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National Pharmacopoeia Committee expert: Lonicera flower prices fell and changed its name has nothing to do

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National Pharmacopoeia Committee expert: Lonicera flower prices fell and changed its name has nothing to do

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National Pharmacopoeia Committee expert: mountain Honeysuckle price drop is independent of renaming | mountain Honeysuckle | Pharmacopoeia Committee _ news

Last night, the national pharmacopoeia Committee expert Professor Qian Zhong told North Green newspaper reporter in an exclusive interview. Professor, honeysuckle and Lonicera flower is two plants, there is no distinction between Flos lonicerae, Lonicera japonica in the North of the South. Before 2005, Lonicera macranthoides was as Honeysuckle in Hunan local standards, in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 Edition revised, gray carpet was first included in the pharmacopoeia of Lonicera fulvotomentosa, Silver flower under the directory and included in the mountains. After the landmark Ballroom, local sales of Lonicera macranthoides rolled over 10 times.

Money argues that local sales since, have direct relationships with dishonesty.

Yesterday, spokesman for the State food and Drug Administration for discipline inspection officials of Hunan real name on Twitter reported problem of the former Director of the State food and Drug Administration said the Central Commission for discipline inspection in the food and drug administration of the discipline inspection group of the Central Commission for discipline inspection departments made a special report.

Whistleblower Lu Qun said in an interview with Xinhua, he would sort out evidence to the contrary, to be made public. Meanwhile, he told the State food and drug administration and the national pharmacopoeia Committee also put forward a four-point question.

  "Yu shi-transit" Lu Qun: four questions about honeysuckle

Yesterday, the Internet real-name whistleblowers said in an interview with Xinhua, Lu Qun, being renamed Honeysuckle problem in sorting out the evidence, to be made public. Meanwhile, he told the State food and drug administration and the national pharmacopoeia Committee has proposed four questions.

According to Lu Qun introduced in May this year, some grass-roots cadres, farmers, CPPCC members and deputies to find him reflect the situation. "I was born in family of Chinese medicine practitioners, a situation is very angry and decided to intervene. Based on my personal experience, so there must be a deeper reason behind major events. National Pharmacopoeia Committee, modify the pharmacopoeia was before and after the 2004, 2005, is the most corrupt in history, State Drug Administration. ”

Lu Qun said it would sort out the relevant evidence to be made public. He reported the focus of concern in the direction proposed four questions from the parties.

He said: "first of all, 2012, the Northern business spending huge sums to buy off the Internet rumors, media and individual experts, Internet rumors to discredit southern honeysuckle, cause the price plummeted, causing huge economic losses to farmers. State food and Drug Administration why not rumor, speak for the vast number of people? Second, national pharmacopoeia modification to a southern Honeysuckle no herbs, etc ... National pharmacopoeia to Luteolin glycosides called Honeysuckle's main active ingredient has inverted the traditional point of view. In fact, the so-called "Silver Flower" and the physical benefits of chlorogenic acid in Flos lonicerae, if Luteolin glycosides is the main active ingredient, "mountain Honeysuckle" better content of leaves and vines and honeysuckle, or even a higher content of peanut hulls, then why not just leaves, vines and peanut shell? Therefore, this so called standard Luteolin glycosides is tailor-made for Lonicera japonica in the North. Third, so-called "mountain silver spent" and honeysuckle in national pharmacopoeia inside, regardless of is "sex flavor owned by", and "function and attending" also is "usage and dosage" this three a important indicators, national pharmacopoeia in on Honeysuckle and so-called "mountain silver spent" of description is completely consistent, since such, why to will South Honeysuckle modified into "mountain silver spent" does? Finally, China's drug and food markets, demand for Honeysuckle is 20,000 tons a year, southern Honeysuckle was renamed "Silver Flower" before that supply and demand are balanced. After the reform, Flos lonicerae japonicae yield only about 6000 tons. But the market demand is 20,000 tons, and 14,000 tons of honeysuckle gap come from? Only two possibilities: one is the marketplace, openly replaced by mountain Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica, medicine into the food; second, North of Flos lonicerae enterprises cheaply buy "Silver Flower" affixed with a label of honeysuckle, fresh enterprise to sell to pharmaceutical companies. Market surveillance is the responsibility of the State food and drug administration, what is 14,000 tons of gaps in market supervision? "General news agency reported

 "Jiujianpeng": there is no smearing mountain Honeysuckle

Beijing Youth daily Reporter yesterday jiujianpeng agricultural science and technology (Group) limited General Manager contacted Lian Shidong, he says "jiujianpeng" company and in 2005, and present the 2010 edition of the pharmacopoeia of the enactment and amendment no relationship, companies of the State food and drug administration and the State Pharmacopoeia Commission and its leadership and staff, did not undertake any public relations exercise.

Screen name "Yu shi-transit" Hunan provincial Commission for discipline inspection of the prevention of corruption, Deputy Director Lu Qun, Twitter, publicly reported the former Director of the State food and Drug Administration SHAO Ming Li, also said the "crippling the southern honeysuckle, Shandong ' jiujianpeng ' represented by unscrupulous firms lavished money PR, modify the State Pharmacopoeia, and disinformation against southern Honeysuckle ' fire '". When in an interview with North Green newspaper reporter, William winter made his response.

For media reported of "nine between shed" company head had repeatedly in different occasions public published Comments said "Honeysuckle and mountain silver spent of efficacy has is big difference, Honeysuckle is cool sex of herbs, and mountain silver spent is is hot sex of herbs" of claims, Lian Shidong said, related "mountain silver spent sex hot" views, is according to expert in May 2011 held of first China Honeysuckle section cum Honeysuckle peak Forum Shang made of public introduced and to. The Forum is "jiujianpeng" company with the talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of health, the linyi municipal people's Government, Chinese Honeysuckle professional bodies such as the Committee in organizing, jiujianpeng and the leadership of the company in accordance with the findings of the expert presentations, there is no rumor.

And for media reported in the mentioned of, "nine between shed" had through Chongqing a PR company on mountain silver spent for smear, proposed "If will mountain silver spent Dang Honeysuckle using, serious who will endanger life" of claims, Lian Shidong admitted, "nine between shed" does and Chongqing two home company for has staged commercial cooperation, but cooperation content only limited to planning, and interview and released related Honeysuckle business of advertising and news manuscript,, never inspired its on mountain silver spent for deliberately smear.

Meanwhile, Lian Shidong said that at present "jiujianpeng" as China's largest authentic Honeysuckle the whole industry chain, production of the Honeysuckle products not only for "Wong Lo Kat" herbal raw materials supply and supply Hayao group, shenwei medicine industry, such as pharmaceutical companies as raw material for pharmaceuticals, radiation national market sales range. Text/reporter Liu Yang

  Pharmaceutical plant: honeysuckle, but

Harbin pharmaceutical group, a local non-prescription drugs North Green's marketing Chief, told reporters, the so-called difference between Honeysuckle and Lonicera flower within pharmaceutical companies origin variation, both in the field of medicine and there is great demand in the vast majority of Chinese patent medicines in the effect with almost no difference between the two.

"We have until now rarely used ' Honeysuckle ', Lonicera japonica and other branches of medicine has always been known collectively as ' the Honeysuckle ', will only call the difference the origin, like ' pingyi Honeysuckle ', ' Grand Honeysuckle ', ' mountain Honeysuckle. "The official said, in the process of pharmaceutical production and research and development, various of Caprifoliaceae medicines although there are subtle differences, but did not reach the level of distinction in clinical medication.

Only of difference is in medicine injection of selection Shang, honeysuckle section herbs in "SOAP glycosides" of content Shang has subtle difference, Shandong pingyi and Hebei julu produced of honeysuckle "SOAP glycosides" content lower, and 2008 of a copies research report pointed out that, SOAP glycosides and bile steroid alcohol combines generated not dissolved sex molecular composite real, damage blood RBC of permeability and occurred collapse solutions, is commonly known as of "hemolytic". "And since then, herbal injections when selecting Caprifoliaceae herbs started slightly lower saponin content of honeysuckle, or Pharmacopeia said ' Honeysuckle '. But the saponin content of this subtle difference in oral medication did not reflect. ”

Real names reported Lu Qun that events after the renaming of honeysuckle, Flos lonicerae japonicae yield 6000 tonnes, but the market demand at 20,000 tons, indicating there was replaced by mountain Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Thunb. In this regard, the official said, and 2013 among other than Honeysuckle Lonicera section herbs collective prices plummeted, but these consuming medicines are not "rot in the ground", riffs, most still flowed into the market at lower prices. Mountain Honeysuckle medicines is not in short supply on the market is evidence. "For 14,000 tons of honeysuckle gap, US pharmaceutical companies don't see it this way, including us, mountain before Silver Flower medicine in Pharmacopoeia 2005 Edition were written ' Honeysuckle ', but changed to ' Honeysuckle ' is not that simple. "Text/reporter Ni Jianing


Bei Qing: this two day a voice online, think in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 mountain Silver Flower name, associated with the disputed North-South commercial interests?

Qian Zhong Zhi: no, we did not involve amendment on this issue. Fact is, nonexistent southern honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica in the North said. Honeysuckle-Lonicera section, the North and the South can be found, including in Hunan province, can be found in the wild, but high yields of Lonicera macranthoides.

North Green: in the South, gray felt-Lonicera fulvotomentosa has been considered the Honeysuckle?

Qian Zhong Zhi: 1993 Hunan local standards put it income, like Honeysuckle. According to the Ministry of health standards, Hunan called Honeysuckle Lonicera macranthoides only, not outbound. Or other provinces to use Honeysuckle flower, can only be used in the pharmacopoeia requirements. Later, longhui, to develop the industry, he wanted to enter into the pharmacopoeia.

North Green: are you referring to Lonicera macranthoides?

Qian Zhong Zhi: Yes. We help to solve this problem, in 2005 into the pharmacopoeia of Lonicera macranthoides include mountain Silver flower under the directory.

North Green News: local Government react?

Qian Zhong Zhi: into the pharmacopoeia of Lonicera macranthoides was equal to solve their medical status, landmark has suddenly become the national standard. They are festive and special thanks to our. The Hunan daily has reported that incomes after the 2005 edition of Pharmacopoeia, local market prices over 10 times.

North Green News: why say farmers hurt by the name of origin?

Qian Zhong: I see public figures, from 2005 to 2012, silver production does not fall but rise the mountains of Hunan province, to decline until 2013. Why now say suffer? Last year, around March 26, CCTV exposure to sulphur on the ground, mountain Honeysuckle face news. That was a turning point, producing credibility gone, others are not known. Local farmers are also being mobilised, they actually do not know scientific thing. How can this account be Pharmacopoeia Commission head on? Was as good as the story of the farmer and the snake.

Bei Qing: so you think was renamed with the price drop doesn't matter?

Qian Zhong: if renamed, and that 2006 should have been sold locally, why sales in 2007 to 2009 has been up?

Bei Qing: the view was also expressed that, since both medicinal efficacy similar to take do not distinguish between? And the Pharmacopoeia, both "functions and indications of" all the way?

Qian Zhong Zhi: saying this should be a layman. Function or the same kind of medicine? How many chemical efficacy similar to that of two kinds of medicine? Is honeysuckle vines, gray felt-Lonicera fulvotomentosa shrubs, like a tree. A two-flowered honeysuckle, Lonicera macranthoides one gets another pick low cost. Chemical composition of the two is very different, Lonicera macranthoides containing saponin, hemolytic, cannot be used as a traditional Chinese medicine injections, there are security risks.

Bei Qing: the pharmacopoeia revision usually goes through what process?

Qian Zhong Zhi: first project, clear tasks, tasks to various drafting units. After the drafting unit to report to various professional discussion board, a total of 23 Professional Committee, Chinese herbal medicines is one of the Professional Committee. Like separation of honeysuckle and honeysuckle, comprises all members of the Professional Committee of Chinese herbal medicines, bribed one of two people does not work. In my opinion, is the ideal Pharmacopoeia Commission the Committee system, by the Commission's decision, rather than individual experts, nor an executive order could affect.

Bei Qing: disagreements do?

Qian Zhong Zhi: divided, voting system. But general discussion, we can reach consensus.

North Green News: national pharmacopoeia Committee whether there is a monitoring mechanism? Will be affected by the enterprise or outside influences?

Qian Zhong Zhi: we are an independent mechanism run by the Commission. The entire program is a big loop, which alone can decide? Finished project to discuss, we will show the whole society publication for three months. Solicit discussion and public again, and finally entering the draft. Pharmacopoeia in the world of publicity mechanisms are similar.

Bei Qing: the 2005 amendment was proposed by the expert on Honeysuckle?

Qian Zhong Zhi: is the 2005 version of outline, nothing to do with the individual. Outline to be discussed and adopted by all the members. Revised background, drug issues involving the security of the people, to a standard. Not only is honeysuckle, like kudzu, and yellow variety, such as divisions are generated from the 2005 Edition.

North Green News: recently, two contradictions of disputes on Flos lonicerae, Lonicera flower becomes more competitive, what do you think?

Qian Zhong: I also heard that they have a honeysuckle Southern Association? Honeysuckle in fact does not differentiate North and South, is their own myth, this is actually not a regional dispute.

North Green: one voice expected 2015 release, mountain Honeysuckle can merge with Honeysuckle?

Qian Zhong Zhi: that's impossible, mountain Honeysuckle impossible honeysuckle, is two things.

Text/reporter Sun Jing

Intern Han Cheng

(Original title: "mountain Silver Flower prices fell and changed its name has nothing to do")

(Edit: SN091)
02:59 August 14, 2014 The Beijing Youth daily

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