new approach made 10 changes, including expanded the coverage to "residents of China's external financial assets," declared the main extended by Chinese residents to non-residents in China. A number of experts said in an interview with China Youth daily reporter, these changes may make the measures on anti-corruption is a weapon.

In cases of corruption, corrupt officials often to buy a House, start a business, to transfer assets abroad. For such problems, China's financial and tax law research association, said Liu Jianwen, a professor at Peking University law school, new measures can play a inhibition.

The methods under article II: "the scope of balance of payments statistical reporting for Chinese inhabitants and China all economic transactions between residents and non-residents in China's external financial assets and liabilities. "Liu Jianwen said," Accordingly, you can see official funding changes and corruption issues to investigate and provides a very good way. ”

"At present, officials declared more of domestic assets, but for overseas assets, often omitting concealed conditions exist. "Tsinghua University School of public administration, the independent Commission against corruption ren JianMing, Deputy Director of the Research Office pointed out that, as the country's increasingly open nationals hold assets abroad will be more and more, the relevant departments should have a certain degree of supervision. Among them, the officials and staff of State-owned enterprises and institutions, should be focused on supervision and management of the objects.

Central Party School Professor Lin 喆 also believes that new measures for combating money-laundering and official income is positive. Clean Government Research Center director Li Chengyan of Peking University said that the methods of officials to transfer assets play a combat role overseas. "If implemented, acquire overseas assets, not only can control the transfer of assets of corrupt officials, and can even take back assets transferred. ”

But experts interviewed said that the methods to play a role against corruption and also other systems of cooperation. "Like to go abroad, study abroad, officials and their families to settle important matters such as reporting system" in addition, Li Chengyan believes that this Declaration of operation it is hard. "Switzerland of bank assets does not allow any intervention, United States banking assets are not just trying to find out just to be sure. "Li Chengyan suggested, on the one hand, to establish and improve the system system to ensure the implementation of measures, on the other hand, in the Declaration on China will strengthen cooperation with countries around the world. Ren JianMing stated: "it is not just a Government control, also rely on help from other countries. ”

(Original title: experts said amendments to the balance of payments statistics reporting measures will help combat corruption)

(Edit: SN094)November 28, 2013 China Youth daily(专家称《国际收支统计申报办法》修订助力反腐|国际收支统计|申报|资产_新闻资讯

  《国际收支统计申报办法》修订 专家称将助力反腐

  本报北京11月27日电(实习生苏梦迪 记者李林) 今后,富人和贪官向海外转移资产将不再容易。







(原标题:《国际收支统计申报办法》修订 专家称将助力反腐)


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