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Shanghai buy the crooked strokes: 10,000 yuan begged wedding 18-80

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:21:42 Browse times: 308 Comment times: 0

Shanghai buy the crooked strokes: 10,000 yuan begged wedding 18-80(上海买房出歪招:一万元求结婚18至80岁均可)

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Shanghai buy the crooked strokes: married seeking 10,000 yuan can buy House | 18-80 | seek | singles for marriage _ news

  To buy a House for someone getting married "18-80"

Morning news reporter Yin Liqin

Pudong new area yesterday clear: single persons with minor children, non-Shanghai citizen cannot buy a House, Shanghai-origin restriction

The city tightened buyers "single" finds that minority adventure choose "buy marriage"

Real estate trading center in Pudong new area yesterday clearly, no real estate divorce under (or widowed) with children and non-domicile resident in the city, will no longer purchase qualifications.

City real estate trading center 962,269 service hotline staff also said that according to Shanghai last year about a single person housing eligibility rules strictly enforced, such divorced or widowed are now being recognized as a single, "non-household registration of divorce with minor children cannot buy in the city, Shanghai Hukou divorce with minor children are identified as single, can only buy 1 housing. ”

However industry sources, other counties have standards, Pudong area is no more than the last tightening. Face it, for a variety of reasons are eager to buy single or divorced people choice in the field of adventure "-buy married", however, this "marriage" there is a huge risk for both parties to a marriage, not recommended.

-Morning news reporter Xu Yun

  1 tilt: married looking for old classmates to help pay compensation to achieve buy

Li Feng (a pseudonym), a little bored lately. Shanghai-hard years finally get married, a little savings, resulting in ruptured marriage unfortunately.

Divorce, there was trouble. "The shower head" he not only lost his house, and having trouble with his ex-wife was very stiff, son awarded themselves, divorce papers wrote very clearly: child's account must be within the time limit to move out from the House, so he needs to buy houses as soon as possible, so as to get themselves and their children to a place where "settle". "He looked really in a hurry, just the right day eager to settle down, so looked several times in a row, we're afraid, don't know how it happened. "The Agency recalled.

After learning that Li Feng's real situation, intermediary on the spill had to give him a cold, "you are now divorced, and counts as a single, and no account, is not buying that. Even if you signed a purchase and sale contract work. ”

Heard later, Li Feng, and House to keep fast hold of "fly", only one way: to marry.

 Getting married is saying knot knot it?

In desperation, he returned home to find an old classmate, their relationship has always been good, the other is single, divorced. Li Feng kids have to "lose", and he ask if he could help him, and with him to apply for a marriage license, do not need to live together, nor her money, Li Feng is able to successfully buy, quietly divorced until the transaction is complete, the "done" will give her a fee as a reward.

Woman at first out of promised help, but also education, exclusively to brokers and her lawyers repeatedly consult the risks and asked Li Feng sign a "prenuptial agreement", written and verbal promises Li Feng content signatures. Soon, two at home very quietly took the marriage license, nor give a banquet. Card in less than a week's time, Li Feng successfully signed up a House.

Li Feng's story end we don't know, might be happy in the future, Li Lei Han meimei and might also like the books "If the life only as in the beginning sees, it voiced heart variable".

 Tilt 2: seeking 10,000 yuan to marry between the ages of 18 to 80 years old

If some "sham marriages" or "advancesshe", then the other is purely "lang and enjoy." In a service class website, a "seeking marriage" information attracted the attention of journalists.

"Due to restriction of policies in the field account to buy a House must have a marriage license in Shanghai, to buy a house looking for any and every single women (aged 18 to 80 years of age, domicile is not limited) registered handle marriage certificate, certificate of divorce 1-2 months. Offering 10,000 yuan, said. Fast connection. ”

In fact this "God Uncle" spent 10,000 yuan, please, not "marriages", but "the marriage license". According to intermediaries, buyers provide a marriage certificate, the District real estate trading center was then passed, must be a bona fide marriage.

To be fair, "18 to 80 years old can be" not to help weigh taste, but he is probably just in a hurry. Whatever the reason, he is rushing to buy a House, so that this "distorted". Here, you need to gently remind a sentence: "you, this could be risky. "" Very few online to find strangers got married, after all, the risk is too great. "An intermediary in Pudong area director told reporters, online at one time there were" married ox ", to marry once ask for 30,000 yuan-50,000 yuan, even men and women" list price "is not the same, but has now largely disappeared. In his mind, with two or three cases handled during the year's trading, "buying wedding" cases, but married were relatives or to meet friends, after all, relatively robust, similar to "aged 18 to 80 years of age can be" practices are rare, almost "rush", the great risk.

"Being married" side, from an ethics perspective, it is only natural "love windler" risks, even if purity is jingjizhang, "being married" after "would be afraid of each other," disappeared ", and the House is having huge bank loans. So that you will be stuck-want to house the House, you have to fight the loan, otherwise it might fall "outages" were eventually court seized auctions, credit histories and therefore a great deal of influence.

As for "lang and enjoy" party, let alone the thought it was "very profitable" business, in order to buy a House and find out who marry, you buy the House became a couples joint property, once divorced, if no prior agreement, then it will run the risk of falls.

  Advice: buying a bed and breakfast before the transition got married and then sell or rent

So for the hard work in Shanghai, finally ran out of space and no promising young people, does nothing but married to buy a House now?

Mr WONG graduated from postgraduate at Shanghai's prestigious University, July 2011, on jobs, accumulate in the same unit for 2.5 years so far, neither social security and tax contributions has been broken. However because there is no object, he cant get married buy a House. "I have students there are many such examples, were working for some time, but not married cannot buy a House, only to rent. ”

"I asked the agent, they gave me a lot of pointers. "Mr Hwang said, on behalf of the Agency first proposed his parents or relatives to buy a House, but none of his relatives in Shanghai, it is impossible to provide continuous proof of the payment of taxes and social security, unable to buy.

"To be honest, I think if you can help me ' packaging ' as a married person. "Several brand intermediation is explicitly rejected," recently found is very strict, we dare not do so. ”

Naturally wary of Mr Huang was eventually abandoned the "twisted brain" idea, but seemingly closed the door while buying a House, but still leave a window. "Final agency suggested that I can buy a small apartment bed and breakfast, unlimited purchase an unlimited credit, get married and then sell it in the future, or rent it out. ”

Mr WONG think this was acceptable, after all, than the "sham marriages" kaopu much. "Marriage depends on fate, unable to buy because of a hasty decision. ”

[The reporter's notes]

  There is no "fake divorce" was no "sham marriages"

Morning News Bureau Chief Wu Fei

Marriage seems to have been used to drill some policy loopholes, those educated migrants, a Shanghai resident and "fake divorce", but now in order to buy a House to hide a restriction of "fake divorce", "sham marriages". Earlier this year, "fake divorce" rushing to the tide, a District Civil Affairs Bureau or even no choice but to put the "market risk, divorce need to be cautious" slogan, now compete for qualification, "aged 18 to 80 years of age can be" ... ...

But this must be hard to stop things. Divorce is not "fake divorce," marriage and no "sham marriages". Marriage certificate of a collar, no matter what had in the first place, change the fact that marriage has been legal confirmation; Similarly, divorce certificate, vows are still beautiful, would do little to change identification of both men and women have nothing.

If you or your parents ' generation experienced educated migrants, "fake divorce" the tide, then back to the side lost in rural areas, such as "little Fang". Likewise, as media people, we've seen a lot in order to buy a House, "fake divorce", but rather a broken family. "Sham marriages" are at greater risk, jingjizhang already in the text, leaving these aside, check out refused to give evidence against each other for a variety of reasons, or simply disappeared, that how much time will this marriage certificate hung up?

From a sociological perspective, ethics of marriage is regulated, controlled, such as the Marriage Act, expressly provides that "men and women completely voluntary", but everybody has to review the real motives for marriage or divorce. But on the other hand, mutual rights and obligations of marriage is very specific. If just in order to drill some loopholes in the policy formation or dissolution of a marriage, and finally most likely fell into another hole.

Dear friend, if you had to buy a house in Shanghai, or how to buy a House, or to enjoy some preferential policies in the first suite, moving marriage of minds, we are here to advise you sincerely, perish the thought, because this is a dangerous, someone will get hurt themselves.

(Edit: SN094)November 27, 2013 Shanghai morning post(上海买房出歪招:一万元求结婚18至80岁均可|买房|求结婚|单身_新闻资讯






  市房地产交易中心962269服务热线工作人员也表示,按照去年上海对单身人士的购房资格规定严格执行,此类离异或丧偶者现在都一律被认定为单身,“非本市户籍离婚带未成年子女的不能买房,上海户籍离婚带未成年子女也认定为单身,只能购买1套住房。 ”

  不过有业内人士透露,其实其他区县已经据此标准执行,浦东只不过是最后一个收紧的区域。面对现实,一些因为种种原因急于买房的外地单身或离异人士选择冒险 “买房式结婚”,然而,这种“被结婚”对婚姻双方来说都有巨大的风险,不值得提倡。

  □晨报记者 徐运

  歪招1:找老同学帮忙结婚 付酬劳费实现买房









  歪招2:出一万元求结婚 18岁至80岁均可







  支招:先买酒店式公寓过渡 结婚后再卖了或出租








  没有“假离婚” 也没“假结婚”

  ■晨报首席记者 吴飞

  婚姻似乎一直以来都被用于钻某些政策的空子,从当年知青返城,为一个上海户口而 “假离婚”的,到如今为了买房躲限购而“假离婚”、“假结婚”的。今年年初“假离婚”大潮汹涌而来,某区民政局甚至无奈挂上“楼市有风险,离婚需谨慎”的标语,如今为争买房资格,“十八岁至八十岁均可”……






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