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North of guangshen four first ante market regulation

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:20:45 Browse times: 316 Comment times: 0

North of guangshen four first ante market regulation(北上广深四地率先加码楼市调控)

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North of guangshen Macau the first ante market regulation regulation _ North and guangshen | | property | news

November 27 (real estate channel Zhang Yuxi) from the effect of house price inflation pressures, have tightened control in recent days. On Monday, Nanchang, Xiamen, Shenyang property measures introduced in the third set. Industry expects follow-up still has regulation been found cities will follow suit. Zhiqian, North Guangzhou-Shenzhen line the city has taken the lead in "coded" regulation. However, the industry on this regulation can effectively "cooling" market differences.

On Monday, Nanchang, Xiamen, Shenyang property measures introduced in the third set. Tighten the "sales", "limit loan" policy at the same time, also explicitly referred to increase market supply. On Friday, the property market regulation of Wuhan has introduced similar policies. Analysts believe that rising house prices over the first 10 months of this year, some city completion target is harder, is expected to follow the regulation introduced follow-up continue to be a city.

In fact, North of guangshen Macau has taken the lead in "coded" regulation. Wuhan, Nanchang and other initiatives are considered first-tier cities to tighten regulation of continuity. At the same time, industry on this regulation can effectively "cooling" market differences.

Pacific City real estate Dean Xie Yifeng believes that "promulgated Regulation raise policy, giving maximum impact of the real estate market is that buyers turn to short wait-and-see, stabilize market expectations, signaling a stick to market property market regulation and inflexible attitude. Push the slower speed of the housing enterprise, eventually led to the slowdown in commercial transactions, so as to offset the effect of higher prices. ”

According to related reported and data displayed, "Spike six article" introduced a week within, Guangzhou hand, and second-hand residential turnover fall General over 10%; "Shanghai seven article" landing two week, Shanghai property a modified "gold nine silver ten" yilai of hot situation, turnover and supply are appeared obviously cooling; "Beijing seven article" introduced Hou a months of Beijing new house network signed volume, and policy introduced Qian a months compared to sharply fell has near 30%.

But there is worry in the markets, the current regulation of so-called new policies, remains the core restriction, limiting loans for regulation, is only a portion of the buying demand was delayed, but these needs will always be released, the factors affecting prices remain, and later again in the market has rebounded. Commentators Ma Guangyuan said that the commando-style, sport-style regulation will disrupt the market order, causing panic in the market, exacerbating conflict between supply and demand, leads to market disorder.

"Beijing new-home sales volumes dropped, not ' Beijing's seven ' power. "I love my Albert Hu Jinghui, Deputy Chief Executive of the Group believes that Beijing's lack of new supply in the market, resulting in a large number of buyers needs no houses to buy, is what led to the underlying causes of recent new-home trading volume shrunk. And the supply of new homes decreased only makes more serious contradiction between supply and demand in the market, resulting in optical frequency, prices continued to rise. (New site real estate channel)

(Original title: to follow as many "overweight" regulating the new deal effects on the property market differences)

(Edit: SN028)November 27, 2013 China News Network(北上广深四地率先加码楼市调控|北上广深|楼市|调控_新闻资讯

  中新网11月27日电(房产频道 张玉玺) 受房价上涨压力的影响,多地近日相继收紧调控。本周一,南昌、厦门、沈阳三地集中出台楼市新政。业内预计,后续仍会有城市会跟风出台调控。之前,北上广深一线城市已率先“加码”调控。不过,业内对此轮调控能否有效“降温”楼市存在分歧。







(原标题:多地跟风“加码”调控 新政对楼市影响存在分歧)


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