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Officials reported former SFDA Director behind the North-South game

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Officials reported former SFDA Director behind the North-South game

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Officials reported former SFDA Director behind the North-South game _ | | Honeysuckle Lonicera flower news

From southern China, grown South renamed honeysuckle, for one, hit "Waterloo", and shrinking market share, prices dropped significantly. And lasted nine years, honeysuckle, Lonicera flower "flower" dispute, along with the Commission for discipline inspection to prevent corruption in Hunan Lu Qun, 12th the Twitter report, ferment again.

Different from the past, this round of disputes, because the sword refers to the food and drug administration and the national pharmacopoeia Committee, particularly interesting. "Double take" debate just behind the North and what kind of game? Where and what is the role of the power sector?

10th, Hunan province longhui County CPPCC Deputy President Xia Yizhong of one relatives, gave up has several acres field of mountain silver spent, "abandoned produced has, not species has, 9 years Qian of price is each pounds 80 Yuan, now is each pounds 1 Yuan, a points money are earned not to, growers insisted cannot has", Xia Yizhong on Beijing News reporter said, recently several months, longhui gave up mountain silver spent of growers increasingly more, "can Hou do, outlet in which, are not knows".

Grand is the one of the main origins of mountain honeysuckle, but Xia Yizhong refused to use the name YINHUA, honeysuckle, "we don't get planted from generations of honeysuckle, why was converted into mountain Honeysuckle? ”

 Name change

Honeysuckle in the South after the more famous Silver flower, "Southern Honeysuckle original 70% per cent market share to zero overnight."

Xia Yizhong recalls that after the 2003 SARS epidemic, his grand, as well as in xiushan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Southwestern Guizhou, Guangxi and other places south of Flos lonicerae planted, became a sensation. SARS experts agree, honeysuckle has effect against the SARS epidemic. At a time when the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, "Lonicera", "Lonicera hypoglauca red" are of the Honeysuckle.

By 2005, longhui, Flos lonicerae cultivation to 220,000 hectares of the South, annual output of 11 million kg per kg, price of 80 Yuan. In Guizhou, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and other places, planted nearly 500,000 acres, producing more than 5 million kilograms.

Xia Yizhong another identity is member of Flos lonicerae in the five provinces in the South, he told the Beijing News, compared with Honeysuckle in the North, southern Honeysuckle because flowers are crowded, the harvesting cost 3-5 times lower than the North, so the yield per MU is North of 2-3, "high price of Flos lonicerae in the North, and honeysuckle in the South once the country's 70% of honeysuckle market share."

But from the 2005 edition of the pharmacopoeia of the amended and changed.

The revisions, honeysuckle and Lonicera flower list of broken down into the Pharmacopoeia, "red Lonicera hypoglauca", "Lonicera", "Lonicera macranthoides" subsumed under mountain Honeysuckle. "Honeysuckle" under only one plant, dried buds of Lonicera Caprifoliaceae. This means that southern province planting lots of different kinds of "japonica" are changed to silver mountain flowers.

Xia Yizhong said over the next few years, southern provinces, mountain Honeysuckle situation worse.

Follow after the 2005 edition of the Pharmacopoeia, dubbed the name Flos lonicerae prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, various herbs, extracts, and food, beverages and daily-use chemical industry labeling products with names such as honeysuckle, such as fine tea, honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica Thunb Flos lonicerae SOAP, only Honeysuckle as raw materials, or suspected fraud.

"South of Flos lonicerae in 70% market share of the national market, zero overnight. "Xia Yizhong said.

A case study of longhui, today's price per kilo 1 money, 2005 is the catty 80 dollars, "9 year 80 times, who could not accept. Moreover, a dollar a pound no profit, costs will not be enough. Less than 180,000 acres now planted throughout the County, down 40,000 acres; annual sales of less than one-third. Our neighbor, Chongqing, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi planted areas was echoed ".

 Each pry

Network has a large number of "mountain Honeysuckle instead of honeysuckle poisonous" reports, jiujianpeng connected with culture and media companies.

Lu Qun and Xia Yizhong said, it was renamed after the Silver flower into a continuous "wave of rumors" so Silver flower planting industry compounded by the mountains of the South.

Joint meeting of the five southern provinces of Flos lonicerae Flos lonicerae in preparation for the establishment of the South Association of resource conservation, and wrote a letter to Premier Li's letter.

Said in the letter, honeysuckle major grain-producing areas to the North of Shandong pingyi jiujianpeng company as the representative of disinformation to discredit Hill Silver flower, and spend $ 1.3 million to hire the Chongqing Wen naval topics, business finance, as the network hype, manufacture about mountain Honeysuckle heat replace honeysuckle, mountain Honeysuckle poisonous rumors.

Journalists searching for network discovery, reported similar still exists in the network, from 2011, continues to this day. Mountain Honeysuckle and honeysuckle are common? Drug Pharmacology there much difference? In this regard, the academic community has always been controversial. The crux of the matter is, jiujianpeng Wen Haijun was whether the company paid 1.3 million and creating "rumors"?

Yesterday afternoon, the Beijing News reporter called them several times and Wen Haijun, but each time after the call was hung up.

However, Hunan TV's broadcast last September, longhui Honeysuckle "counter attack": false rumors to discredit the network who is behind it? Shows footage showed Wen Haijun said, "before you work with me, less than 6 million sales for their 2011 honeysuckle, cooperate with me later, the honeysuckle that they just work with me for seven months, sales hit 17 million Yuan," "mountain Honeysuckle is knocked out, who said, I say! ”

These doubts raised over jiujianpeng company, last night, jiujianpeng Agrotech (Group), General Manager of Lian Shidong Beijing News reporter, said "inconsistent with the facts."

He said that the "mountain Honeysuckle hot", is related to professional researchers and through years of scientific research have come to the conclusion, there is no "slander". As regards cooperation with Wen Haijun, "June 2011-June 2012, jiujianpeng two companies respectively, and two media companies in Chongqing for business cooperation, engaged each other for planning, writing, and publishing advertising and news about honeysuckle business, legitimate business practices between companies."

In fact, in the South accused the North of Flos lonicerae enterprises at the same time, also accused mountain Honeysuckle posing as Honeysuckle in the North to disrupt the market.

Honeysuckle, Liu Feng, President of the Association, China has publicly said, "on the national market, real name of honeysuckle and fake Honeysuckle Lonicera flower yield half", meaning mountain Honeysuckle disrupted Honeysuckle markets.

Chinese Academy of medical sciences associate research fellow, Institute of medicinal plant cultivation of medicinal plants Research Center said Xu Changqing, part of Flos lonicerae in local governments protect fake production and sales, "planted in upstream links, southern Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and other places flowers when planted Honeysuckle Lonicera, even propaganda mountain Honeysuckle and honeysuckle exactly the same effect. In the circulation, due to local protectionism is a serious problem, monitoring, some local Governments knew to be mountain Honeysuckle fake production and sales of honeysuckle, for their own protection. ”

Moreover, the person added, longhui, planting "Lonicera macranthoides", even in the 1977 Edition of the Pharmacopoeia, or does not belong to the sequence of honeysuckle, I do not know why should local large-scale cultivation?


Government jointly asked as much of the South will resume mountain honeysuckle, formerly known as, at present, national pharmacopoeia Committee has started the revision process, would retain its name remains unknown.

Lu Qun believes that from 2005 the pharmacopoeia revision up to now, interest group has been a game of chess, with "jiujianpeng" represented corporate manipulation of the pharmacopoeia 2005 modifying and disinformation to discredit the South Mountain Silver flower industry.

Therefore, he stressed, the "double take" behind the debate is the issue of corruption, is a nine-room shed companies and other interest groups about kidnappings, a State Agency.

Xia Yizhong also said that some practices of the former State Bureau of pharmaceutical supervision, is puzzling.

For the 2005 edition of the pharmacopoeia revision for example, Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition of their properties with the Meridian, the function is identical to Dominion records.

This casts doubt, since the Pharmacopoeia Committee considered consistency of antimicrobial actions of honeysuckle and Lonicera flower, with the name, the geographical distinction is the point?

In addition, in 2006, the former State food and Drug Administration has issued a document requiring China Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition of the new name change of Chinese herbal medicines, "allows the relevant prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, under the new name changes accordingly. "In other words, originally using mountain Honeysuckle pharmaceutical companies, allowing continued use of silver flowers, but to include the prescription of" Honeysuckle ", the words" Silver Mountain. "

But Xia Yizhong disclosed that since 2005, original mountain silver manufacturers spend a huge amount of shuanghuanglian oral liquid too long drug industry of Henan, has been committed to the prescription of the "Honeysuckle" is changed to "Silver Flower", but even in shuanghuanglian oral solution recipe inventor Professor Xing Zetian came forward, and have not yet been approved, "the approval was obstructed in the process."

But nine between shed company denied and original national drug prison General has interests imbroglio, "SHAO Ming State so senior other led, we fundamental not awareness, didn't contact had", Lian Shidong on Beijing News reporter said, 2005 version, and 2010 version China pharmacopoeia of developed and modify, Department national pharmacopoeia Committee of terms behavior, and nine between shed company no relationship; nine between shed company on national drug prison Council and national pharmacopoeia Committee and led and staff, no any PR behavior.

In accordance with the pharmacopoeia revision cycle, next year is yet another overhaul period, the current national pharmacopoeia Committee has started the revision process. Mountain Honeysuckle and honeysuckle, the dispute from the North and South regions also blamed each other, rise to the State level.

Hunan five County, and Chongqing a County, and Guizhou two County, and Sichuan a County, and Guangxi a County had to ten County joint way to food drug prison general expression recovery formerly known as demands, according to Beijing News reporter understanding, currently South Mountain silver spent origin of local government began new a round "book",, Shaoyang city, Government to Hunan Provincial Government sent letter, Hunan provincial government and to food drug prison General sent letter, expression same demands, 2015 version Pharmacopoeia amendment, hopes will mountain silver spent again income Honeysuckle.

Should not return to the Silver Flower Honeysuckle? "Flower" is a purely academic issue behind the debate, or the North-South conflict of interest? Looking forward to 2015 Edition of Pharmacopoeia revisions for an answer.

Beijing Bureau Chief Wang Shu

(Original title: "double take" debate behind the North-South game)

(Edit: SN091)
02:39 August 14, 2014 The Beijing News

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