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Hebei gaobeidian court trial next month condemned the baby was brought to 18 years

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:16:30 Browse times: 280 Comment times: 0

Hebei gaobeidian court trial next month condemned the baby was brought to 18 years(河北高碑店法院下月开审超生女婴被抱走18年案)

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Hebei gaobeidian court trial next month condemned the baby was brought to 18 years in Hebei | | | walk _ condemned baby girl News

Anxin County, Hebei province qiaonancun farmer Liu, Xia Fengge couple said, 18 years ago, after the baby was born 11 days they were forced to walk, is still unknown. The online attention when news of. In late October, Liu Jia County Government to court, the Court will hear the case in early December.

According to Xinhua News

  Daughter was born 11 days away

According to liulaogen, May 28, 1995, their third child was born, a daughter. On June 7 of the same year, in Xia Jincheng Township Police job villagers came to his home, persuading their children who were rejected by the Liu family.

According to Liu Laogen couple described: on June 8, Xia Jincheng, just ask them? Xia Feng said, so Yoon (then-Deputy Mayor) said, listening to you, you see your own master. Xia Jincheng went out, leading them to two women, leaving 400 bucks, took the child away.

The various links, telephone interview with Xia Jincheng. He said: "I was at the police station for help, Xia Feng was my uncles sister, Township government arranged for me to go to work for her. If I took the child, how to sanction me! "Then hung up the phone.

  Linked with extended by tracing the court litigation

Liulaogen said that in 2003 and anxin County township government to court, complain their administrative acts against the law. Anxin County Court rejected Liu's prosecution. Subsequently, the Baoding municipal intermediate people's Court rejected Liu's appeal.

2003 anxin County people's courts administration to rule books, "according to plaintiff's daughter was held on June 8, 1995, it has been more than 8 years, it is more than the limitation prescribed by law". 2004 second administration of Baoding municipal intermediate people's Court ruling showed that "the Court considers it, the appellant described the actions of their children being forced to walk is outside the scope of administrative jurisdiction. Trial ruled over period of reason is defective, but dismissing the prosecution is correct. ”

Why the 8 years before administrative proceedings? Liu Laogen said departments went to the County family planning issues, he recommends that the Government response. Five or six years later, after leaving rural communities and take charge of the family planning cadres before they sue.

  Police said the case is still under investigation

According to the political office in anxin County Public Security Bureau Director Shao Yongjin introduced, on November 4 official Liu Laogen couples with children are abducted from the local police station, the County Public Security Bureau immediately transferred 6 special investigations.

Shao Yongjin said, "this is Liu has thus made a report to police for the first time in 18 years. Due to the incident long ago people had left the former position, and some have retired or died, brought the investigation to a great deal of difficulty. ”

Liu explains: "we know law. After I released the news on the Internet this year, there is a foundation of ' tweets push ' staff contact to me, tell us to report to the police, they are willing to provide legal aid. ”

Police interviewed repeatedly stressed that the specific investigation not be disclosed, it is not clear whether the children are abducted, in the middle of nowhere.

Shao Yongjin said, our preliminary investigation is completed, can decide whether the case. However, he believed that "preliminary investigation did not provide a time limit".

  Government refused to open the baby went into the defendant

In late October, Liu submitted the indictment of administrative litigation, anxin County Court judgments anxin County people's Government to meet disclosure obligations according to the law. On October 30, gaobeidian city, officially by the Court. At present, the case is awaiting trial.

On November 2, anxin County Government submitted a Rejoinder. Liu pleadings show presented at press conference, denied the claims against him. Pleadings said, Liu asked the County Government to disclose their addresses and adoption of the unplanned birth daughter was taken and living conditions, the respondent does not have this information, much less making this type of information, and therefore outside the scope of disclosure of the respondent.

Pleading also said the publicity of Government information on the premise that information exists and is applied to master, and that information should be available without the need of Executive summaries, processing, or redone. There is no evidence to indicate the presence of Liu Jia the public government information.

It is understood that on August 21, 2012, Liu had to anxin County Government submitted the application for openness of Government information, application legally exposed daughter raised by sending the address of unplanned births and adoptions and life circumstances. Due to no response, Liu Jia on November 1, 2012, apply for administrative review to the Baoding City Government.

In January 2013, anxin County Government for administrative reconsideration decision by the superior performance of public duties, giving Liu sent the Government information public notice. The notice to County Government agencies to acquire the relevant information from the referred Liu Laogen head Township.

Liu's son Liu led the group the night of 25th told reporters that he learnt gaobeidian Court asked that day, the Court will first trial in December.

(Original title: condemned to Hebei anxin after 18, the baby was brought into the defendant)

(Edit: SN064)November 27, 2013 The Beijing times(河北高碑店法院下月开审超生女婴被抱走18年案|河北|超生女婴|抱走_新闻资讯


























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