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Hebei 11 primary school pupils killed classmate: leading children 11 years of age

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Hebei 11 primary school pupils killed classmate: leading children 11 years of age

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Hebei 11 primary school pupils killed classmate: leading children 11 years old | beatings _ news

Half-high cornfields, spread from the village to the end of the road. Roadside wall of Adobe, had been the sunlight to brighten. Outside the wall, weed, corn stalks and roads where the 8-year old Frank last moments of life when we had lying here dying.

This is Hebei, Wei Bai Shu Xiang Zhai village, yongning. The afternoon of June 28, on the Plaza in front of the village Committee, 3 villages in the vicinity of 11 children took turns to beat Frank. Eventually, comatose Frank was being carried to the roadside, thrown into the weeds, children were in disorder.

Zhang Qian Xiaohui work in Tianjin, the father after hearing the news, and the next day went back to the village in the morning, and seriously injured his son had a father and son spend the last two days and two nights.

Frank has never opened his eyes. Zhang Qian to seek justice for his son, but he soon heard that 11 children, the youngest is only 9 years old, the biggest still has two months to 14 years of age. In accordance with the provisions of criminal law, these children were not required to bear criminal responsibility.

"My son is the youngest why criminal law to protect them, not protecting my son? "The father of rapidly infected with gray at the temples, and mutters.

He did not understand the group with his son about the size of a child, why would "ruthlessly", game-like, claimed the lives of a peer.

  65 dollars back, dongdong's mother, occupied slap to his own children, dongdong told the informer boy "forged a roster"

Leading children called stuff, 11 years old, in all the children, only he and Xiao Hui is "a village".

East West home in the village, Xiao Hui home in the East of the village. From West to East, along the rutted asphalt road, turn left after 5 minutes, foot marching, is mixed with sheep droppings and eggs of the soil.

Stuff He Xiaohui Cypress village, where there are only more than 200 families, almost all knew each other. Most of the young and middle-aged villagers "were out at work", closer in town, farther away in Tianjin, baotou, Beijing, mostly old people and children to remain in the village. Almost a day, except for the occasional drive minivans chug sound, on a hill near the village is quiet enough to hear birds.

This size is less than 1.6 meters grade boy, in the description of villagers and students, just like the machines like big fat cat always bullies, "perhaps a little more sturdy." And he often plays with the children, he was known to have "big brother", he often invited students to his home shop eat, "so a lot of students are listening to him."

"He did a little naughty, fought but never heard that, it really is surprising. "Head teachers said.

Throughout elementary school, student of grade five only 47 people, a class. School buildings built in the village, grade five classrooms, is one of the most personally, out of the classroom, out the front door towards the right turn, jump off a 3 meter tall little slope, is a large area of Woods, in front of the classroom can look well beyond the County Road.

Results are not too good of stuff, at the end of class ten teacher ren had a thing often don't finish their homework, went to Eastern home visits. School oblique walk a few steps, not far away, is the stuff of canteen.

"Went to nothing, it seems, he is not after homework, grades are also that way. "Somewhat reluctantly, she then added," does not refer to him by his family. ”

Usually during the jump rope at the classroom door, shuttlecock kicking stuff, exactly what other entertainment after leaving school, teachers did not know.

Dong's parents did not know before. In fact, their son often asks for money from children younger than him. Just before the tragedy shortly after Dong Xiao Hui card ready to buy 65 Yuan to give himself "available". Xiao hui to hand over the money to go out, but quickly ran to the East of the store, to Dong's mother "unbelievers".

65 Yuan to back and occupied eastern mother to slap their children. Since then, stuff like "the informers" Frank "forged a roster".

June 28, 10:30 A.M. kept homework Frank in the House, tell Grandpa to 1 Yuan, says refill water, going out to buy a refill. Grandpa washing Bowl, found in the yard of a bike is gone, began to realize that "the boy went out to play." My grandfather didn't think, Frank never to return home.

That afternoon, some villagers had seen Frank playing in the West exit of the village, ready to go home, but was stopped by East with several seniors and, finally, "3 EVS, sits 6 people", go 3 miles outside the village of yongning village went.

  Those "no adults at home" child, "long term nobody normally would run outside and were misled by environment"

East led a group of children, with a frank, riding electric vehicle, walk West along the asphalt road from the entrance. Because the drought this year, only the end of June, already have large flanking the Birch leaves float down.

Less than 10 minutes, a group of children arrived in yongning village villages and border crossing in the village of Zhuang Ke, met another group of students playing in the village. Counting Xiaohui, a total of 12 children, had gathered in yongning village on the open space in front of the village Committee.

9 army Frank classes, a "good" boy, group leader on duty in peacetime or in class, he got 97 points in English. He and Xiao Hui only a row of seats. On the classroom door close to scale on the Green cartoon giraffe height chart, two children were "deer ear position."

A record back in his small army, Gumshoe police felt "just a kid". "They were playing, I can follow up. "11 children, more than half are saying similar things.

That afternoon, "fear yourself loner" soldier soldier, mixed in among a group of kids, weekdays are good classmate Xiao hui who dumped several feet. Don't know who is, a little Frank torn down, Frank's head hit the ground.

"He's no adults at home, he is not afraid. "One child said.

A few years ago, Frank's mother left her husband and son, "not knowing where to go", and Frank's father years working in the field, back to the village only once every several months. Xiao Hui all year round with old Grandpa lived, he is bullied by children in the village, everyone in the family were "unclear" and "did not listen to him."

"May be, he is afraid to tell the family. "Father Zhang Qian and her eyes Bloodshot. After the event, he was regretting a wink all night, unable to sleep, and if he did not go out to work, even as early as a few days back, probably not the ending.

In fact, most of the 11 children, as Xiao Hui, are the left-behind children, some parents were out at work, only one of the parents on the outside.

Reading grade stuff, leads with class 5 other kids played Frank, of which 4 are left-behind children. That left his father "from out back a few months ago." Local migrant villagers are mostly the same as Zhang Qian, HoD at construction sites, some stall owners of small businesses in the County. Their sons and daughters are Bai Shu Xiang Center elementary school.

The Township more than 20 villages, but only three or four students to enter college.

"Finished junior high school, do well in high school, bad mixed society. "According to one local cadres said that in recent years," the habits of young people as it used to. " Many young teens and 20-somethings, not to go to school, do not make good farming, good work, but "keep your home".

And those "no adults at home" child, "long nobody normally would run outside and were misled by environment", one of the villagers attempted to summarize why the tragedy occurred.

But none of these seem to explain what happened that afternoon.

Dongdong, military forces, there were other Frank can name call or call out the names of children, on site in yongning village before the village, the youngest Xiaohui, punched you, my foot, passing villagers saw it, Frank's hair was pulled up and mercilessly knocked his head on the ground.

Finally, children carried Xiao Hui, went out into the cornfield behind the village.

  Hitting children at home are locked gates, East concession stand closed the door of the House and stuff is said to have been sent to relatives

Eventually found Frank's place, from corn and then around a wall at right angles to the walls is surrounded by trees and weeds. Frank covered with a purplish-red uniforms, had lapsed into a coma.

Two days later, he died in the hospital, the cause of death was "traumatic brain injury".

In July, Frank's body placed in the morgue. 11 families, those of migrant parents rushed back, for now, the children finally "children are not left behind."

Several children phone, phone back by parents. Telephone call, a tone of tension's mother, said he "does not know anything."

Zhuang Ke village and village of yongning village, had locked the door these days, even adults with children were gone. Cypress village, East shop has closed the door of the House, it was said that stuff was sent to their relatives.

Several children the QQ signature, surprisingly similar to "brothers", "brothers for life", "the brothers-bye", "betrayed the brothers". They are not part of this semester, final exams, teacher explained that the school was intended to give them exams.

"Minors who are 14 years of age, as required by law, we can not control them. "Police Brigade Captain repeatedly explained his frustration.

"They were able to know what they did wrong? "A villager muttered with a frown. Local county party Committee propaganda Department leadership also feels deeply that for these children, "strengthen moral education and legal education".

Zhang Qian found, is "I don't know what to do," he said, "ignorance of the law" and could not understand why "killed no accountability, the children take home, eat, play to play." The County Government arranged for a lawyer provided him with free legal aid, but the desperate father, even after hearing the lawyer's explanation, still can't accept the fact.

He tore off his son's words in the exercise book to page, 11 children and their parents under the column name. This piece of paper, and crisp like a little force could penetrate. Zhang Qian held this list, sitting to the West exit of the village East of the canteen door, but was persuaded back by other villagers.

Frank a couple of pairs of shoes, neat and tidy yards at home under the wall, thousands will want to see at a glance in the eyes, but he is "not willing to clear these things up."

"Dad, I'd love to Dad, Daddy date your home? When dad came home to buy me something to eat, right? There are (again) to buy me a drink, please? ”

It was two months ago, Xiao Hui sending an SMS from Tianjin's Zhang Qian. After that, the children somehow lost my phone, also didn't get a chance to talk with his father to say a Word.

(Minor Xiao Hui, Dong, and military forces are not his real name)

(Original title: child killed by 11 children)

(Edit: SV003)07:40 on July 16, 2014 China Youth daily

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