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Zhejiang Pingyang, a deputy magistrate resignation speech sensation, lamented official complex

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/7/16 9:16:49 Browse times: 230 Comment times: 0

Zhejiang Pingyang, a deputy magistrate resignation speech sensation, lamented official complex

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Zhejiang Pingyang resignation speech, Deputy County official complex heat transfer exclamation point | official resigns | resignation speech _ news

Southern Metropolis reporter, Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province, Zhang Dongfeng, Deputy County head Zhou Hui's resignation speech yesterday at a local micro-heat transfer of the circle of friends and networking forum. In speech, the authors said, "everyone should follow his own inner thoughts to choose their own (wants) to life, just like I know what I want is free, able to control life. ”

A staff member of the local propaganda Department, said Zhou Hui had handed in a resignation letter to the Organization departments, and get parent approval, there's going to be some programs. Zhou Hui said, used his acceptance speech at a private Qzone, didn't want to open, and to resign, "is just another job."

  Comment sigh "resigned and complex"

"The resignation is approved, although a bit long, and legal process has not been completed, but what's done is done, long Shu tone, Gee ... ... At this moment, as if the clouds and a light breeze, freedom seemed a breeze. "Yesterday morning, an article purportedly Pingyang County Deputy County head Zhou Hui's resignation speech at the local" Pym, "site spread, Deputy Magistrate of the news has spread like wildfire. As of yesterday afternoon, Zhou Hui is still among the leadership profile in Pingyang County Government official website.

Born in 1976, Zhou Hui, a master's degree. Resume display, Zhou Hui in November 2011 and so far has served as Deputy County magistrate of Pingyang, currently ranks third among deputy heads, specific functions include agricultural water conservancy and animal epidemic prevention, poverty alleviation and development, migrations, disaster relief work such as preferential treatment and the construction of new countryside, and in charge of the nongban, WCB, civil affairs departments.

Can see from the testimonials, the authors the idea of resigning has more than half a year, and "designed a gentle way", "quietly sought support". Authors also noted that the surrounding people's reaction to his resignation, "most of the people who understand and support", but he told me about a very dear elders, because someone with a "Thunderbolt" to describe his approach and let him feel the "complexity of the Chinese official".

  Resigned complaining the program is inefficient

Zhou Hui did not disclose in a speech intended to resign, saying only "is just another job, changing location". From the resume that, in August 1997, Zhou Hui of Shanxi town, Wencheng County Party Secretary and has since served in the Government system, Wencheng County, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Justice in succession thereafter, Rocky Mountain town, Wencheng Township, Wencheng County Government Legislative Affairs Office as Director. In 2009, Zhou Hui through a competitive selection of leading cadres at the county level, as Deputy Mayor, longwan district, Wenzhou.

Zhou Hui's last official activity reports is June 12. According to the Zhejiang maritime and fishery Bureau official website, the morning he Wan Quan town, Pingyang County, Ocean and Fisheries Bureau Director Chen Jiyang, accompanied by Deputy Secretary Huang Chaoyong and others, on-site inspection Zheng Song pond River "five water treatment" the latest progress made.

"Ice summer insects not language. "Zhou Hui in speech to describe his attitude to the outside world. In his view, "everyone should follow the inner mind to choose your own (wants) to life, just like I know what I want is free, able to control life. ”

In the speech, Zhou Hui did not forget to ridicule the program's efficiency is too low. He wrote, "into the agenda of the final decision is a bit tedious, for 1.5 months, across the entire rainy period, and it is not yet over. For long-term survival in the system of the people, was not surprised the inefficient, but for me, a little upset. "

  QQ space, did not intend to open

A staff member of the local government system in the South said that he read the speech, and revealed the testimonials have been spread among the local civil servants ' circle of friends. Referring to the image of Zhou Hui, a local media: "wit" to describe it.

Pingyang County propaganda Department said a staff reporter for South, poor evaluation of the matter because, unlike Zhou Hui "crossover is not much." The staff member confirmed that Zhou Hui submitted his resignation and was approved and is now program.

"Seen from the mountain" website Zhou Hui to resign added to the end of his acceptance speech last night, an anonymous official's claim, saying, "Zhou Hui is a very good officer, as well as many overseas Chinese, members of his family in a foreign country, family assets and rich, where he may be doing business abroad".

South reporter several times yesterday for Office Zhou Hui calls, but no one answered.

Reporters noted that Zhou Hui, yesterday confirmed to the local media, he does QQ had speech, did not intend to open, now deleted, and hope will not affect local government and family. Zhou Hui said, is not to the County Government Office.

Allegedly, he has no plan on the way forward, "next week, you may want to go alone, and distraction. ”

  Resignation speech excerpts

Also don't understand, such as information from one of their elders described as "Thunderbolt", "family of huge losses", sad is that I have great respect for elders, there is no sentence of a large part of his reference to my personal thoughts and feelings.

Ice summer insects not language, if you say you're the world/history/views of the future, in some people's opinion, you are showing off their own intellectual and moral superiority, you like yourself looking for a new label.

(Original title: Zhejiang Deputy Magistrate resigned acceptance speech: follow the heart)

(Edit: SN146)07:01 on July 16, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily

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