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Other expenditures of the Central Government accounts up to 1.3 trillion

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Other expenditures of the Central Government accounts up to 1.3 trillion

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Central sector accounts for other expenses reached 1.3 trillion | Central sector accounts open _ news

Yesterday, the 2013 accounts openly on the Internet the Central Department breaks ground, involving at least 95 Central Government departments. Reporters on statistics found nearly 80 units, Central sector accounts for more than $ 730 billion yuan, several units with at least more than 20 accounts due to the supplementary budget, expenditures exceed budget spending. In addition, the published data in these sectors, the "other expenditures" term frequently appears, according to Xinhua News Agency, summary of Finance recently announced the 2013 national public expenditure accounts, interspersed with various forms of "other expenditures" totaled about 1.3 trillion dollars.

 -Accounts overview

The history of "the most powerful" open 95 Central Government departments "release"

With accounts of the departments such as the Ministry of land and resources published online in 2013, on July 18, 2013 accounts open and he came to the Central sector. Submitted to the national people's Congress earlier this year to review the number of sectors, the accounts involving 95 Central Government departments and from the public on the level of detail are called "history's great strength."

Public all the 18th day

This year is the central departments since 2011 accounts for the fourth year in a row to the public sector, together with the concerned sectors of society in public "three funds" and administration accounts.

Xinhua learned from the Ministry, the accounts of the Central Government departments public unprecedented, in addition to open three months ago on the scope, content and format of the 2014-sector budgets to maintain cohesion, but also more refined, more humane. As for the convenience of the media and public access to public information, apart from various departments in the open time on July 18, also called for the end of the working hours on the same day all open end; who are the Central divisional portal sites, requires all Web sites Home visibly open.

Bask in the breakdown is reflected

In addition, on open, focused on revenue and expenditure, accounts for the public to see not only in 2013, will also see the number of accounts for the 2012 and 2013 budget earlier this year.

2013 is the eight provisions in the first year, what happens to accounts of various central departments are testing various government departments in implementing the eight of the important data. Experts pointed out that key to compares the accounts and budget, if statement below the budget is a good thing, if high depends on departments to explain the reasonableness.

Central sector accounts open range was further expanded this year from previous review departments submitted to the national people's Congress, extended to in addition to classified departments all use all the funding arrangement funding departments and "Excellencies," financial sector.

Request "Sun breakdown", also reflects this year. It is reported that the public confidential information, but in 7 categories of expenditure such as education, science and technology last year detailed publicly to functional classifications of expenditure of subjects based on refinement open to all subjects, which means that accounts for the expenditure of the Central Government has released classified by function into account at the bottom.

Three funds variable text to table

While, on "three public" funding public, form also by original text description to form, each sector added a Zhang "three public" funding public budget financial funding spending accounts table, by budget number and accounts number respectively column shows, and will "corporate with car acquisition and the run fee" refinement for "corporate with car acquisition fee" and "corporate with car run fee".

In recent years, the Central eight, budget transparency system under the constraints of the Central "three funds" has been downsizing. In 2013, the central administrative institution "three funds" total expense of 7.015 billion yuan, 954 million Yuan less than the budget earlier this year, 410 million Yuan less than the actual expenditures for the 2012.


≫> requirements

Down to the item level subjects

Issued by the State Council in March this year, "2014 open government information" indicated that financial resources are shared by all the people of wealth, to make "financial funds" running in the Sun. To expose all government budgets and final accounts to the functional classification of expenditures item-level account. In March 2014, the Ministry also released "on the work of advancing the local budget and public notice", requires further refining the local government budget and public content, the Government budget and all the way down to functional classifications of expenditure item level subjects.


Reporters found that day, most of the units were in accordance with the requirements of government budget item level subjects all the way down to functional classifications of expenditure, which also released "class", "", "" triple spending, but units fail to do it.

In the Union's "public budget balance sheet", just released its diplomatic and other foreign spending in the two-tier expenditures, but not announced 300,000 yuan of funds further purposes.

Departments of the Central Government from 2011 onwards after the accounts for the fourth year in a row to the public sector, improvement is still very large.

"Room for improvement" is still great

≫> requirements

Easier to find mutual strengthening

Released by the Treasury Department in its "in 2013, the Ministry of Government information disclosure annual report", proposed that in 2014, the Ministry will focus on a few aspects of the work, including expanding the scope of departmental budget and public, in addition to related departments, all kind of funding of the central budget Department shall be present in public sector. Finance Ministry to release "notice on advancing the local budget and public works" also stipulates that in the Government or the financial departments at the portal site you want to set up a budget on an open column, generate all focused open government budget, budget and "Excellencies," content such as financial budget and final accounts, convenient query monitoring.

Open search engine, opens the central ministries of Home and secondary pages, three pages, the public may continue to struggle to find accounts of eye-catching links to publicly available information. 18th centrally accounts check out 2013-public information found that although the requirements have come out, but this information is still not an easy thing.

Does not have a unified platform for information on the accounts of the public ministries and publicly available information on our own way, still seemed to be made of hide and seek with the public little "game".

Public programs, open format or lack of "standard answer", open content companies, data size there are different problems.


Public still lacks "standard answer"



1.3 trillion "other expenditures" where

Browse departments accounts published on 18th, the "other expenditures" figure can be seen everywhere. As the Ministry of education, other education expenditures had reached 5.73 billion yuan, State administration of taxation, tax expenditures also have 283 million Yuan, Wei JI Wei, expenditures for other health care management services at 144 million dollars.

In fact, from the Treasury "in 2013, public finance's balance sheet" could mottoes, one of the "other expenditures" project has reached 63.2 billion yuan. According to Xinhua, summarized above, interspersed with various forms of "other expenditures" totaled about 1.3 trillion dollars.

"Other expenditures" easy Cap Caps

Treasury fiscal section by Deputy, Director of Liu Shangxi think, according to China budget class payments of classification, in where "class" in the, "other spending" accounted for than to 5% to 10% suitable, not should breakthrough 10% this a ceiling, otherwise on will makes this class funds flood, or will became transfer other not reasonable spending of a "big baskets", will makes everywhere of "other spending" more reasonable.

"Other expenditures" there are reasonable factors, but amount to as little as possible. To avoid some of the departments make it breach expenditures hideout, thus forming a black hole. He suggested that the "other expenditures" to the combination of unblocking and blocking is to restrict the amount cannot exceed a certain percentage, sparse is to allow some expenditures not included in the corresponding category exists, but there should be instructions explain clearly cannot allow "other expenditures" sunlight that shines on the corner.


Accounts over budget is everywhere

Expert ideas

In the Central Finance has been published in the report on the accounts of, accounts for more than budgetary situation everywhere. 2013 accounts show, China Meteorological Administration, whose expenditure amounts to 23.53 billion yuan this year, according to its budget for 2013, total expenses is expected to only 19.606 billion yuan this year, accounts for about 3.9 billion yuan increase over the budget, representing an increase of about 20%.

The MOF Liu Shangxi, Deputy Director of the budget section said that day in an interview with Beijing Times reporter, because revenues are still growing at a relatively high rate, the Ministry of finance is also a perfect, some units don't do solid work for the preparation of the budget, expected reasonable enough, budget final preparation of generalizing is not scientific. Once the problems encountered in the implementation of tight money, the units would have money to the financial sector, requires a supplementary budget.

Expert ideas

A supplementary budget should detail

"This budget not science, feel free to ask for money supplementary budgets need to be alert. "Liu Shangxi said. In his view, the budget can be increased, but the Department concerned approval in future must be more strictly, and that additional funding should be more reasonable. Meanwhile, accounts open at various units, should also explain the reason for the supplementary budget, the public and experts in judging whether these funds are used rationally.

Zhu, a professor at Renmin University law school banner raised, budgeting is complete, accurate and true, unity is an important prerequisite for effective budget examination and supervision and the Foundation. Specific procedures and rules we should refine the budget, extend the budgeting cycle, greatly enrich the existing budgeting Department of power.


Association of central ministries and subordinate frequency problems

Recent Audit Commission's "central unit 2013 budget performance and other financial income and expenditure audit results" name and the ecological environment research center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China civil engineering society, China architectural culture center and other irregularities. Yesterday, reporters visit multisectoral website, which open in 2013 sector accounts, lists the names of all subordinate units, including Association, but no breakdown of the expenses associated with it, and introduce some general functions, made no mention of subordinate units. Among them, State Health Planning Committee public budget income of 114.78 billion yuan in 2013-. Career income 89.85 billion yuan, accounting for about 78%.

Expert ideas

Delinked from the key to promote the Association and Government

"The associations belonging to social groups, less-regulated pine, there may be violations. In addition, strict government supervision, does not preclude the possibility of some expenditures refer to the following Association. "Wang Dehua, Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of financial strategies financial audit Research believes that solutions are delinked from the promotion of associations and the Government, and with some of the Government bodies to strengthen the management of the property, especially in regulatory capital.

Liu Shangxi believes that many associations have official backgrounds, will lead the mostly retired officials, with funding from the financial allocation, is difficult and the Government out, at the same time strengthening supervision, you should straighten out the relationships between associations and Government.

Peng Zhang Jinghua times reporters Liu Xueyu Han Xu Chen Qiao trainee reporter Yang Yanping General News Agency

(Original title: accounts of public "other expenditures" up to 1.3 trillion)

(Edit: SN064)03:20 on July 19, 2014 Beijing times

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