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Original Nanchang University President: fellow of the retirement or not can not engage in prevention

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Original Nanchang University President: fellow of the retirement or not can not engage in prevention(原南昌大学校长:院士退休与否不能搞一刀切)

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Original Nanchang University President: fellow of the retirement or not, can not engage in Nanchang University | prevention | Pan Jiluan | Member retire _ news

  Anachronistic old-school fellows

Pan Jiluan member is 86 years old, but "retired" is still a very distant thing.

Beijing early winter morning, wearing a blue baseball cap he pan, wrapped in gray woolen cloth coat, kicking up a used bike, "WHIR" to walk through the campus of Tsinghua University.

Wheels roll over yellow foliage from time to time, all the way north from his dormitory and taken to the Department of mechanical engineering welding Museum. This three-story old buildings older than the smaller fellow 28-year old, was built in 1955. At that time, Pan Jiluan setting up welding at Tsinghua University here.

In this old weld Hall, "Pan Jiluan" three words hanging on the walls in the foyer, living in a pile of names in the head position. However, for a lot of the general public said that the difficult to pronounce name, was also very strange.

Many of the achievements associated with Pan Jiluan, has been written into textbooks. For example, a high school student in Geography textbook read in qinshan nuclear power plant, he is welding consultant for the project.

A lot of people don't know that when they take over the high-speed rail, when Mercedes-Benz on the tracks, and that touch plate weld Hall old fellow, delicate relation. Pan Lao had the coldest time of the year, wearing a thick jacket, stood on the Nanjing section beside the tracks, late at night in the determination of rail welding process. This year, academicians over 80 years old, POON.

However, this "trapped" welding experts in the field for more than 50 years, age is not a measure of whether he has the "old" the only indicator.

His colleagues in several rounds of Jun Zheng said, "teachers pan is still very young." The old fellow like young people, play micro, micro-blogging, a home computer QQ "THUMP THUMP" on the voice sounded from time to time.

In spite of a very old man, he can without the aid of glasses and easily looked up the phone number. Free shuttle in welding robots to stitch together a block of iron and through gaps in the wall, leaned casually picked up a piece of normal adults weigh off the plate. Of course, he also clearly say weld the rotational speed of the rotor diameter of an engine, and the air pressure value.

The founder of Chinese welding science, spread out his hands, said confidently: "I now study subjects, weld the cutting edge of, such as" superb supercritical "still does not solve the world's problems. ”

Although Pan Jiluan doesn't think the study "out of date", but he said in a calm voice: "I am an old-fashioned and outdated scientist. ”

Like many elderly elderly people Pan Jiluan likes to go back to the past. Every now and then he and his young colleagues for dinner, while his cuisine, says of his Southwest.

Pan Jiluan graduated more than 50-year old alumni, is now the President of the Alumni Association in Southwest Beijing. He said the reason was chosen as the President of, because "so young". The average age of China's famous alumni, is over 90 years old.

Now, as they get older to Ascend, Pan Jiluan memories, the more you love searching for Southwest, "weld".

On November 3 last year, "Southwest school 75 anniversary of the General Assembly", the Pan Jiluan and more than more than 100 old school friends, together. Some of them were families help, there had been "stunned".

At that time, many of them running my hands along the table, standing she was unsteady, sing the anthem of the Southwest. They sang "how hard is it to worry new yin is fundamental, glimpse of Greek philosophy before. Get rid of Chou Koufu God Beijing, Yan Jie ", the Pan Jiluan was" thrilled ". He looked around and saw tears ran down many ravines covered with face, look down there was.

Pan Jiluan says he's too old, like, "get the job done", because of their "lifetime trapped in this cause," do "can do for your country".

"Patriotic" came out from the mouth of the old scientist said, in the ears of many of his students and colleagues, "it does not empty at all."

More than 20 years old, from our hometown of Jiujiang fled to Kunming in the gunfire Pan Jiluan, "national taste to be lost".

At this point, just Pan Jiluan sitting in my old weld Hall, "welding" when difficult times of the past, swaying many young shadow outside the window. On this day in 2014, the civil service "examination day".

Each generation of young people, are faced with life choices. Pan Jiluan active candidates that year when welding, this subject is still very quiet. People would laugh at him then: learn to weld? Welding of tinplate maker, bicycle repair, huh?

Obviously, when Pan Jiluan decided to learn welding, and does not anticipate a bright future. However, he believes that "in the development of this technology will play an important role in the construction of the new China."

Southwest 44 Alumni said, "then reading, seeking purely learned, don't want fame and future. ”

In his view, and in 1980 was elected as academician Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician), is a "foresight after" thing. He remembers when the "fill out a form", simply write down the complete works, and "did not send several papers". Later, he was told, "commentary on fellow".

"I have received the honor, not the result I'm after. "Pan Jiluan said.

Contact Pan Jiluan people judge him, "fame and fortune, and insensitive."

Academician Pan after ageing, the thing will make him miss, there's not much. In 1992, he started as President of Nanchang University test. 10, he has been trying to put Southwest school and how that "welded" to the Nanchang University.

Personality indolent pan in the eyes of many principals, showed reformers "with an iron fist". His introduction of undergraduate education reform in Nanchang University, the implementation of a "credit unit system", "out" and "rolling competition".

Entering the University of Nanchang, Pan Jiluan inside and outside for a walk around the campus at night, often see students in ballroom dancing and playing table tennis. These scenes are clearly University of memories of his life, is not consistent.

He always recalled the dormitory is so heavy that year, students go to school near the tea house, reading and writing papers. Always talking about is an example of Chinese at the southwest of Wang Zeng, "Kunming tea brewed in" novel.

Pan Jiluan to reverse the Nanchang University studies. "Three systems" welded track, with the obvious characteristics of the Southwest. He did not hesitate to own freshman had failed the physical exam, and Southwest "more than 8,000 students, only really graduated more than 3,000 people."

As President of Nanchang University, Pan Jiluan "scratch teaching and research", but he was not directly in charge of the school's financial and personnel.

"He is a principal of decentralization. "Pan Jiluan in Nanchang University, a colleague said.

Clearly, the old principal is very understanding, "money and people, even if it was control of the House, are very much power. "But he is not close to these powers.

Pan Jiluan Southwest-style methods, partitions of Nanchang University. Most obvious was, weak institutions in the past, in his fifth year on, become a national "211" universities.

However, some students and subordinates say Pan Jiluan, they did not follow President "sequence", nor is "affordable."

Speaking of his mentor, taught at Nanchang University Zhang hua, "bitter water". As the principal student, Susan is not "more resources". In contrast, Pan Jiluan told him: "you'll do it in obscurity, to earn subject at school, so don't expect to get the money. ”

Once Pan Jiluan 6 years Secretary Xu Liping, Pan is the section when he took office, until he leaves office, leave school until their ranks have not changed.

At that time, as Secretary to the principal, Xu Liping dare not print business cards, "so old, is Chief, really sorry."

While Pan Jiluan himself, for the title on the card, do not care. In 2002, he stepped down from the post of Chancellor of the University of Nanchang, back to Tsinghua's weld Hall.

"The Chancellor is not my career. Scientific research, something is flapping up there in my life. "Pan Jiluan said.

Starting from 75 years, his identity is a "no light" the welding experts. Of course, he is a fellow. But in his view, the academicians in him, just an honor, not power.

He has no administrative titles, no Secretaries. His team with an average age of 60 years, covering some Abscisic weld Hall research issues at the forefront of the field of welding in the world.

Nowadays, the screen will jump out of the Twitter News and old academicians, know that people are discussing the Academician system.

Academician Pan does not deny that "individual units ' packaging ' fellow". He also admits that "individual academicians unit luxury vase. Fellow, this is the ' alienation ' phenomenon ".

Welding of one of China's most famous experts, academicians and research surrounding the problems in the sector, compared to steel's "crack". However, early on with "hot crack" as a research orientation Pan Jiluan, overcome countless technical difficulties, but it is hard to work out those exposed on the social fabric of "crack", "what to do about it."

If you dig road "crack", Pan Jiluan believes that people worried about fellow retirement, fellow, doesn't like to become "academic resource monopolies", or enjoy "special treatment".

Now Pan Jiluan is still in a bad light in the room in weld Hall Office. Information piled against the wall, that some books are pushed to the window sill. His Brown desk and coffee table corner is partially off paint, wood painted in the nude.

When he was headmaster at Nanchang University, Office more than this scene to scene "shabby". He pushed in the Office building in the southwest corner of the 12 square metres of housing, Secretary Xu Liping in the aisle with glass-partitioned off for only one Office.

People have tried to convince him, "Pan President, foreign scholars to visit you too, for large Office. ”

But Pan Jiluan determined not to change, adding that "Southwest when conditions much better than this."

So far, his only "Accessories", was at the time served as President of. It was donated to the school for international students in a older Nissan cars. His driver couldn't help complaining: "Miss, get a new car. ”

That car was finally not be replaced, "the last was scrapped". Academician Pan electric bicycle for a car. He was 80 years old birthday, students gave him it is now riding a silver "mounts", replace that bulky and the battery always broke down before the "dinosaur".

Lift the academicians should like the old electric "retired", gentle Pan Jiluan some emotion. He opposes "using administrative way to address the issue of high intellectual talent".

"Fellow retired, not across. Individual circumstances are not the same. "Academician pan is an excellent metaphor," it's like looking for expert registration, anyone who asks me to help them solve problems. If I don't, no one will come to me. "

If there is no "old fool", academician Pan wanted to ride his motor bike, "WHIR" shuttle in Tsinghua garden all year round.

(Original title: fellow of the anachronistic old-school)

(Edit: SN094)November 27, 2013 China Youth daily(原南昌大学校长:院士退休与否不能搞一刀切|南昌大学|潘际銮|院士退休_新闻资讯




























































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