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Yunnan AIDS deaths declined for the first time, the old commercial highlights

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:25:07 Browse times: 395 Comment times: 0

Yunnan AIDS deaths declined for the first time, the old commercial highlights(云南艾滋病死亡人数首次下降,老人商业性行为突出)

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Yunnan AIDS deaths declined for the first time the old commercial highlighting | commercial detection _ | | AIDS news

  This year the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our province, "new developments"

  Old commercial stand out

  The number of AIDS deaths declined for the first time

On December 1 this year, was the 26th "World AIDS Day", the theme "action up to the ' zero ' people". Yesterday, the AIDS Bureau of Yunnan province held a press briefing said that from January to October this year, newly reported HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients in Yunnan province 9,091 cases, compared with 585 patients. 6,540 cases of HIV, AIDS patients, 2,551 cases, reports 2,194 death cases. The HIV/AIDS epidemic there is also a new feature – the number of AIDS deaths declined for the first time, while sexually transmitted infections continued to increase and the elderly.

  New features

Situation remained generally stable;

Number of deaths fell for the first time;

Sexually transmitted infections continued to increase and the elderly;

In certain areas, and a specific group of uncontained;

Border States (City) reporting foreign people living with HIV/AIDS virus patients increasing year by year.

  New trends

This year January-October report of AIDS virus people living with and patients in the, injection drug spread accounted for 12.5%, sexual spread accounted for 86.1%, maternal and child spread accounted for 1.1%, spread way unknown accounted for 0.3%; male accounted for 64.3%, female accounted for 35.7%; male same-sex sex report 336 cases, 15-24 age youth students report people living with number 45 people; report of people living with and patients in the, main for farmers and jobless personnel, respectively accounted for report total of 63.5% and 15.7%.

  New developments

1 to monitor the detection and management of people living with HIV

The province conducted HIV antibody testing 4.412 million people, reported HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients 9,091 cases, detention facilities, where new officers detect 49,075, found positive 768 people.

2, antiviral treatment

Province's total of 207 antiviral therapy home health care agencies. As of October, the province's 29 points of TCM treatment of cumulative 9,925 people treated by Chinese medicine, is treating 5,614 people, already exceeded annual task (5,000), the province's cumulative 48,065 people treated, being treated 39,667, which this year added treatment of 9,883 people.

3, mother to child transmission block

In January-October, the province's HIV counseling and testing in health care before marriage 459,000 people; maternal detection of 626,000 people maternal HIV infection birth 941 people, live births of which 950 people; transmission blocking measures imposed against maternal HIV infection a coverage of 99.68%.

4, behavior intervention

(1) intervention among female sex workers. Promoting HIV testing card, monthly intervention 31,092, cumulative HIV testing 56,961, detection rate, 90.3%, on-site sampling and testing HIV testing rate of 66.4%;

(2) men group intervention. In January-October, the men crowd the province monthly intervention 5,238 people, cumulative HIV testing 8,913;

(3) intervention among drug users. At the end of October, the province's 68 community methadone maintenance treatment clinics and 82 drug development drug approved 38,865 people, who actually control 14,347.

  Death rates declined for the first time

Three types of high-risk populations, "early intervention"

According to the Yunnan provincial AIDS Council, one official says, at present, the treatment as a prevention strategy for AIDS prevention and AIDS prevention work in Yunnan province has made great progress, as long as the parties are willing to meet, you can enjoy free treatment. "MSM" homosexuality, "Miss sex workers", "family-anode magnetron" is high-risk, for HIV patients, it is best treated once an infection is found. Early intervention can not only reduce the chance infection, can also reduce mortality.

  Infection of older persons continues to rise

"Commercial" is the main cause of the charge, in HIV-infected persons and patients to 2013 report, over the age of 60 account for 10%. Among them, over 80 reported 46 cases, representing an increase of 16 per cent. "References, 209 members ages 50 to 68 years old, one found during the inspections, infection rates as high as 8.2%. 90% of these elderly is because commercial infected with AIDS, only about 10% a cross between husband and wife is causing the infection. "The staff reminded, older men to avoid sex outside of marriage, especially commercial sex acts. In addition, by strengthening medium and low intervention among female sex workers can also control the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the elderly increases from its source.

  Reagents for detecting AIDS of quick

The official, at present, has launched a very convenient way of testing-self test. Reagents for the testing of new products using professional contacts 5 times back and forth between the upper and lower gums, then extract the saliva into the professional's observation tank, a glance in 20 minutes. It is reported that the new testing products on Taobao will be able to buy into, and is about to spread. In addition, Yunnan province has 5 detection AIDS self test by test, the accuracy can reach more than 90%. But the staff cautioned that the test results can only be as a reference, ultimately will need to the professional body for review-confirmed.

Reporter yuanxiaohui

(Original title: commercial sex in the elderly in Yunnan to highlight the number of AIDS deaths declined for the first time)

November 27, 2013 Life news(云南艾滋病死亡人数首次下降 老人商业性行为突出|艾滋病|商业性行为|检测_新闻资讯



















  1—10月,全省开展婚前保健人群艾滋病咨询检测45.9万人;开展孕产妇检测62.6万人次;HIV感染产妇已分娩941人,其中活产儿950人;对HIV感染产妇实施母婴传播阻断措施覆盖率达99.68% 。












  本报记者 苑晓辉

(原标题:云南老年人商业性行为突出 艾滋病死亡人数首次下降)


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