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Fudan poisoning on the motive of the accused: April Fool’s day trick does not want the consequences

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:15:33 Browse times: 323 Comment times: 0

Fudan poisoning on the motive of the accused: April Fool’s day trick does not want the consequences(复旦投毒案被告谈作案动机:愚人节整人未想后果)

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Fudan poisoning on the motive of the accused: April Fool's day trick no consequence | | | motive _ the poisoning case of Fudan University news

Xinhua, November 27 (Xinhua Lu Junyu) concern Fudan poisoning at 9 o'clock in the morning in the Shanghai second intermediate people's Court trial today, Lin Senhao of the defendant was charged with the poisoning of intentional killing. The campus killings that shocked the nation had caused public opinion to the hotly debated topic of relationships in University dormitory.

According to Lin Senhao confessions, that both relations generally, not very "stick", in his view, Huang Yang smart good, but a little too self-righteous. He did not dissatisfaction with Huang Yang, just very unfair, arguing that people should be the same, and Huang Yang was not.

For motivation, he thought that was just a coincidence, Huang Yang jokes on April Fool's day trick on the day of the incident, Lin Senhao he was flattered myself thinking: "then I'll fuck you up" she had read the paper work had not been found for some toxic compounds that cause death cases, inside his head there was no thought of the consequences.

Sources for drugs, according to Lin Senhao confessed that drugs from the lab, had since the drug concentration is too high as a result of experimental rat death cases, he concluded the cause of death was liver failure, the same laboratories, Dr LUI also told he had a drug store.

(Edit: SN028)November 27, 2013 The website(复旦投毒案被告谈作案动机:愚人节整人未想后果|复旦大学|投毒案|作案动机_新闻资讯

  新华网11月27日电(记者 卢俊宇) 备受关注的复旦大学投毒案于今日上午9时在上海市第二中级人民法院开庭审理,被告人林森浩被指控以投毒方式故意杀人。这起震惊全国的校园杀人案曾一度引发舆论对大学寝室关系话题的热议。





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