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Artificial lake of Shanghai University is now female body, in the bedroom of the deceased left suicide note

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/27 9:14:03 Browse times: 281 Comment times: 0

Artificial lake of Shanghai University is now female body, in the bedroom of the deceased left suicide note(上海大学人工湖现女浮尸,死者在寝室留下遗书)

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Artificial lake of Shanghai University Shanghai, woman floating dead in the dormitory left a suicide note | | | artificial lake _ the University news

"Man discovered deceased woman floating to the Shanghai University for graduate students" this morning, the Shanghai University Baoshan campus, Pan pond found the body of a young woman, identified as a College of Shanghai University 2013 graduates, found in the bedroom of deceased person has left a suicide note. At present, the police are learning more about. @ Would like to express deep condolences over the dead students at Shanghai University, and actively do a good job dealing with the aftermath. Via Shanghai morning post

November 27, 2013 China News Network(上海大学人工湖现女浮尸 死者在寝室留下遗书|上海|大学|人工湖_新闻资讯

  【上海大学人工湖惊现女浮尸 死者为该校研究生】今天上午,上海大学宝山校区泮池发现一具年轻女性尸体,经查为上海大学某学院2013级硕士研究生,在其寝室发现死者留下的遗书。目前,警方正在进一步调查中。@上海大学 谨对逝去的同学表示深切哀悼,并正在积极做好善后处理工作。via新闻晨报


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