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Qingdao officials said the explosion accident handling rumors untrue

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:21:31 Browse times: 311 Comment times: 0

Qingdao officials said the explosion accident handling rumors untrue(青岛官方称爆燃事故责任处理意见传言不实)

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Officials said the explosion accident in Qingdao Qingdao, responsibility for the rumors, false | | | explosion accident rumor _ news


State Health Commission 26th sent two mental health experts to Qingdao, guidance and assistance to local development of mental crisis intervention after the explosion.

As of 26th, spill, explosion has wounded 143 people in hospital, including 8 critically ill people (7 people is still not out of danger), severe 26, light of 109 people.

To police reporter 26th verified 25th night has been holding "11·22" yellow-East pipeline leakage and explosion accidents Sinopec Qingdao economic and technological development zone, 7, associated personnel to two people.

On 26th, the Qingdao economic and technological development zone (Huangdao) propaganda Department official Microblogs "Huangdao publishing" news release, recently found that someone had spread on the Internet "11·22" Sinopec East oil pipeline leakage and explosion accidents Wong responsibility to deal with untrue rumors.

In this regard, the accident investigation team of the State Council authorized release: accident investigation team under the State Council are working on "11·22" in-depth investigations into accidents, after the end of the survey will publicize the cause of the accident and the responsibility for the results. AP Singapore


Pipe small risk becomes large disasters

Reporters found the planning, construction and management of urban underground pipeline network involves a number of departments, the lack of appropriate accountability mechanisms

According to Xinhua News from regulators, "according to 11·22," East of Qingdao yellow oil pipeline leakage and explosion accidents "was a very serious accident," mainly due to involve planning, inadequate maintenance of underground pipeline.

Raised concern about the safety of urban underground pipeline network. Press survey found that because of planning, construction and management of urban underground pipeline network covers more than one sector, lack of appropriate accountability mechanisms, which has led to some after the accident, no accountability, "small risks" into "catastrophe".

"Underground construction problems at a higher stage"

In recent years, as part of the planning and construction of urban underground pipeline network laying of improper delay, disrepair, led to land subsidence, water logging, oil and gas spills and other accidents have occurred.

On March 25 this year, a female college student in Changsha in Hunan province during a storm water fall into the no manhole shafts were killed;

On May 20, huamao, henggang town, Longgang District, Shenzhen industrial park due to the aging underground drainage box culvert subsidence occurred, resulting in 5 deaths;

On August 14, the Liaoyang Street, Harbin road suddenly collapsed, and 4 people from falling into the pit, two killed and two wounded.

So far this year, Taiyuan, Wenzhou, Beihai, and underground oil and gas pipeline explosion occurred one after another, resulting in many deaths and injuries ... ...

Pan jiahua, Director of the Institute of Chinese Academy of social sciences urban development and environment noted that the rapid development of urbanization in China and underground pipe network in urban development planning is not keeping up with the speed, exponential growth of underground pipelines lead to planning delays, crowded space was.

Vice Dean, College of urban construction and environmental engineering, Chongqing University Professor Guo jinsong said, the underground pipeline network "heavy construction and light management" is very prominent, with many underground pipeline used in twenty or thirty years, old and unreliable, "underground construction problems at a high incidence period."

"The bulls management will inevitably lead to related departments and stalling"

In May this year, Jiangxi Fuzhou girls fall into the sink suddenly collapses on the sidewalk, with multiple injuries. Afterwards, including drainage, roads, power and other related departments have found that itself has no responsibility, makes it nowhere.

In May of the same year, Shenzhen underground drainage box culvert collapse due to project construction and design drawings cannot be found, the accident had been identified as non-malpractice, insurance companies, factories and street families scrape together one "benefits".

In April 2012, a woman walking near the Bei Li Shi road, suddenly falls into a hot water heating pipeline leak formed pit, was killed. After the accident, because responsibilities are difficult to differentiate, property companies and developers had to let the heat group, three common liability.

An underground construction official told reporters: "the gas companies pipe laying of gas pipelines, water tube water pipe laying in the electricity sector pipe cable laying ... ... Underground construction involving multiple departments, you need to ' running ' around, sometimes get the drawings do not reflect the reality of the underground pipeline, construction must rely on experience, risks a lot. ”

Deputy Director of Jiangxi provincial Department of construction, construction described Li Rilong, built in Nanchang urban area by more than 60 square kilometres of the last century 80 's be extended to more than 280 square kilometers, corresponding to water, electricity, gas and other infrastructure to put forward higher requirements. "The underground complex, common sewerage, district heating, gas, electricity, communications, risk which the highest is the gas pipeline, electricity voltage,. "Li Rilong said.

Experts say that because of the complex of underground pipes, with Bulls management, co-ordination, lead to accountability in the aftermath of the accident, even in the areas of repair and rescue will have a negative impact.

Pan jiahua pointed out, the bulls management will inevitably lead to related departments and wrangling, not paying attention to some hidden until causing accidents in haste.

(Original title: seven wounded, is still not out of danger)

(Edit: SN095)November 27, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily(青岛官方称爆燃事故责任处理意见传言不实|青岛|爆炸事故|传言_新闻资讯






  对此,国务院事故调查组授权发布:国务院事故调查组正在对“11·22”事故进行全面深入调查,调查结束之后将向社会公布事故原因及责任处理结果。 据新华社电 中新


  管网小隐患 怎会变成大灾难


  据新华社电 来自监管部门的消息显示,“11·22”青岛东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸事故“是一起十分严重的责任事故”,主要原因涉及地下管道规划维护不当。




















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