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Sichuan jiangyou panjiang commence today on both sides of the bridge collapse case

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:22:07 Browse times: 291 Comment times: 0

Sichuan jiangyou panjiang commence today on both sides of the bridge collapse case(四川江油盘江大桥垮塌案今在两地开审)

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Sichuan jiangyou panjiang bridge collapsed today in the two trial | | | panjiang bridge collapses in Sichuan _ news

CNS, Mianyang, November 26 (reporters Zhou Hongpan and Yang Chao)-concern "7.9" jiangyou panjiang bridge collapse case 26th respectively, both in jiangyou city in Sichuan province and the Zitong County public hearing.

, July 9, 2013, Sichuan jiangyou panjiang bridge collapsed, leaving a total of 6 vehicles went off the water, 5 deaths, 7 missing. After the incident, immediately launched the accountability mechanisms in Mianyang City. In late September, after expert testimony, panjiang bridge collapse reason identified as "protection by regulating structure and foundations do not press map and relevant national standards in design and construction supervision of construction and accidents resulting from". Subsequently, the procuratorial organs approved the arrest of the officers involved 13 people, discipline inspection and supervision organs of party and Government disciplines for 3 people punished.

The morning of 26th in jiangyou city people's Court, the public prosecution service for alleged neglect of duty crimes for the original in Mianyang City Transportation Bureau Chief Engineer Liu Guoxue, long Zhou Xing, the original the original Mianyang road headquarters in Mianyang City Road Office Engineering Division Senior Staff Member Gou Yin JI are prosecuted.

According to the prosecution charge: accused Liu Guoxue, Zhou Xing, Gou Yin JI in panjiang bridge detecting after reports of quality problems in a timely manner to the relevant departments, as a functionary seriously irresponsible, incorrect performance of work duties, which cause significant losses to public property, the State and the interests of the people, in particularly serious cases, its behavior should be based on negligent crime criminally.

Zitong County people's Court, the public prosecution service on suspicion of taking bribes to panjiang bridge project-related original Youxian prosecute Hu Kai of Secretary for economic development zones. According to check, July 2011 to March 2012 between, Hu opened surgery uses served as Mianyang Youxian District Town based facilities construction (first batch) Project Office Deputy Director, specific is responsible for project declared, and engineering management, and accounting, and financial management, and integrated coordination, work of positions friendly, three times received contractors Fang Qiyu where, people sent to of bribery paragraph amounted to Yuan 220,000 yuan, and in engineering coordination and funding, aspects giving care. After the incident, to the prosecutors accused Hu Kai returned to the dirty money of 220,000 yuan.

It is understood that the Zitong County people's courts also will be held on 27th and 28th, respectively, in connection with the original qinglian town of jiangyou City Management Office Director Zhang Pengju suspected of abusing, bribes; panjiang bridge maintenance contractor Qi Yufan, Chen Xiaoyong, Ren Jia was arrested for bribery trial.

It is reported that the trial process will last for about 3 days, court day sentencing trial resulted in the two places. (End text)

(Original title: "7.9" today both in Sichuan jiangyou panjiang bridge collapse case trial)

November 26, 2013 China News Network(四川江油盘江大桥垮塌案今在两地开审|四川|盘江大桥|垮塌_新闻资讯

  中新网绵阳11月26日电(记者 周洪攀 杨超)备受关注的“7.9”江油盘江大桥垮塌案26日分别在四川江油市和梓潼县两地公开审理。









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