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Xiamen pH seduction girl continued: four female students who had been seduced

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Xiamen pH seduction girl continued: four female students who had been seduced

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Xiamen pH seduction girl continued: four female students say they were Xiamen | | pH | seduction is seduction _ news

Recently, Xiamen University Ph Wu chunming "seduction" about the students caused a stir on the Internet.

However, introduced one after another. 122 groups of students in the history Department of Xiamen University in solidarity with Wu chunming event continues. July 24, 08 Chinese Department of Xiamen University Alumni Association Li Furui 76 sent to President Zhu chongshi xuesheng preventing sexual assault on campus and alumni signed a letter to public climax of the event.

The legal evening news reporter "preventing sexual assault on campus letter" sponsors, she said, "students are the weaker party, which let the girls dared not refuse teacher request, experiencing sexual harassment, not hesitating to say. "Xiamen hope can just deal with" Ph seduction girl "event, and can use this as an opportunity to explore the establishment of campus sexual harassment prevention mechanism, which is a kind of protection for students, teachers and schools.

Once involved in too many cases of sexual harassment, a former investigative journalist, PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Macau Li Sipan believes that school students for potential harassment and injury are not vigilant, students were often nowhere to be sued after the injury. Students fail to adhere to their wishes, safeguard their rights and interests, so the school related to preparedness and response mechanisms must be established as soon as possible.

  76 Alumni appeals to address campus sexual harassment

Xiamen in July is hot as fire, from time to time, to report on campus freshman, from everywhere around the visitors. At the gate of Xiamen University, school of Humanities, hanging "wished the second camp a great success in the history of China," red banners. Few of which closed iron gates.

The mail lying quietly in a corner of the Hall, and the third one the first vertical boxes labeled "Wu chunming" three characters. Janitors have many days did not see the mailbox owner. As early as July 12, Wu chunming has been suspended by the school.

After the incident, Internet rumours, "Wu chunming gossip and his wife are serving relevant publicity department level cadres. "The reporters found that Wu chunming's wife, was the students of Xiamen University's Anthropology Department, and Wu chunming was her teacher.

This claim, denied by University teacher, "this is not surprising, Wu chunming sexually assaulted girls, as early as two years ago, I received a report related to the material. "The teacher said, this matter is in school until incoming," this year, things on the Internet. ”

Wu chunming's wife is the Secretary of party Committee of China, Xiamen City streets. Subsequently, this reporter went to the street, the guard said, her normal work.

Xiamen University and one teacher told reporters that as early as in June, "a school overnight meeting, asking Wu chunming. Wu chunming said ' do not know how many girls are sleeping ', confused. Schools and asked him, do you give people honored his promise? He forgot to say, do not know. ”

Reporters in recent days urged Wu chunming, were hung up, sent him a text message has not received any reply.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything. "Rusic Director learned that reporters had come after majoring in history, and quickly," hiding "it.

In the building and in the College of Humanities, a lot of teachers, "Wu chunming" taciturn and said they didn't know him well. Meanwhile, students of Archaeology in the Institute building is hard to find figure. Many with a college or a professional teacher Wu chunming heard "Wu chunming" three words when I said, "have no knowledge".

So far, variety of channels can be found on the network's female, 5 people have, which is called "seduction" for 4 people. In addition to youth "caravan", but the past few days, "Ting Yang" has found three female students who had claimed to be seduced, a sister, or two sisters.

Victims of "youth caravan" said: "Wu chunming will pay the price for his mistake, not just ' suspending his mentor membership ' was inconclusive, but also let him bear the legal responsibility."

On July 24, a letter signed by 76 University alumni, "calling for the establishment of campus sexual harassment prevention specifications" letter was addressed to the joint initiative of Xiamen University President Zhu chongshi, appeals to address campus sexual harassment issues, will push the University to the forefront again.

  Originators of the joint letter: I did not expect so many people to respond

Recommends letter in the proposed three items recommends: established prevention sexual harassment of teachers behavior guidelines, express teachers not should and has directly right relationship of students occurred sex and close relationship, otherwise depending on situation gives disposition or adjustment duties; established campus sexual harassment control specification, established reported, and survey, and asked accountability and disciplinary mechanism and to student public; from prevention and should two aspects, oriented teachers and students carried out anti-sexual harassment of education and training.

Sponsored by Xiamen University, Li Furui 08 Chinese graduates, she said that, although he had graduated, but "so far concerned about University".

Legal evening news: why call for campus sexual harassment prevention norms?

Li Furui: start on the Internet "Ph seduction girl" thing, because it's my own alma mater, concerned at that time. Then see much discussion on the Internet and wanted to do something about it. In fact, on all aspects of the school are handled in a timely manner the information properly, but I think that's not enough, should also do some institutional provisions.

Because I am on campus, regardless of previous or present you will hear many friends or classmates have said many similar phenomena. Build system and restraint mechanism, this is a precedent, and University sexual assault incident was a turning point. I think we can do something for the school.

Legal evening news: you've heard of this kind of phenomenon, before students can talk about the specific situation?

Li Furui: when I was in school before, rumored to be a teacher at the time of examination and instruct students to write a thesis, will personally to call girl, steamy text messages, or one-on-one about the girls for dinner. There are many things that the parties are not very comfortable.

My students, there are a few experienced such a thing. They told me, we also have a teacher in the Department, in addition to giving them other than make phone calls, send text messages, at future sessions of our sister school also received a call from the teacher, so they went to his classes next semester.

Legal evening news: did you happen have the students to reflect?

Li Furui: as far as I know not, because these victimized students have their own considerations, and precise, without the teacher concerned so serious, usually students are sucked up.

Legal evening news: launched the joint operation was conducted smoothly, please?

Li Furui: launched at that time, I never thought I'd be collecting many people, just friends made a survey recommendation letter. These recommendations, I drew on some of the experiences of other countries. I discovered that Western countries have with regard to this aspect of treatment, so I wrote that several pieces of advice. I did not expect is that less than a week, there will be so many people respond to me.

Legal evening news: you hope that through your actions, what effects can be achieved?

Li Furui: event processing of is just transparent, not only will on University of reputation produced effects, also decided with girls can in school in the has security, and on school has trust, University now in cusp Shang, I hopes school not only can just processing, and can to this for opportunity, discussion established campus sexual harassment control mechanism, this on students, and teachers and school are is a protection, on China of other University also can provides demonstration.

Investigative journalist, cases of sexual harassment: any of the lack of supervision of teachers in colleges and universities

Once involved in too many cases of sexual harassment, a former investigative journalist, PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Macau Li Sipan believes that established norms against sexual harassment on campus without delay.

Legal evening news: when you focus on the matter of Xiamen University?

Li Sipan: at first I did not pay special attention, but then I decided to speak out because I saw the University History Department student groups said "Wu chunming from sexual harassment". They do so directly to the person being harassed has created a hostile environment.

Legal evening news: How do you think the anti-establishment of a system of sexual harassment have been necessary?

Li Sipan: on the one hand, and lack of system of China in the area of sexual harassment does exist, preventing sexual harassment should be a basic rule of any organization on the other, our culture is lacking. Prior to the reform and opening up, Chinese society was excluded on "sex" this topic, if one were working and learning occasions, he will likely face a lot of pressure.

Once the sexual assault occurred, dared to expose people to pay the price, they may be victims, but everyone tends to women have suffered sexual abuse whether just to say, "no", that she too will face "itself is a bad woman" of the accused. In fact, the victim is very difficult to say no.

Legal evening news: what you say what are the rights?

Li Sipan: the arbitrary nature of university teachers after student interest is too large, and the lack of oversight and accountability mechanisms. Sexual harassment on campus, is a special type of tort. First of all, this type of behavior is very subtle, and secondly, in relationship, perpetrators of sexual harassment are mostly strong side, they can decide to interact, hold both sides of the form.

Legal evening news: what do you think of ways to avoid this sort of thing happen?

Li Sipan: the most important thing is to establish system specifications, establishing sexual harassment interest avoidance principle. Hong Kong, Macao will have the interest avoidance principle. In Taiwan, after the victims of sexual assault, can go to the relevant Department, and we're not.

Our nation should learn from the advanced experience of sexual harassment prevention law should not only be women, in the Education Act, the protection of minors, employment protection provisions of the law should have the appropriate, form a complete legal protection is critical.

  Former University Professor "seduction scandal" story

Margins on June 23, one screen name of "Ting Yang" girl in micro-bloggers have posted one of the female students of archaeology-proof "beast" required reading tweets, alluding to Xiamen University, "Professor seduce schoolgirls", post does not name names, they only on campus "blow wind", while not knowing people outside.

This "seduction is" fire on July 10. The same day, an article titled solidarity with the Ting Kau Yang – charge obscene beast teacher Wu chunming long-term indecent seduction, Xiamen University female students (photos) blogs on the Internet go. Blogger "youth caravan" was one of the victims, she disclosed Wu chunming to academic resources room, as well as their favourite rendezvous.

Network a sensation caused by post, Wu chunming was dubbed the "flower-Ph".

Professor of history at the University was terminated on July 11, the Department will subsequently by the Commission the duty of the Commission Wu chunming, Professor of history, Xiamen University on July 12, also said in a statement issued through the official micro-blog, upon receipt of the Wu chunming after ethics questions anonymously, has set up a special working group, for its suspension and investigation.

However, there is no conclusion, 122 xuesheng signed a joint letter, meaning Wu chunming "card clean" complainants "Ting Yang" to place blame, events came to a standstill.

Subsequently, Ting Yang on July 15, responded: "letter is my sister who lead organizations, the sister Wu chunming and economic relations remain ambiguous, for many years. Hope that the archaeological profession and professional students and alumni do not know all of the facts of history do not get involved in the matter, so as not to be exploited by people with ulterior motives. ”

Intern/reporter Zou Yan Hou Yiyun He Menglian Wang Xintong

(Original title: "University Ph seduction girl" continued building system--76 students against sexual assault)

(Edit: SN146)July 27, 2014, at 13:22 Legal evening news

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