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Hukun rapid deflagration accident nearby villages

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/7/19 8:30:39 Browse times: 252 Comment times: 0

Hukun rapid deflagration accident nearby villages

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Hukun rapid deflagration accident nearby villages: the whole ravine | hukun fire high-speed conflagration _ news

Yang Guang in Changsha on July 19, according to voice of the evening rush hour news report, July 19, at 3 o'clock in the morning, Shanghai-Kunming high speed traffic accident long back to the entrance, a pickup truck suspected of containing flammable explosive materials with a sailing from Fujian, Guizhou bus crash to cause the explosion. Total of 5 vehicles burned, including accident cars, as well as a small bus and two trucks. Among them, nuclear carrying 53 people, only 4 people in the truck escaped, and severe burns; loading trucks suspected of alcohol combustible items had all been burned, 38 people have died in the accident.

Reporters at the scene, five-car accidents are still in situ, burned the situation is very serious, wheel tires have to burn. In dozens of meters below where you can smell very pungent smell, freight goods scattered on the ground, is a mix of a goods vehicle logistics, another is the express logistics, littered with suitcases, shoes, few burned-out relics.

Longhui County of Shaoyang Shan GE SI Shi Cun village in the early morning from the town witnessed the tragedy, villagers told a reporter, were awakened by noise in his sleep.

Villager: we saw a taste taste of plastic. Passenger cars are almost finished, we see running out of four, 2 female, 2 male, fire into the sky, like an atomic bomb explosion, smoke good good great, unapproachable, the whole ravine was afire.

Villager: before no more rings, later blew a tire, and BAM! Like the sound of a gun. Fire a lot, at least more than 10 meters high. The poor thing.

A villager surnamed Bell told reporters that rescuers rushed to the scene at about 4 o'clock.

Villager: I was also reported to the police last night, at 3 o'clock, played 110 and later played 12122, who at 4 o'clock.

After the incident, Governor of Hunan province, du Jia Hao rapid rates of provincial departments rushed to the scene, urging the local Government to organize the scene to minimize casualties quickly identified the cause of the accident, having the respective districts and units, immediately inform, cooperate in the identification of the request and the casualties identity and related follow-up actions.

Du Jia Hao: pensions and condolence for the families of the dead, and rescue of the wounded, we draw up and down across the province, further strengthening the province's road safety, manufacturing safety, ensure that no such accident from happening again.

The field informed the rescue headquarters, following a preliminary investigation confirmed 38 dead, 5 injured have been sent to local hospitals for treatment. Death toll still further verification. Accident scene morning of the fire, which was extinguished, police departments have been taken against the accident section of the segregation arrangement, site cleanup, verification work is still carried out in casualties.

In addition, Fujian province, Hunan has been briefing, requesting its assistance to coordinate with min BY2508 bus casualties related to identity verification and the aftermath. According to the Fujian Provincial transportation authority provides bus out beforehand, then fax the GPS signal: bus 18th starting at 8 o'clock in the morning from Putian, Fujian, the same day around 23 entered Hunan, 2:56 speed is reduced to 0. Bus no speeding on the way, total break 3 times, a total of 64 minutes.

At about 3 o'clock in the morning of the accident, the specific cause of the accident, we don't know. But before and after 2012, Fujian, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces and Ningxia Hui autonomous region, many places have been provided at 2 o'clock in the morning every day to 5 points against long-distance passenger and freight traffic high speed, top executive coach Hugh system.

We do not want an afterthought, but if there are more places to implement such provisions, perhaps the news we see today will be different. (Reporter Shaoyang, Deng Wenhui Miss Frasier Jiang Wenjing reporter Deng Jia)

(Original title: hukun speed deflagration 38 dead, villagers in Hunan: the whole ravine flames)

(Edit: SN098)17:28 on July 19, 2014 Chinese radio network

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