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Fudan poisoning poisoning the defendant argued for April Fool’s day trick

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:15:36 Browse times: 328 Comment times: 0

Fudan poisoning poisoning the defendant argued for April Fool’s day trick(复旦投毒案被告人辩称下毒出于愚人节整人)

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Fudan poisoning poisoning the defendant argued for April Fool's day trick | Fudan | poisoned | Huang Yang _ news

  10:02 defendant "by their own acts causing the death of Huang Yang" the fact that no objection

(Online journalist Chen Yue of Sichuan yellow) at present, the Court has officially started, prosecutors read out the indictment after the defendant Lin Senhao yellow Ocean because their actions lead to the Government Procurator expressed no objection to the fact of death, but denied because things don't.

Trial scene, Lin Senhao dressed in deep grey coat, black and white interphase pattern vest, he in answered prosecutors questions Shi acknowledged is themselves put "n-II methyl Asia nitrate amine" pour water machine, and then just hopes Huang Yang in water Hou will hard, in finished this things Hou, Lin Senhao said themselves also knows will was found, because is yellow liquid, temperatures than larger, "should will was found, but character enough decisive, on wanted to with he to,. ”

  10:08 learned that drinking fountains were detected poison the defendant himself felt very strange

(Sichuan online journalist Chen Ming Yue Huang Yun) for timeout b, Huang Yang Lin Senhao said he said, "your stomach without problems and liver and there should be no problem, said he knew that many. "According to him, drinking fountains and buckets were removed from the dormitory to send when the present himself, when he learned that no detectable after is dimethyl nitrosamine, wondered myself, then he went to the hospital to visit Huang Yang, and buckets to the dorm Auntie.

  10:23 dimethyl nitrosamine from hospital a doctor of Radiology

(Sichuan online journalist Chen Ming Yue Huang Yun) Lin Senhao said that dimethyl nitrosamine from hospital a doctor of Radiology, purchased two years ago, "under the impression that he told me I was in Tianjin bought, how much capacity does not understand. "Lin Senhao said, oily liquid is yellow, which itself is used for animal experiments, mainly liquid Proportioning injection in rats after.

  10:25 defendant: Huang Yang sometimes between Juniors

(Sichuan online journalist Chen Ming Yue Huang Yun) Lin Senhao said that beginning in August 2011 after becoming roommates, generally between two people, "are not particularly iron, sometimes can't stand one another, he thinks I'm not living ambience, I think he's a little self-righteous, but chatting will also talk about ideals. ”

Lin Senhao, Huang Yang is a wise, diligent good people, just some arrogant and selfish, but he and Huang Yang did not appear too big contradiction.

Their poisoned against Huang Yang, Lin Senhao said it was a coincidence. "On April Fool's day is coming, Huang Yang said he wanted to Boogie, patting shoulders my classmates, I thought, then I'm tuning you out, then go to the lab, head of Flash used to be classmates with poison and others, minds heat......"

  10:29 go to the hospital to visit Huang Yang, the defendant did not dare to talk to him

(Sichuan online journalist Chen Ming Yue Huang Yun) learned that Huang Yang after the hospital, Lin Senhao said their classmates to see Huang Yang, Huang Yang had been in the intensive care ward, "through a glass window, his face is natural, I can't talk to him. "Lin Senhao said that watching Huang Yang, they also discussed on the road condition.

He said he has not been to any other real reason for Huang Yang's condition, on the one hand he knew Huang Yang drink very little, and most of the mice in the experiment didn't die, so he always told myself it was just a course.

  11:41 Lin Senhao: vote for the poisonous little mice naturally better

Lin Senhao had been visiting Huang Yang, known at the time the Yellow River and the ocean doesn't go well, he is still not giving you the true cause. Lin Senhao said: very low doses of, Huang Yang was just one course, and most of the mice in the experiment and no deaths. While the control rats, 60 kg are 3 g, he had 52 ml.

  Presiding judge 11:45 A.M. 11:49 today announced a temporary recess

(Online journalist Chen Yue of Sichuan yellow) 11:45 A.M. today, the presiding judge announced a temporary recess, 1:45 P.M. trial. Lin a Marshal under the escort of the defendant was brought down.

Presiding judge 11:45 A.M. 11:49 today announced a temporary recess

(Online journalist Chen Yue of Sichuan yellow) 11:45 A.M. today, the presiding judge announced a temporary recess, 1:45 P.M. trial. Forests under a bailiff escorted the defendant was brought down.

(Edit: SN017)November 27, 2013 Sichuan online(复旦投毒案被告人辩称下毒出于愚人节整人|复旦|投毒|黄洋_新闻资讯

  10:02 被告对“因自己行为导致黄洋死亡”事实无异议

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)目前,庭审已经正式开始,公诉人起诉书宣读完毕后,被告人林森浩对公诉人提出的因为自己行为导致黄洋死亡事实一事表示没有异议,但否认是因为琐事不和。


  10:08 得知饮水机未检测出毒物 被告自己也觉得很奇怪

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)林森浩说自己在为黄洋做B超时说,“你胃没有问题,又说肝也没有问题,说完自己就知道说多了。”据他讲,饮水机和水桶被从寝室拿走送检检时,自己都在场,当得知没有检测出来是二甲基亚硝胺后,自己也觉得很奇怪,随后他就前往医院去看望黄洋,并将水桶还至宿舍阿姨处。

  10:23 二甲基亚硝胺来源于医院一个放射科博士

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)林森浩说,二甲基亚硝胺来源于医院一个放射科博士,为两年前购买,“印象中,他 告诉我是在天津买的,多少容量并不了解。”林森浩说,原液是黄色油状,本身是用于做 动物实验,主要是将原液配比后注入大鼠体内。

  10:25 被告:与黄洋有时互相之间看不惯

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)林森浩说,从2011年8月起成为室友后,两人关系一般,“不是特别铁,有时互相之 间看不惯,他觉得我没生活情调,我觉得他有点自以为是,但平时聊天也会讲到人生理想 。”


  而自己对黄洋实施投毒行为,林森浩说是个巧合。“当时愚人节要到了,黄洋说他要整人,还拍着我同学肩膀,我当时想,那我就整你一下,后来要去实验室,头脑闪过以前 有同学用毒物害人的事情,头脑一热就……”

  10:29 去医院看黄洋时 被告不敢和他说话

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)得知黄洋住院后,林森浩说自己和同学一起去看过黄洋,当时黄洋已经在重症监护病房里,“透过玻璃窗,他表情是自然的,我不敢和他说话。”林森浩说,看完黄洋,他们还在路上讨论过病情。


  11:41 林森浩:投的毒不多 实验老鼠会自然好转


  11:49 今日上午11时45分 审判长宣布暂时休庭

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)今日上午11时45分,审判长宣布暂时休庭,待下午1时45分再开庭审理。被告人林某在法警押解下被带下。

  11:49 今日上午11时45分 审判长宣布暂时休庭

  (四川在线记者 陈明玥 黄云)今日上午11时45分,审判长宣布暂时休庭,待下午1时45分再开庭审理。被告人林某在法警押解下被带下。


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